I Just Gave Birth To A 5 Year Old.....

Hi everyone!!

Im really excited...I just got a picture of our new foster parents plan daughter...shes from Bolivia and her name is Lucia and shes 5 years old......shes SO cute..

Not having any children, this is very exciting for me...its something Ive always wanted to do, but always found a reason not too...worried about how much money actually reaches the child etc....

Finally, as i was tapering, and feeling horrible, i was watching a show on Foster parents plan...always heart wrenching to watch...its supposed to be i suppose, but this time i didnt turn the chanel...i watched it and made the phonecall and the commitment.

I had no idea it would all happen so fast...and cant wait to start communicating to her and her family...Her Father is 70, her mother 48 and her brother 12 years old..and they live in Pajcha Penas, in Bolivia...

I feel like I have been so blessed to be able to get off these damn pills and so grateful to others for their help and support...and it made me realize that no one can do it all alone...that we all need to reach out for help to others now and then..

Anyway...just wanted to share with you all the good news...

Thanks for listening ( reading )


That is a wonderful thing you have done. My father and I sponsered a little girl when I was younger. It is really a great feeling to know your helping someone in such need of your help. I think when I am stable enough I just might do that too.


Dear Lost love,

Were you able to send stuff to your child??? They havent given me an exact location address, just the local foster parents plan...I hope they don't intercept any mail or gifts i want to send her...apparently the brother spekas a bit of english but sheonly speaks"Aymara" wonder if I can buy a word translator for that language for my computer?HMMM

Are you still in touch with the child, or i suppose that he/she is full grown by now...but Id really like to know ifyou were able to freely communicate or send gifts...it sounds like I already know that theyd love a flaslight...they have to burn animal dung to get any light in their house!

We are so lucky and we dont even know it..


you rock, my 10 year old son bought a toy for tot for christmas and we dropped it off and after we did, he warmed my heart when he said that he felt so blessed and he felt really happy to do that!! how cool is that? thats what your story reminded me of. comgrats on your new baby. you both are blessed

ali that is great iv, always wanted to do that. but thot about if tha monny gets there, i would like to do somthing like that, let me now, how it is. karen
It's great to be able to help someone else out because you care. Not because you expect something in return. You said you were tapering.....off what? I'm tapering off methadone! know anything about it? Also, please remember GOD knows our hearts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What's awesome. Keep us posted on her.
