Hey everyone,
Some of you may have already read my other post called "should i leave or should i stay" Well my bf and i just broke up today. It was so hard, i cried but i knew that i just had to do it. I had to save us both from our misery and pain. This relationship wasn't getting anywhere. I've tried everything that i could to save him and our relationship but obviously it just wasn't enough. Now i understand that no matter what i do, it'll never be enough because having me there beside him wouldn't make him quit anyways. If he was to quit, only he could do it alone. No one can help an addict but himself. I've given him so many chances and the Subutex program was my final straw, if that didn't work then there's nothing else i could do. I recently found out that he was still lying to me. He told me that he's been on the Subutex for two whole weeks without even using, but now i just found out that he still uses and that he hasn't even been taking the pills. I asked him why he hasn't taken Subutex and he says that 8mgs barely holds him.
im still finding it hard to accept the fact that i lost the love of my life to drugs. He says that he'll give me a call after he's clean and asked me to promise him to give him another shot at our relationship when he's clean, the only thing is: i don't think i'll ever receieve that call, i don't believe that he'll ever come clean but he tells me that without having me there will motivate him more to quit so we could be together again. All i know is that i don't think i should wait around for him cause in this case, i'll be waiting forever.
Sometimes addicts can just never change...
Fair Play to you Violet.
I know it will be hard for you - you're stronger than me that's for sure.
If you need to chat I'm here. I know exactly what you're going through as I have been there only I live with him now and it's even harder to walk away from him.
I know I will in time. Stay strong hun, and remember, think of you for a change!
Love Petal xxx
I know it will be hard for you - you're stronger than me that's for sure.
If you need to chat I'm here. I know exactly what you're going through as I have been there only I live with him now and it's even harder to walk away from him.
I know I will in time. Stay strong hun, and remember, think of you for a change!
Love Petal xxx
I second that, you are much stronger than I am. Honestly though, you will realize once you get back on your feet, that you have spent more than enough time and energy on him and will begin to feel better about yourself. Read the book, "Women who love to much" by Robin Norwood. I am reading it right now and it is an eye opener. Basically it's for women who are with men(who for whatever reason are not relationship material: they may be distant, addicted to something, uncaring, come from a dysfunctional past,etc.) and women like us are drawn to them because we hope that we can change them, that are love will be strong enough to make them want to change...I mean everything in there is just what a woman who gives everything, tries to do everything, you know, who goes above and beyond for her man should read. It's a self-help book. I got it at Borders under the psychology section, you'll be amazed. Definately something I suggest to you. Especially because you just ended one "chapter" in your life and have taken that step to begin a new life, or "chapter." This will help you to make better decisions when looking for a man. Maybe he will realize now that you are very serious, and really bothered by his addiction and he will come around. I hope that for you sake he will, if you really feel that he is worth going back too. But other than that, I think you should just do what you need to do now for you and live a life worth living. I congradulate you on your courage. Seriously, because I don't know if I can. Some days are better than others, and that's what makes it so hard. Keep us posted. God Bless.
Hi I hope you are doing okay? I know just how much it hurts, and even how angry you are, but those feelings and all that hurt will soon subside. Its bee 9 months now since I told him to leave and I think for about 3 months all I did was hurt every part of my body ached. I felt paralyzed by the pain and stress at times but I promise you it goes away. The best thing I did was change my number and disconnect the door bell, I just needed to be by myself and the last person I wanted to hear from was him. I needed to Heal. and you do to.
Well I will pray for you it won't be hard but think If you can't succeed with these pains how can he knowing the withdrawls of heroin far exceeds the pain and anquish you are now feeling.
So even in your departure you are an example, Stay Strong. Good Luck and God Bless.
Well I will pray for you it won't be hard but think If you can't succeed with these pains how can he knowing the withdrawls of heroin far exceeds the pain and anquish you are now feeling.
So even in your departure you are an example, Stay Strong. Good Luck and God Bless.
Hey a,
Thanks for your suggestion about your book. I've some of it and it's very interesting, i couldn't believe that i actually found the book. While i was lookin for your book, i stumbled across another book called BEATING HEROIN, it's really good because its has a lot of information about quitting and about what foods a addict should try to avoid to reduce their cravings, i'm thinking about purchasing that book too.
Thanks again
Thanks for your suggestion about your book. I've some of it and it's very interesting, i couldn't believe that i actually found the book. While i was lookin for your book, i stumbled across another book called BEATING HEROIN, it's really good because its has a lot of information about quitting and about what foods a addict should try to avoid to reduce their cravings, i'm thinking about purchasing that book too.
Thanks again
What are the foods that can reduse cravings?My bf is going to get it for dinner
You are a very strong person~ It is time to put you first! Goodluck
hey sophie,
i can't answer your question about what foods reduce cravings, i'm not even sure it there is even such thing.. but i can tell you that things like chocolate, ice cream, sausage rolls, frizzy drinks, cordial drinks that have less than 25% fruit, beer and alcohol does cause an addict to crave a bit more than usual a few hours later.
i can't answer your question about what foods reduce cravings, i'm not even sure it there is even such thing.. but i can tell you that things like chocolate, ice cream, sausage rolls, frizzy drinks, cordial drinks that have less than 25% fruit, beer and alcohol does cause an addict to crave a bit more than usual a few hours later.
I'm glad you were able to find that book, I've been reading it whenever possible. It's been pinpointing the actions I make to the reasons why and it helps so much. In the back of that book you'll find a list of the author's other recommended books for reading. I hope you're enjoying the book. Keep me posted on any other books you may find, I will look for that Beating Heroin book this weekend. Thanks for letting me know about it. I'm doing all I can to help him. And I guess that's all I can do.
My Webpage Hi ! I can see you have had big failed purpose in helping your friend. I understand your decision though. A drug addict have an ability problem. Physically he is craving for drug because physically he has drug residues in his system that make him want more drug. He felt in a drug personality where he will do everything to get drug, lying, stealing... even to those person that he love. But something can be done if he want to get help. He need to take off his system these drug residues that make him craving for drug and he need to get help to acquire ability to live a drug free life and handle his past behavior. He is unnable to live his life and need help. Per what I read his willigness to get off drug seem to be there but he failed to do it. He need help.