I Lost It

The foot I had such problems with is swollen and bascially I can't tie my shoe.I had an appointment at 11:00 to see a new client so I dress up as nice as I can but have to wear a house slipper on the bad foot.I look like a crack bum off the street.My left eye has a broken blood vessel where I fell and hit the edge of the dresser.'The woman is completely gracious to me but the whole time I feel like she must be thinking I don't know if I want this guy around.
I assure her I have insurance.

After my apppointment I make a bee-line to the Drs office because this foot is not right.I'm not a doctor but I don't have no simple case of "jack s***"or whatever they are saying.The obsequeious b**** says the Dr. had to leave and do some stuff around the house but come back at 2:30 and she would have me some more Percocet.I just f***ing lost it.I started in on Buffy and pulled my shoe off and said I don't need Percocet,I need some f***ing x-rays to see what wrong???? It's been going on 3 weeks.
She said Tim you're going to have to leave if you can't calm down.WTF is wrong with people/ I want to know whats wrong and its not planters f***meitis either.

I guess I laid the groundwork over the years for this crap.Keep him fuc*ed up and he won't complain.

I'll look like Frankenstein but I will not get on opiates.Danny,I appreciate your e-mails this morning.That helped me today.I'm pissed but Im not in some opiate haze.
I'm checking around for some holistic guys tomorrow.I don't want any drugs.Period

I think i'll go eat a whole pizza.I'm starting to sound like some whinny 10 year old girl.I'm sure you're all as sick of me as i am.LOL
Aw, Tim. That sucks. I don't have any answers but I'm holding your hand.
Big smooches
Tim, I have worked for the same doctor since 1989. I have dealt with plenty of pissed off patients. Did you have a set appt. to see the doctor? If not what did you want Buffy to do if the doctor was out of the office, x-ray your foot herself? I think she was very nice in saying if you didn't settle down she would have to ask you to leave. Next time you might want to call ahead and see if the doctor is available to see you. Shantel
Tim, I think you are right. Dr.'s often give pills just to get someone to shut up. I think you are being honest with yourself about all of this..you are clearly in pain. Time to switch Doctors probably. A foot specialist? Or if this one already is, a different one and tell them straight out NO narcotics. No reason to explain why. Just NO. A lot of Dr.'s are relieved to hear that believe it or not. Well, the reputable ones are. Like I told you this morning, if my pain gets bad enough, I get admitted to the hospital. Hasn't happened that much (hospital) in the last year. I even considered going tonight after the last couple of days but screw it.
You know your body. You know when things are f***ed up. Or go to the ER and tell them what is going on, say no narcs, and they have an obligation to figure it out..

good luck and hang in there...

Eat a pizza for me too
I don't blame you one bit! I would have acted the same way...maybe worse...it is ridiculous that the first order of the day is to dope you up!

Go to the ER...get the X - Ray and take it from there.

Good for you...percocet sucks! Not worth it. You are so over that.....

You are a good guy Tim and only reacting to a s***ty situation. I feel for you...hang on in there it will get better. I know that sounds cliche but it is so true.

Tim.............who knows what that lady was thinking......

she may have been thinking that poor thing he is so fine...
what happened to his eye...
i wish i could kiss it for him............

ya never know..............

your a wonderful man Tim.........

can you go to the ER?

i am so sorry about your foot, soak your foot or better yet take a nice hot EPSON bath and then put your foot up...elevate your foot.......

and take it easy TIM............get osme rest....do something you like to do...

give your dog a great big hug and watch a funny movie together.......

Winnie had to go to the vet today cause I though she fractured her foot...
you can read all about it , in my post to Jewels........
OMG.........i have been so worried , she has been limping and falling over after three steps........
she is only 7 lbs and she is so tiny, it breaks my heart......

the doc said no fracture and gave her some pain pills...
i told WINNIE, that i'll be holding her pills........HA HA.

here is a pic of winnie.........

user posted image

God Bless you Tim...........



This has got to be a difficult time for you in many different ways. I am concerned for you...because I know you are in pain.

Talk to me about the solution. I know you know it...but I need to hear it.

I am right here if you need me.

Much love and peace.

Shantel-You're right.I was way out of line and by Monday there will be a box of flowers waiting for her.It's not her fault and I was rude.
I have a choice to s another physician.

thank you for that little
wake up
Or go to the ER. How's the foot today?
The foots better&.my attitude is better.and I do feel very bad at the way I acted in the office yesterday..An amends is in order.
Tim, I hope my post to you didn't come off the wrong way. I was just trying to say that Buffy had no control over the doctor being out of the office when you went in. Have you talked to or seen you doctor today? How is the foot feeling? Haven't forgotten about the Maui Jim sunglasses and I still have your address. Take care, Shantel
Not at all Shantell.You were dead on and I would rather somone be honest with me that just say things that I might want to hear.It shws integrity on your part.I'm actually doing better than I have been it days.Thanks.

Your solid.
you are such a neat guy, i totally understand your pain, your frustration, the hurt, that people dont understand what road we have had to follow to get where we are today, i also agree with shantell and she has to be commended for her ability to say it like it is, yes buffy was not wrong, yet you cant be blamed either for people and animals bite when they are in pain. physically and mentally!
i am so proud of the fact you have cooled down, realized you acted out when you were in pain and therefore you have this gentleness and kindness in you to send buffy some flowers, kudos to you tim!
i laugh when i think of you in the bedroom slipper and your eye!!! i had a ingrown toenail one time that was so friggin painful i thought i would die it had pus coming out too, i worked at the time in a fancy schmancy restaurant as a waitress where dress code was a priority, i hate the alcoholic b*tch boss who i suffered great pain for 5 years, the money was so good but i let her have it one night when i blew up and told her to f*ck off! anyway back to my point i was scared to death to call off, worried she'd fire me so i knew i couldnt get into those "navy blue " waitress shoes she demanded we wear, by the way it was 1976, try to find navy blue waitress shoes, thats beside the point, anyway i walked into work with my navy blue shoe on the good foot and a white strappy open toed sandal on the painful foot, mind you i had to cut a hole in my panty hose by this painful toe, just the pressure of the nylons killed my toe, i limped into work and to see the horror on her face when she saw my shoes!!!! she knew better than to send her top sales waitress home that night!!! THANK GOD THOSE DAYS ARE OVER WORKING AS A WAITRESS, i love the fact i am a cosmetologist today and never ever have to be a waitress again, it is the hardest job, and i was one for years, good money, but not worth the physical and mental pain that goes with the position.
how did you find out it was not plantar facisitis?
if it gets unbearable again, go to your nearest urgent care or emergency room and keep strong in your desire not to use pain pills, man i give you guys all the credit in the world for resisitng and standing firm!!! you are to be commended, try not to beat yourself up tim for your behavior, look how strong you are!! again i commend you!!! JEWELS
ha ha ha! thumper, you are gonna hold winnies pain meds for her! that is so cute and so is miss winnie the pooh pooh, how is she? jewels
It is never right to act out to service providers that are well...not providing service! It only breeds contempt and brings us to that level.

The problem...in my humble opinion is that there is just so much "lack of service" in all areas these days. Not that I want to paint all with the same brush but I can see how it would just build to a boiling point.

I honestly can't remember the last time that I had "exceptional service" anywhere! How sad is that! Yes I have received okay service and mediocre service....I am talking at the Doctor office...the gas station, Safeway....the cleaners. To get good service at a restaurant!! Forget about it!

The few that do still think the customer is number one are few and far between....I think it is simple....treat people how you want to be treated!

Thanks for letting me vent!

Good for you Tim.....saying sorry is big....hopefully she says sorry to you to!