I've been an opiate abuse of one kind or another since the early 80's.I tried 4 inpatient treatments and numerous times on my own,but could never get beyond the deep depression and loss of concentration and the fatigue.I once had what you would call clean time for almost 3 years,but was so miserable because of the depression,anxiety,fatigue and lack of concentration,that I tried methadone for 2 years.I found that I still craved all through that time.
I read article after article about addiction and recovery.I figured out that only 3% of opiate addicts actually remain in recovery over 1 year...yet there was no data stating what quality of life these 3% were having.
The more facts I obtained,the more Suboxone sounded like a perfect choice for me.I tried to jump off early due to pressure from my Na group saying that I was really not clean,but there I was so miserable again,and why? because I let other people decide what was right for me.
I talked with my doctor and we discussed that Buprenorphine has no negative affects on any organs for long term use.No matter what opiate I would wean off of would cause horrible withdrawals and long term depression...some would have you believe Suboxone caused their worst withdrawals...but no one can truly remember how painful that last withdrawal was like...so each one seems to be the worst.
I started taking the Suboxone again and left my Na meetings behind...the best decision I ever made.I have no depression...I have no anxiety...I have no cravings...no fatigue...I gained back relationships,went back to work,play sports again,travel again.I got my heart right with God again and started going to church...so what's the down side of suboxone again???? OH YEAH..i'm not CLEAN according to some.I go to the doctor once a month and get a months supply along with other medications I take monthly.
I've been on Suboxone a little over a year now.There is absolutley no comparison to my life before and after Suboxone.I've been reading this board for along time wanting to get sober.If most of you call your life being clean and sober...I don't want it...I'm in my 50's now and I am enjoying my life more than I ever had...I don't need to go to meetings to feel good about myself,I became a christian and I discovered that the 12 steps are just apart of living a christian life style.
I really don't understand why people want to demonize something that can change and even save lives.Some say that I have just switched one drug for another,or that i'm now chained to Suboxone...well...look in your own medicine cabinet...is there anything in there that you take on a daily basis? Actually,since i've been on Suboxone,I no longer need an anti-depressant,I no longer need an anti-anxiety med.My stress has gone down and I no longer need high blood pressure pills...I no-longer need any sleep aids.My cholesterol has gone way down because I have the energy to fix much better meals,plus now I am much more active and exercise.
I don't understand why people want to take others inventory and try and decide what's best for them...maybe because they're miserable and want company..I don't know.If not for the influence of my Na group,I would of tried Suboxone long ago.I think the program in itself is very good,but it's the people trying to understand it's principles that's screwed up! I certainly don't miss my meetings,and those that claimed to be my friends.There always seemed to be so much drama that I would become more anxious and depressed.
I love my recovery now...I don't count pills...I don't doctor shop...I don't have to worry about buying or finding pills on the street..I don't have to lie,or steal...and yes forging scripts..and conning doctors and insurance companies is a form of stealing...i'm not in constant fear,or anxious about cravings or withdrawals.I have money again...it's just so hard to believe how different my life is in just over a year...all because of a medication called Suboxone.
I have no plans of quiting...why would I want to put myself through so much misery just to be able to claim to a few closed minded people that i'm Clean?? I think people that try and discourage others not to take this medication should be ashamed of themselves.Who are they to decide what's right for you!?!?
I made a list of the down side of taking Suboxone compared to the up side...can you guess which list was longest? If you happen to be one of the 3% good for you!!! but don't hold up your noses and judge me in my recovery...if that's the case,I really don't think your very happy in your own recovery.
For those of you who are really struggling with opiate addiction,please check out what Suboxone could do for you.What harm could it do? think about how many relapses you've gone through and how many withdrawals,how much money,time and effort your spending on those pills.White knuckling it for days,months and even years only to go back to the same thing.If nothing else,Suboxone can give you the time to think much more clearly about how to approach your own recovery.
Suboxone is NOT a miracle pill...The 1st month I was on it I didn't think it was going to work...I still had it in my mind that I could not live without that high feeling.I still had to work a program.Your life will have to change...i'm nothing like I was before...I changed everything about my life style.You still have to want to stop the addictive behaviors.If your like me,it's very hard to think straight when your so depressed,fatigued,full of anxiety and not sleeping.All the meetings in the world will not change that fact...your body has gone through chemical changes...some changes may go away after some time,but then some may not,and who knows how long it will take for some of them to go away.
Don't hang around people who are not supportive.We beat ourselves up enough,so why let someone else do it too.Don't do something just because others feel it's the right way to do it.They're not living your life,you are! If I kept on listening to my Na group I would still be miserable...maybe dead,I will never know for sure.I do know i'm not going to stay miserable because someone thinks being clean means no help from medications.You wouldn't do that with any other disease.I don't see diabetics or people with high blood pressure or cholesterol white knuckling it to be clean...so why ask addicts to do it?
I waited a very long time before I posted about this...I wanted to make sure it was really working in my own life before I said anything about it.So after a year i'm doing very well.My family just can't believe the changes i've made,and how responsible I have become.I'm also very proud of myself for all the accomplishments i've made over the past year,and i'm not about to let someone tell me i'm doing it wrong or that i'm not clean.
I'm not here to be a huge promoter of Suboxone.I'm here because I am a promoter of a healthy recovery.I don't need a program that says I can't talk or participate because I take a medication that helps me in my recovery...but then it is a program of complete abstinence...but unfortunately it's a program where only 3% of us opiate addicts make it.So what about the other 97% ? we're told that we are weak willed or that we just don't want it enough.It seems to be a program that calls addiction a disease,but doesn't recognize the science of changing chemical imbalances in the brain.I'm not sure addiction will ever be understood in my life time.Right now Suboxone has been the right choice for me to live a happy and content life.I wanted to share this with you because I know all too well what addiction has done for my quality of life and that maybe Suboxone could help others live a much happier and content life also.
Thank You for your time and patience with this post,
Congratulation Ralphie. Whatever works for you is whats best for you. I think you will always get a discussion going on suboxen here. There are some that are for it and some against. If it keeps you from doctor shopping, script fixing, counting pills, stealing from peoples medicine cabinets, etc. thats great. Lots of people do take lots of different meds every day and no one judges them for it. Many people on this board take it and have been leading happy, productive lives. No one is against them.
This is not an NA board although many have turned their lives around with it. Many of us are newly clean and still struggle with our emotions and the trials of living clean. This is a place where we come and can feel safe to share the best and the worst of it.
It sounds like alot of people were judging you for taking suboxen. I can understand where you would be upset. No addict has the right to judge another's recovery. We are human and alot of recovering addicts can be very outspoken about their beliefs on recovery. I was in a meeting where a guy walked in late, shared about others being late, cursed and screamed after being asked not to, and got up and left early. Apparently he was outraged that someone wasn't following the rules of NA. Me being the addict that I am wanted to raise my hand and condemn him for what he had done. I decided that he was just really upset and better let him have his feelings. He obviously needed to vent. The bottom line is that we are all humans with alot of character defects. Just like anything else, everybody has their own opinion on EVERYTHING. Also just like everywhere else, some of us like to debate subjects and some prefer to keep their opinions to themselves.
Personally if I felt I couldn't quit and had many relapses I might have considered suboxen myself. Anything is better than not knowing where the next supply of pills is coming from. I am grateful that I am doing pretty well without it.....today. Who knows what tomorrow holds?
Stick around and get to know us. We are a mixed bunch and that's what makes us so special. Good luck!
We had a guy on here recently die in his sleep. He suffered from polysubstance abuse for years. He was a sweet guy but was a mess. It was very sad and quite obvious where he was headed. I wish that he could have been able to live a normal life with the help of suboxen or methadone.
This is not an NA board although many have turned their lives around with it. Many of us are newly clean and still struggle with our emotions and the trials of living clean. This is a place where we come and can feel safe to share the best and the worst of it.
It sounds like alot of people were judging you for taking suboxen. I can understand where you would be upset. No addict has the right to judge another's recovery. We are human and alot of recovering addicts can be very outspoken about their beliefs on recovery. I was in a meeting where a guy walked in late, shared about others being late, cursed and screamed after being asked not to, and got up and left early. Apparently he was outraged that someone wasn't following the rules of NA. Me being the addict that I am wanted to raise my hand and condemn him for what he had done. I decided that he was just really upset and better let him have his feelings. He obviously needed to vent. The bottom line is that we are all humans with alot of character defects. Just like anything else, everybody has their own opinion on EVERYTHING. Also just like everywhere else, some of us like to debate subjects and some prefer to keep their opinions to themselves.
Personally if I felt I couldn't quit and had many relapses I might have considered suboxen myself. Anything is better than not knowing where the next supply of pills is coming from. I am grateful that I am doing pretty well without it.....today. Who knows what tomorrow holds?
Stick around and get to know us. We are a mixed bunch and that's what makes us so special. Good luck!
We had a guy on here recently die in his sleep. He suffered from polysubstance abuse for years. He was a sweet guy but was a mess. It was very sad and quite obvious where he was headed. I wish that he could have been able to live a normal life with the help of suboxen or methadone.
Ralphy, Thank you for taking the time to tell us your story.
I have always been one to say use whatever works for you. If it's AA/NA,,,,that's great...if not,,,,then do what you need to do to stay clean. I am sorry that you wasted so much time and effort trying to live up to the NA people in your area, shouldn't have done that. But thank God you're doing so good now, and thank you for sharing it with us!
I have been on Sub. for 3 years, and don't really care what anyone else thinks about that. Like you, I have found a way of life that is far superior to where I was before.....for all the same reasons you stated. Do you think I would let anyone guilt me into changing simply because they think I should? No way. Don't you either!
Take care. I wish you continued success.
I'm one of those 3%. Been clean for 5 years...healthy and happy because of NA/AA. Yes, I attribute the happiness and clean time to that. But. BUT, I truly believe that whatever works, works. And good for you! There are some in the rooms that believe you're still not clean if you take Sub. So what? That's on them. In my meetings, those that believe that are becoming the minority. Some that are on sub, just don't talk about it. It's no one business. But they still get the support, tools and gifts that NA/AA has to offer. Sounds like you're getting what you need from church and your believe in God. Again, good for you, I am so happy for you.
Don't knock NA/AA. Just like you don't want others to knock what you're doing. You're taking our inventory.
My son is on Sub and as far as I'm concerned, it is a miracle drug. I have my son back. He's on a short term course of it and we'll see what the future brings...but for now, he's doing better than he did in inpatient treatment.
I'm glad you decided to post after all this time of lurking...I hope you stick around.
Don't knock NA/AA. Just like you don't want others to knock what you're doing. You're taking our inventory.
My son is on Sub and as far as I'm concerned, it is a miracle drug. I have my son back. He's on a short term course of it and we'll see what the future brings...but for now, he's doing better than he did in inpatient treatment.
I'm glad you decided to post after all this time of lurking...I hope you stick around.
Congratulations on finding something that works for you. Some people never stop until they overdose. I'm a little curious on how you came up with a figure like 3% only stay clean. How did you measure the outcomes?
I'm glad you've found something that works for you and it does seem to help a lot of addicts.However from your post I just picked up a lot of anger and resentment against people who go the 12th step route.It doesn't work for everyone but I hate to see you carry around such bittterness.That doesn't seem to justify a peacefull and fullfilled anything.JMO
Ralphie - Your story reminds me of when I was a little girl. I lived across the street from a church. I didn't belong to that church and almost everyone in the neighborhood did. All of my friends went there. One day after school we went to the convent to be shown around and to play piano. One of the sisters told me in front of the other girls to leave that I didn't belong there. Even though I was little I still knew she was ignorant. It did hurt though and I held some resentment. This was one of many different negative experiences I had as a visitor there. I remember being told I couldn't take communion because when I received my "first communion" that it didn't count. I don't want to bring up a religious discussion but just want to show what happened to ME. I was a good girl and wanted to be able to visit any church I liked.
When I got married is was at my Church. My husband belonged to the other and wanted to have it in his church records. We went in and visited with the clergyman. I was all prepared for a battle. I had all the words planned out. I was going to tell him off. Anyway he turned out to be wonderful.
My mom worked at the church across the street in later years. Our church had closed. When she was dying there was a new priest there. He came over and told her that "if she should die before he did" he wanted her to know that he would be glad to have a funeral service for her. At the end we chose to take him up on the offer. She was able to have all of her friends attend. I cannot tell you what that did to mend all of the resentment that I held over the years.
I could "hear" in your voice the resentment towards those folks that tried to tell you that you couldn't attend the meetings and share. I don't agree with that.
I also don't agree that everyone that is not on suboxen is living a miserable existence without opiates. Surely you must still have good days and bad? I know I sure do. Anyway I just kind of related my experience with yours. Maybe you can find another meeting to attend. Since NA is a program of total abstinance I wouldn't go on and on about the virtues of suboxen. I would just take from it what works for you and leave the rest. Don't let anybody discourage you from attending if you previously got something out of it.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE no relgious discussions. This was just a case of me running into some ignorant people.
When I got married is was at my Church. My husband belonged to the other and wanted to have it in his church records. We went in and visited with the clergyman. I was all prepared for a battle. I had all the words planned out. I was going to tell him off. Anyway he turned out to be wonderful.
My mom worked at the church across the street in later years. Our church had closed. When she was dying there was a new priest there. He came over and told her that "if she should die before he did" he wanted her to know that he would be glad to have a funeral service for her. At the end we chose to take him up on the offer. She was able to have all of her friends attend. I cannot tell you what that did to mend all of the resentment that I held over the years.
I could "hear" in your voice the resentment towards those folks that tried to tell you that you couldn't attend the meetings and share. I don't agree with that.
I also don't agree that everyone that is not on suboxen is living a miserable existence without opiates. Surely you must still have good days and bad? I know I sure do. Anyway I just kind of related my experience with yours. Maybe you can find another meeting to attend. Since NA is a program of total abstinance I wouldn't go on and on about the virtues of suboxen. I would just take from it what works for you and leave the rest. Don't let anybody discourage you from attending if you previously got something out of it.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE no relgious discussions. This was just a case of me running into some ignorant people.
Alice, I had to laugh at your church story. My mom remarried the summer before I started 4th grade. I was to attend my step father's church school. The priest told his mother that I could not attend the school because I wasn't Polish. WTH? Since the family had the priests over for dinner in the "old days" they were able to persuade them to allow me to attend. I think it's funny now how things used to be. They sure couldn't get away with that today.
Ha Ha. I actually toned the story down so as not to offend anyone. I left out the part about being grabbed by the shoulders and shaken.
I loved that story Alice. Goes to show you how ignorance runs rampant. I don't think God would agree with that sister. I don't know enough about religion to fill a bucket so I'll keep my mouth shut.
I hope Ralphie comes back and posts...I get the feeling he/she is someone we know...
I hope Ralphie comes back and posts...I get the feeling he/she is someone we know...
I gotta fess up to something. I didn't read the whole post. Seems like I have ADD lately and I can not read posts that long. Sorry Ralphy.
You do seem to be somewhat angry. I still haven't read it all, but I read enough to say that.
I don't know how long you've been lurking around here, but honestly, the "winds of persecution" against Sub. have shifted somewhat. Many folks are now seeing it as a not so bad alternative.......at least more so than in the past.
Again,,,,don't know where you are or why you would let a room full of addicts tell you how to live your life, but I can attest to the fact that if you come around here a lot, you'll only find support and understanding. I hope you decide to come back.
Nope...I use to be resentful and angry.,..my post was simply relaying what happened to me back then and I still see it now and wanted to offer my hope to those i've seen come and go here in so much misery.
I am disappointed though when someone mentions that Suboxone is not being clean.People come here very disturbed and confused,and i've seen some that get hit with"do you really want it" right off the bat.I think just by coming here and posting says they want it.I really believe a gentle loving approach accomplishes more of that persons confidences that help is available and possible.I say let em tell how bad it is for them,let em get all that bottled up fear and anxiety out...then start guiding them to a different approach of stopping...because we all know they have tried on their own many times before coming here.
I hated my 1st Na meeting when I started treatment...I mean i'm still in withdrawals,and I hadn't slept in days.I was confused and scared and couldn't think straight.Not to say any of their advise was wrong,but the way they presented it was like being in the military..or listening to a pulpit pounding preacher.After that meeting 3 or 4 ended up leaving treatment the next day.I'm not trying to take anyones inventory,just stating how I felt and what happened.
I think after time some forget what it was like to first come off the drugs.I'm sure they had great recoveries too,it's just that they didn't make the meeting appealing, or themselves appoachable.
Also the 3% I found on a few sites concerning opiate addiction...but really...how do they even come up with a number...anyone here ever get surveyed? So I don't know how they formulate the statitistics.I do remember in treatment they would tell us only 3 out of ten of us would make it a year.The first 3 treatments none in my group made it...but I don't know how they are doing now..In my 1st treatment I was roomates with a 60 year old man that died about 3 years after treatment from alcoholism...he was such a cool guy too.
I did however want to point out that a few of you have discourged the use of Suboxone in the past...even though now you say it doesn't matter...if you don't believe me,look up some of your past posts concerning Suboxone...Even telling someone they are not really clean is very discouraging...or telling someone "well I didn't need it,but if it helps you..." it makes you sound like your somehow superior and that they are weak for using it..even though that may not of been your intent....it would be like me saying "well,I don't need meetings,but if it helps you..."Sometimes little comments can devastate someone or lift their spirits higher....and how many of you are thinking right now...he's going to relapse for sure because he doesn't go to meetings...LOL..come on...admit it..I use to think that way..LOL...I would say "whatever works for you" but deep inside I would think"nope,their not gonna make it".
It's been a few months since I last came here,but I wanted to come back and share how well Suboxone is working for me in the hopes that it might help someone else...to be able to share that we are all different and not everyone is able to come out of that deep depression and anxiety that drives us back to that miserable life style again and again...and what is recovery if you don't enjoy it?
Thanks so much for your replies and allowing me to be apart of the group...even for just this little while.
I am disappointed though when someone mentions that Suboxone is not being clean.People come here very disturbed and confused,and i've seen some that get hit with"do you really want it" right off the bat.I think just by coming here and posting says they want it.I really believe a gentle loving approach accomplishes more of that persons confidences that help is available and possible.I say let em tell how bad it is for them,let em get all that bottled up fear and anxiety out...then start guiding them to a different approach of stopping...because we all know they have tried on their own many times before coming here.
I hated my 1st Na meeting when I started treatment...I mean i'm still in withdrawals,and I hadn't slept in days.I was confused and scared and couldn't think straight.Not to say any of their advise was wrong,but the way they presented it was like being in the military..or listening to a pulpit pounding preacher.After that meeting 3 or 4 ended up leaving treatment the next day.I'm not trying to take anyones inventory,just stating how I felt and what happened.
I think after time some forget what it was like to first come off the drugs.I'm sure they had great recoveries too,it's just that they didn't make the meeting appealing, or themselves appoachable.
Also the 3% I found on a few sites concerning opiate addiction...but really...how do they even come up with a number...anyone here ever get surveyed? So I don't know how they formulate the statitistics.I do remember in treatment they would tell us only 3 out of ten of us would make it a year.The first 3 treatments none in my group made it...but I don't know how they are doing now..In my 1st treatment I was roomates with a 60 year old man that died about 3 years after treatment from alcoholism...he was such a cool guy too.
I did however want to point out that a few of you have discourged the use of Suboxone in the past...even though now you say it doesn't matter...if you don't believe me,look up some of your past posts concerning Suboxone...Even telling someone they are not really clean is very discouraging...or telling someone "well I didn't need it,but if it helps you..." it makes you sound like your somehow superior and that they are weak for using it..even though that may not of been your intent....it would be like me saying "well,I don't need meetings,but if it helps you..."Sometimes little comments can devastate someone or lift their spirits higher....and how many of you are thinking right now...he's going to relapse for sure because he doesn't go to meetings...LOL..come on...admit it..I use to think that way..LOL...I would say "whatever works for you" but deep inside I would think"nope,their not gonna make it".
It's been a few months since I last came here,but I wanted to come back and share how well Suboxone is working for me in the hopes that it might help someone else...to be able to share that we are all different and not everyone is able to come out of that deep depression and anxiety that drives us back to that miserable life style again and again...and what is recovery if you don't enjoy it?
Thanks so much for your replies and allowing me to be apart of the group...even for just this little while.
My DOC was heroin, so I kind of hang on a different board on this site. I also choose to use a controversial medicine for support in my recovery.,so your post caught my eye. It has helped me in all the same ways you,ve mentioned. I don't have a home group and don't use the XA groups as much as I used to, but I couldn't say a negative thing about them or thier intentions if I tried ( even if some groups were negative toward my choice)
I just really wanted to say Im really happy you found peace- Good for you Ralphy -life is way too short
I just really wanted to say Im really happy you found peace- Good for you Ralphy -life is way too short
Ralphie I was told I was not clean because I was on A/D. Medicine for a disease is what your taking. No different than taking insulin for diabetes.
How much suboxone do you need to take daily to stay clean?
Suboxone saved my life. Its a wonderful drug.
Forget the past. Its no longer relevant. Anybody who tells you are not clean is 100% ignorant.
Regarding posts on this board. its there opinion. That's all. Great advice from Jack--
How much suboxone do you need to take daily to stay clean?
Suboxone saved my life. Its a wonderful drug.
Forget the past. Its no longer relevant. Anybody who tells you are not clean is 100% ignorant.
Regarding posts on this board. its there opinion. That's all. Great advice from Jack--
I've discouraged the use of Suboxone to first timers whose habits don't seem to justify it.If you've never have tried to detox without anything how do you know you can't? Plenty have gone cold turkey here and in my group and have done it successfully? What is the reasoning of suggesting they get on another opiate when they haven't even tried? How much sense does that make?
If you constantly relapse and feel like it's hopeless then yes,Suboxone might be a good choice.However,even most addictionoligist encourage you to wean off of it at a certain point.If you are content with staying on it indefinitely then that's your choice.I disagree that there are no side effects.I've read enough about it from people that are taking it to know that's not true.I know some heroin addicts that are taking Methadone and they are not pariahs in the group.In fact they are active members working the program to the best of their ability.
I don't even hear it discussed at meetings? If there have been people that have guilt tripped you then they are wrong but you can't make assumptions based on a few ignorant people.There's a lot of things said at meetings I don't buy into.That's why God gave us a brain.You have to sift through the bulls*** sometimes.
I'm not going to encourage you to go back to NA or AA right now because you've made a different choice.They both are programs of attraction and it didn't work for you.I hope what you're doing is successful and have no problem whatsoever with it.
I just find your rhetoric quite hostile and hope you get past that.
If you constantly relapse and feel like it's hopeless then yes,Suboxone might be a good choice.However,even most addictionoligist encourage you to wean off of it at a certain point.If you are content with staying on it indefinitely then that's your choice.I disagree that there are no side effects.I've read enough about it from people that are taking it to know that's not true.I know some heroin addicts that are taking Methadone and they are not pariahs in the group.In fact they are active members working the program to the best of their ability.
I don't even hear it discussed at meetings? If there have been people that have guilt tripped you then they are wrong but you can't make assumptions based on a few ignorant people.There's a lot of things said at meetings I don't buy into.That's why God gave us a brain.You have to sift through the bulls*** sometimes.
I'm not going to encourage you to go back to NA or AA right now because you've made a different choice.They both are programs of attraction and it didn't work for you.I hope what you're doing is successful and have no problem whatsoever with it.
I just find your rhetoric quite hostile and hope you get past that.
Wow, super glad for you, man. whatever gets you through the day sober is great. I have been so slammed that I forgot it was my 4th birthday this past Sunday. Talk about tunnel vision....been on the road so long I can't remember what day it is. I have many friends on the sub and they are quite happy and then i have lots of friends that do the 12 step thang...all cool with me. I guess I have more of a zen like approach and that has worked for me...4 years, damn!! I just forgot until I read this post.
Early on I could have done the sub thang, but didn't know enough about it so i chickened out and devised my own way to stay sober. It's real simple...Diet, exercise and mind over stupidity. Works real well for me. anyway, congratulations for you and glad to see that you finally found a way to stay sober.
Early on I could have done the sub thang, but didn't know enough about it so i chickened out and devised my own way to stay sober. It's real simple...Diet, exercise and mind over stupidity. Works real well for me. anyway, congratulations for you and glad to see that you finally found a way to stay sober.
Hello all...its been awhile since Ive been here.And though I havent read all the post here I did just want to say,as most who know me know Ive been on Sub for awhile now for along time.I use to come here & try to pretend I had "pain issues"& Id be on Sub for life because of that.Well alittle while back I finally admitted...Yes I may be on Sub for the rest of my life & the reason is simple....I am a addict.Simply put...on Sub I have some sort of quality to my life.Which Id like to say..for me...it been the first time I can remember since...?
Is Sub a "cure all"By no means no.I do have support.My family,& I go to a therapist.The Sub helps keep me away from abusing,but the support & therapy are also a MAIN thing in my recovery.
Lastly,Sub is a very powerful drug.They say alot stronger than most opiates.So I do need to say if anyone is thinking of going onto it...Please do some research,discuss truthfully with your Dr all the pros & the cons of being on Sub...Than deside.It may be Sub is for you...but I want to stress its not some "free bride"YOU & you alone must also do the work it takes to start taking your life,your addiction,& learning a better way to live.
Thanks to all who have been here for me in the past....I miss alot of you,but my life is a busy productive one now & I really dont have alot of time nor a need to be here.Not meant in a "bad"way because if it wasnt for this board...Id still be as I was....Not someone I like or am proud of
Love To All
Is Sub a "cure all"By no means no.I do have support.My family,& I go to a therapist.The Sub helps keep me away from abusing,but the support & therapy are also a MAIN thing in my recovery.
Lastly,Sub is a very powerful drug.They say alot stronger than most opiates.So I do need to say if anyone is thinking of going onto it...Please do some research,discuss truthfully with your Dr all the pros & the cons of being on Sub...Than deside.It may be Sub is for you...but I want to stress its not some "free bride"YOU & you alone must also do the work it takes to start taking your life,your addiction,& learning a better way to live.
Thanks to all who have been here for me in the past....I miss alot of you,but my life is a busy productive one now & I really dont have alot of time nor a need to be here.Not meant in a "bad"way because if it wasnt for this board...Id still be as I was....Not someone I like or am proud of
Love To All
I'm one of those that was against sub in the beginning. It was out of ignorance on my part. Since my son has been on it, I take back all I said. I do still believe though that it isn't for everyone and you should weigh all of your options first. It is a powerful drug..is it something you want to be on for the rest of your life...if so, then that's your business, no one else's. Please don't knock other people's way of doing thing though. And yes, Ralph dear, you are.
its funny how different we all are. I believe that you have to be crazy to put any drug into your system unless you have tried evreything like Tim Said.
My experience anybody I met put on sub was a habitual relapser and most of the people I met relapsed anyway.while on Sub--The disease just kills--the odds are against us but f the odds is my attitude; I just deal with my odds and they are 100%
I relapsed on sub a bunch of times as I drank on it. Not to abuse but its stupid as alcohol is poison to me.
But I have no desire to take opiates as I know it will lead to mixing the pills with benzos/ beer or wine as I like that buzz/combo.And no matter what I rather face life sober.
I will tell you the side effects of suboxone are not anything like oxycontin.
While on Sub you start to take care of yourself. Ralph never answered how many Mg he takes. If 2mg 2 times a day keeps the opiates away? WTF can happen?
Beats dying or white knuckling.
My experience anybody I met put on sub was a habitual relapser and most of the people I met relapsed anyway.while on Sub--The disease just kills--the odds are against us but f the odds is my attitude; I just deal with my odds and they are 100%
I relapsed on sub a bunch of times as I drank on it. Not to abuse but its stupid as alcohol is poison to me.
But I have no desire to take opiates as I know it will lead to mixing the pills with benzos/ beer or wine as I like that buzz/combo.And no matter what I rather face life sober.
I will tell you the side effects of suboxone are not anything like oxycontin.
While on Sub you start to take care of yourself. Ralph never answered how many Mg he takes. If 2mg 2 times a day keeps the opiates away? WTF can happen?
Beats dying or white knuckling.
I agree Jeff...,after trying everything else, Sub may be the answer but some still relapse while on it. We've seen that happen time and time again right here on this board. It is NOT a cure. If it is used with a good support program like NA/AA or counseling, you up your odds. Used alone, it's nothing but a crutch until your next relapse.
Are you clean while on Sub? Absolutely, in my opinion. You aren't chasing pills or drinking, you're clean in my book.
Are you clean while on Sub? Absolutely, in my opinion. You aren't chasing pills or drinking, you're clean in my book.