I Love Christmas Eve ~

Good morning all !
This was the best Christmas Eve so far.
My baby woke up and said "Mama Daddy Santa came Ho Ho " then
she laughed grabbed our hands and said "come on tree tree please !!! "
We let her pick one gift to open it was to car/bike from her great grand
parents. Then we got suckered into letting her open another one.
This year for me is all about her.

How is everyone else today ?
Marina(I still love that name)I just wanted to wish you & yours a very Merry Christmas.Having a little one really makes it magical huh?Enjoy your hoiliday.....mj

Marina.....good morning.... how sweet they are when they are little. Hang on to her and enjoy this special time. They grow up so fast!!! My sweet little Christmas baby turned 23 yesterday. There is nothing like having a daughter, huh?

Hope you and your family have a wonderful, blessed Christmas and many , many sober, memory-making adventures in the New Year! Take care, Carol
wish all of you the same !
To those of you that don't celebrate Christmas
whatever you do celebrate I hope it is the best

Right back at ya, Marina -- have a joyous Christmas with your family.
Misty ~
I sent you a e-mail check if you get a chance :-)
Christmas Eve has always been a big deal with my family--and always a big drug/drunk fest for me. This year will be different. I will attend the family parties, and enjoy them--and feel the spirt of Christmas for the first time in many years. I know my family will expect the same old me, but the are in for a surprise--not sure they will still like me...LOL

I am so looking forward to a sober holiday--I also have made plans to go to a New Years Eve party that AA is holding this year. Being sober has given me so many gifts already--I feel very lucky.

May all of you have a Safe and Happy Holiday !!!
Oneill ~
I know what you mean, it's like well for me ... My first Christmas.
Honestly that is exactly how I feel today. New Years too. I have
never been one to drink ( I just don't like the taste )
I hope all of us can stay true, and keep clean.

O'Neill.......ofcourse they will like you!! Maybe even love the new, improved version of you! Either way, you love you. You are very lucky and don't you forget it!!!

Marina......feel the same about the first "real" Christmas, in a while at least. It will be the first Christmas I have ever spent with my 9 year old son clean. It feels good, really good. To know I will be completly "there" and not just skating on the surface of what is going on around me and him.

Don;'t do that to your baby girl. You have the opportunity to see all of her future Christmases with clear eyes and mind. I truly wish that for you and her.

Take care and enjoy the day!
Hey Marina.....and to everyone else on this thread.......
Got 5 min.....well really don't but the hell with it. Sending you all out some love ....I love Christmas Eve too, all the kids in the family will be together tonight and we all open presents.....can't wait! I will check my mail when I can....you all have a great day today and every other......
Love Yahs all,