I Just Cannot Get It Together Please Help!!!

It has been about 30 days clean of any type of opiate use but the part that upsets me the most is I lost my desire to do anything to take a shower is a job in its self will this get better and how long does it usually last it is almost scary because I feel like it is going to be forever.

Kramer...........Buddy, I have been there. I am on 60+ days and am still sitting here in pj's, nothing done. And that is how most days are so far unless I MAKE myself get up. Some days I push myself and some days i don't. I am OK with that now, but in the beginning, I hated myself for being so lazy.

Do you work? If so, i guess you have to do that, and I am sorry for you. LOL But , don't worry, it will get better. Have you tried B12, exercise? The B12 really helps me, not that you could tell by what I said above, but if I have to get something done, I do have enough energy to do it, and B12 helped with that.

Congratulations on your 30 days, and hang in there. It WILL get better!
Love, Carol
no noooooooooo it will not last forever sweete and I no how you feel getting out of bed was a chore going to the bathrm was a chore breathing was a chore and eating whats that. it will pass it got better for me sooner I think for most I TOOK CARE OF MY BODY EVEN WHEN I took the pills but yes it doeasnt seem like it but its being sad no energy it can be sooooooooooooo aweful its like when already it will happen be patint sweete it takes time another 2 weeks you will woke up one soon and feel better go to dr just in case a problem could occer from the pills you toke dear well it will get better I said that to WHEN FOR GOSH SAKES and it happened I still get down but much better poopie
thank you Carol for all your love and support because this road has been a dark one and I mean dark and depressing I just recently started taking Zoloft and Friday I have a appt. to go and see my doctor and I will ask for the B-12 shots (is that what you recommend or is their another type) also another big problem I have is the anxiety is very over whelming and I know exercise is a good cure for this but will this also get better over time and keep up the good work it is very inspiring to see this type of accomplishment when so so many feel it is the impossible

Kramer,,,,,,you can get B12 vitamins anywhere. They say the dissolvable lozenges are the best, but I just take the pills. I doubled up in the beginning and it truly did help. The darkness and anxiety are all just part of it. I thought I was doing so good, then at about 3-4 weeks.......BAM! But it does get better!!!!!!!
Are you going to meetings/couseling? Any support you can get will help with the mental part, very much! And this board, ofcourse helps many, just having someone to talk to. But face to face is always better.
thankyou VSPEARING i just cannot wait until I feel somewhat normal again all I care to do is sleep I truly believe I am in a bad depression.
Carol so 30 days I am over the withdrawal hump but the after math can be much longer and I guess every person is different thankyou so much for all your support at my worst I was taking about 40 opiate pills a day (vic,norco etc...) and the only thing that helped me kick the habbit was METHADONE very hard to understand but it did.
Kramer, don;t know how long you were on the pills, but while on them your body/brain chemistry changes dramatically. The pills take over some of the body's functions and creates chemicals our brains would normally create. Now that the pills are gone, the body/brain hasn't completely adjusted itself to do what it needs to. In nutshell, that is why you are depressed. It is to be expected and will get better. One day at a time.


PS..........not hard to understand at all. ARe you on meth now?
no I just took it for a week to get me threw the withdrawals and the last time I took it was christmas eve.
Carol what is your opinion of ZOLOFT.

Kramer....sorry, had to make some calls. I used methadone for the first few days after stopping hydro, too. Don't know why, but I thought it would help. After 9 days, I quit it too, though. So, i do understand.

I do not know anything about Zoloft. I have never taken it. I do, however, take Prozac. It has always worked for me, with no side effects. I started it on 12-31, around 6 weeks after I quit using hydro. I think it has helped my mental state tremendously. Talk to your doctor and see what he says.

I really do hope things get brighter for you soon. Just know that where you are now, even with the depression, is so much better than being on the pills. All of these symptoms will pass, but addiction just keeps on sucking your life out of you!

THAT IS THE MAIN REASON I ALWAYS GO BACK TO PILLS! You hit it right on the head for me Kramer.
I can handle the runs, I can handle everything except the not being able to do anything. I can never even make myself, I just can't do it.
When I quit, I lay on the couch and do nothing. I don't care either. A shower is a big job. I always kept putting it off till the next show was over, or whatever, always back myself into a corner, I have to leave at 2:30 to get my kids from school everyday and when I feel like that, I go get them, come home and continiue to do nothing. Its not fair to them either because I'm usually very tidy around the house and when I feel like that the house goes to hell. Laundry piles up, and I don't even care, I do, but then that just feeds the depression because I know I have to do things, dont, and then get depressed because I didn't.
And like I say, its not fair to the kids to have to come home to a house that looked just the way it did when they left in the morning, and a mom who doesn't have the energy or desire to even help them with their homework.

I know this is not a good attitude to take, but I'm using what I have to to get by. When my husband gets here from Wisconsin, then I want to be able to try again, or maybe I'm just putting it off because I don't want to quit at all?
I don't know.
But I hate the way I am while quitting. I'm a very clean person about my self and about my house and when I feel like that, I'm not. I always have to lie to the kids too and tell them I have the flu. I've had the flu alot.
When I'm in that state of mind, the only thing that can get me off the couch is making calls for another script and usually it has to be a good exuse too.
The only good thing I"m doing these days is I only see one doctor.
I used to see four. So I have to make my pills last because I'm running out of exuces to get them early.
Thats why I never give any advice, I'm a f***ed up mess myself..

Give the zoloft some time. It will take a few weeks to feel better. I, too, struggle with "the nothings" sometimes. It helps to make a few small goals for the day. Somedays my goals were: take a shower, or do one load of laundry, or do the dishes. I would tackle one goal at a time even if I had two or three on my list. Taking B vitamins will help as well as eating fresh fruits and veggies.

My Maltese.........that is exactly what I do. Make a VERY SHORT list of things I would like to accomplish......shower, laundry ( couple loads), maybe vacumn, etc.etc. and then if I get the list almost done, I feel good. If not, well, I try again the next day. My house has never been in such bad shape! But I know it is OK. It will all still be here when i feel like cleaning it. LOL

I have to go now and work on that list. Or try to. Talk later!

Kramer, it will get better. I remember feeling like that. Even at three months, I felt like I lost my zest...forever. My fight was gone. And I have a huge plate.
But please take it from me, you will end up right back in the hell that made you quit very soon. You will pick up where you left off...if you go back...
Just go easy on yourself..It will take some time, and exersize is good for you...it will help ease the anxiety. I remember feeling so mentally overwhelmed, it was scary. Everything was a chore. Right now I am just in that pretty withdrawl state where I want to bawl my eyes out..
I just want you to know you are not alone and the only experienced advice that I can give is the following but always remember everyone is different and every situation is different what works for me does not necessarily mean it will work for the next person in any event what I did was joined a Methadone clinic (not too close to home just for the simple reason because I did not want anyone to know my buis. and did not want anyone in my town to know of my problem) and fortunately it was only 10min away and it was in another state which worked out good for me but to tell you the truth if you get to the point I was at the location does not matter all you want to do is get better. So to sum it up in a nutshell I joined and I believe the following day they gave me the Methadone and I took about 50-60mg daily for about 1 week and I had very very little of those miserable withdrawals that you suffer from trying to come off the pills and I was taking about 30-40 pills of anything that contained Hydrocodone and now it has been about 2 days shy of a month that I will be clean and it is a very good feeling to know that I have made it this far especially having to deal with all the after math that comes along as you can see in my above post's but as you can see all the support from everyone that belongs to this site so at this point I can deal with the after math(no desire to do anything,no energy,depressed etc...) as long as I know that I am moving as far away from that addiction as I possibly can and it can only be done one day at a time and just always remember Methadone is very very addicting just inquire before making any hasty decisions GOOD LUCK !!!
Hi Kramer,
I'm very new to this so bare with me....i dont want to insult anyone because everyone's been really nice to me on this board. I'm clean from methadone 6 days today. Never thought I'd make it past day 2. I started with vic's and perc's and went to methadone because it lasted longer which meant it was less expensive. eight days ago i knew i would be running out of my pills and made an appt to go to the methadone clinic. This morning at 10 am was my appt. I'm soooooo glad i didnt go. Why do you think that would be the answer instead of getting clean?? I'm horrified that these clinics are around. I think for my state its for the money and so they can keep tabs on "people like us". Even if a clinc steps you down....wont you eventually go through the w/d when you get to nothing?? Please help me understand. I hope I made the right chose.

Thanks Kramer,
I'm really glad you have clean time. I bet there's no way you'd want to go back, no pill in the world would be worth it. You were taking a lot of pills too.
I really appreciate your post and I'm glad your doing good, but I know myself (and as you said, its an individual thing) well enough to know that if I had methadone, I'd abuse that too! Sometimes I think I'm incorrigable.
I had a bad experience with percocet, health/liver related awhile back and thought, well thats it for me, no more. Well, I sort of stuck to it. No more tylenol that is, now I graduated to oxycontin. Part of me knows that its wrong the other part says I'm taking care of myself by not putting all that tylenol in.
My doctor put me on it and I didn't resist. I'm trying to take just enough to get by. I wish you the best Kramer, keep us posted.

Hurting........you have definitely made the right choice! With several days already behind you, do not go backwards and get on the meth again. I don't know where you are, but I never knew you could just call a meth clinic and go in and get some. It is probably a good thing for me I didn't know that. I was on a step-down program through a pain-mgmt. doctor for 2 years after coming off of hydro. I never took more than 20 mg a day. It took them 2 years to get me down to 2.5 mg. When I came off of the 2.5 mg., it took me about 2-3 days to start back on hydro. I couldn't take the w/d of even that small of amount.

You have come so far in the w/d process. Getting even a little meth. now would be stupid. Just take it one day at a time and you will get through this.

Kramer, have been there. You feel like your "got up and go has got up and went". Every task is hard man take the shower, just force yourself..easy to say, hard to do...but you can