I Just Got The Sjit Kicked Out Of Me

She was reading the board, accused me of being gay. I tried to throw her out. She just beat the living crap out of me. My mouth is bleeding. I tireid to force her out. I am too weak right now. She hit me and hit me. I have a fat lips. The kids were nuts..she took them..I hurt so bad right now...my face is swelling...my lip is bloddy...I give up..I surrender..she ripped my glasses of and threw them..I'm like blind right now..WTF?
danny I think I know what your gonna say but why not blow the whistle & call the police.Damn it you deserve to be safe in your own home.I'd kick her butt if I could for you.Sweety you are important & even if you are gay what right does that give her.Sorry but Bit-- kick her butt to the curb........mj
I find MJs logic inescapable.

Our prayers and well wishes are with you.

powerful I'm sorry to sound dum but what does that word mean?????mj
Danny Why in the hell don't you call the police on her. Have her arrested for domestic violence. Please, this is F-ing ridiculous. You ALLOW her to put her hands on you. No judge in their right freakin mind will give those kids to her. That is your house and you are their caregiver anyway. What you ned to do is start calling the police on her. This way you will have paperwork for the judge and you can start to build a case against her. Come on, you know I care about you and that is why I told you to Ditch the Bit*h.... She dosen't love you and she doesn't care how she treats you in front of the kids. I would never let my kids witness that kid of violence. It's shame on her for so long Danny and then it's shame on you. You can be pissed at me all you want to but you need to call the police and take pictures of your face and start fighting back legally against her. PLEASE!!!!! Think about what I have said. Rae
It is time.....I told you the time would come and it is now..............911 it is as easy as that....You want the house the kids and to get out, if you really want that, pick up the phone and dial.....Can't wait if you do it for you to come back on and tell us all how good it is to finally feel some freedom..........some peace....
You know I love yah kiddo....make that call!
No need to say sorry.

inescapable ( n -sk p -b l)
Impossible to escape or avoid; inevitable: inescapable consequences.

In short, I agree with you.
Rae hi its molly.Sweety try try try not to get to pi--ed.It doesn't do you any good.danny if you can't tell by now how much we think of you you never will.I feel you really need to start caring about yourself as much as we care for you.PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE try to help yourself.We can be here to support you but we can't fix this for you.YOU MUST START THE FIXING YOUR SELF and know your friends will support you best we can....mj
Thanks I hate not understanding a word.....mj
You know all th eprayer in the world aren't going to save you. You have got to save yourself..... This has gone on for to long. What are you waiting for this is the perfect opportunity to call the police and take some action. Put her in her place. STAND UP TO HER. PUT HER IN JAIL............THEY WILL MAKE HER GO TO ALL KINDS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE COUNSELING----THAT IS WHAT SHE NEEDS, SHE NEEDS TO LEARN HOW TO BE A GOOD MOTHER AND NOT DO THIS SH*T IN FRONT OF HER KIDS....YOU STAYING IS JUST AS CRAZY AS HER HITTING YOU......
As I have said danny YOU HAVE EVERYRIGHT AS DOES YOUR CHILDREN TO FEEL SAFE IN YOUR OWN HOME!!!!As hard as it is do what must be done,please don't let it take a slit throat(like me)to realize you will lose your life if you stay....mj
I am pissed that his wife gets away with this crap ALL the time. I have told Danny through e-mails and instant messages to do this, this isn't anything new. I care about him. You know that Danny. If I didn't I wouldn't respond t this post at all. MJ, tell me I am wrong.. I am just fine as far as myself goes. I am just trying to help him realize that if he doesn't call the police and do something about it now, it is ONLY going to get worse. He doesn't deserve to be treated like this. If his friends don't tell him like it is then nobody will. So Danny If I am being harsh then it's because I care if I didn't I would tell you to stay and suck it up for the next beating!!! Rae
Danny I just sent you an e-mail.. Where did you go. Please don't be mad at me. I know you are the one that has to live this way not me. Please understand that if it were just you and not the kids then I would say hey your grown. Her beating you ripping glasses off, kicking you, your lip is bleeding that is crazy. Your children are standing there witnessing this. They are going to think it is ok to hit or be hit. That is no way for a child to be raised and I am sorry if I offended anyone. I have had my BAD relationships so I can relate but enough is enough. You have got to get her help. She is going to repeat these same patterns with the next man in front of your children. So get her the help she needs. PLEASE!!!! Take care and and I am off here for now.... Rae
Ok rae sweety I'm gonna write you a quick email than sign off.As I said there is only support we can give him.I guess its like addiction HE HAS TO BE THE ONE WHO TAKES THOSE STEPS.As I said I hope he doesn't wait until his life is slipping away to deside hes worth it.DANNY JUST ya know what you need to do we've said everything & more of what we can.Oh tell Miss big sh-- to come to new york I'll give her a couple lessons in manners!!!!!!heck I'll give her a map to my little home........mj
Rae Go check you email & give me your thoughts OK?????mj
My lip and my face are bleeding. 911 was here a month and a half ago..they will put her in jail. I cant do that to my kids. I mean, I just got the s*** kicked out of me...I put my contacts in since she grabbed my glasses and threw them.. I'm 20/400 haha...I have now found my glasses..I was like blind crawling around looking for them..my lip really hurts..she was reading the post between me Eddie and Bob and said I was gay...NOT!!!!! I tried to get her to leave and I get the punch...actually, about 10 punches, right to the head....she took my little babies...wtf...should I call the cops?
Oh come on you know the anser to that.If she took your babies it is YOUR DUTY YOUR obligation to HELP THOSE DAMN BABIES>How can you even heisitate with that????What happen if miss nutjob turns her anger on them!!!!!YOU NEED TO FREAKIN DO THIS!!!!Damn it danny those kids deserve to be safe.STOP WHAT YOUR DOING AND BE THEIR DAD!!!How safe do you think those kids are?Yup now you got me fired up.I first hand have lived through this.My daughters had to see things a child should never have to see.And honestly how long before someone else notices whats going on & they come to take your kids from both of you???????mj
Yes, Danny...you most definitely should call the cops. If she goes to jail, it is not something you are doing to her or the kids..she did this to her. Please help yourself and make the call. You are a battered husband, and your wife is a batterer...plain and simple. You have tons of support here....please do this for not only your safety, but the safety and well being of your children. This is no way for them to grow up...thinking this is a normal relationship. Please, please make the call. My prayers are with you ....xoxo
Betsy thank for chiming in.I have thought of EVERYTHING I could say.I was abused for 12 yrs Gosh I don't even know who that person was,because I got out,but it took some crazy man slitting my throat to give me the stones enough to get out.I know first hand about abuse & the long term affects it has on kids.My daughters STILL have issues that they are dealing with.Anyways thanks for jumping in.....mj
911...........yes call now!