I Need Help

Hi All,
I just found this site tonight and I am sure that God had a little something to do with it. I got started on pain pills at the age of 15 for chronic endometriosis (female organ stuff). I remember the day that I knew I wasn't taking the pills for the pain but for the high. I have had many physical ailments in my life which has taken me back to Hydrocodone. But I KNOW that I am an addict.
I am on very high doses of Hydrocodone and Xanax. I basically take as much as I can get. Then I run out and get the runs and the shin splints and can't sleep.(Does this happen to everyone else?) I don't feel I can taper down by myself. Any suggestions out there? I am sick of the job I have of doctor hopping and feeling like crap about myself for lying to everyone in my life. Someone mentioned subox (or something like that) would someone please tell me what that is? I am happy to have found this site and look forward to any resposes I may get. Thanks for listening.
Hi Sick. I can relate. Anyway you can get to inpatient? Vics are one thing; but xanax can be EXTREMELY dangerous on your own...how many mils a day are you taking?
Suboxone is a detox med for opiate withdrawl. I must admit, it is extremely helpful. It stops the withdrawl symptoms of opiates, BUT YOU CAN'T TAKE ANY XANAX ON IT...at all.
Welcome to the board....having a desire to stop is the first place to start.
I am embarrased to say but I sometimes take up to 30mgs of xanax a day. And I don't even know why I do it. All it does it put me to sleep. I can take 10mgs and get the same effect. I do not get a high off of them anymore. I have stopped cold turkey twice, the first time I had a seizure. The second time was much worse I had a psychotic break. I was hearing things in my head. Seeing things that were not there. I ended up in ICU because my BP was so high. I am just so sick of living like this.
Sick- the wd's symptom you describe in your second post are common. And 30mg is a killer dose.Sleep? It really is a wonder you are alive, and mixing them with Vicodin. At that dose, you absolutely need medical supervision to quit and an in-paitient detox would be the best. Is that possible?
Sickandtired- I responded to you on the other post (easter plunge) but I will talk to you here on your own thread.

**** I am not experience with Benzo withdraw. I know it can take a long time to get off of the dose levels you are taking. Read the "Ashston Manual"

It shows half lifes of many Benzo medicines and gives a taper schedule. I have read this through and it has great info.

*** I have some experience with Hydro tappering and C/T . I have been taking SUB for a little over 2 weeks now and can give you a little first hand experience. There are many other threads about Sub here for you to read.

*** If it was me. I would concentrate on getting off the Hydros first , while not increasing your Zanex intake. Then do the "Ashton Manual " Long taper.

Hang in there. There are alot of good people here who know exactly what you are facing. They will support you and help you. Sounds like God lead you to this site just in time.

Hi Sick:

I started out taking Vic's for Endometreosis also. Funny how since I've been clean Motrin 800's take care of the pain. I don't think I really ever needed Narcotics, I just took them because they were there. Keep posting here and know that a life full of freedom from the bondage of pills awaits you when you quit using...

Thank you all for the support you have already given me. It might be possible that I could do an in patient withdrawl. Problem is my dad had a stroke recently and my mom is on chemo and I am the only child. So you can see where I'm going from there. But I talked to my bishop at church and he says that I have to take care of myself before anyone else. It is just hard because Mom needs to get to chemo. I could probably start weining myslef off of the xanax at home. With the amount I take that won't be hard in the beginning. And I have clonopine here just incase I run out. Because I refuse to go anywhere near cold turkey off of it. Thanks again for the advice and support. But especially for making me think that I can really do it.

Someone said that you can't take any Xanax with SUB.
Sick ~

HI !!!! Welcome you have come to the right place my friend. These people have
been my life saver for a long time and they are without a dought angels from heavan.

I took Vulunm ( not spelled right) the whole time I was on Sub.
That is right on...........
At the amount of xanax you are taking, mixed with sub would be a death sentence........
And at that amount you must wean from the xanax, but I see you may know all to well how bad ct is from it.
There are never easy answers to this, figure out what works best for you, get help from where ever you can and pray a lot, it really does help......
Good Luck and take care.
You definitely either need inpatient detox or you need to work closely with a doctor to get you off of these drugs....

Suboxone would be a great drug to help you get off of the hydrocodone (you didn't say how much you are taking, but you said it's a lot.... and if you're taking 30mg of xanax a day, then a lot of vicodin is probably A LOT).....


You cannot take xanax with the sub. Yes, Marina took valium when she was on sub, but she was definitely taking a chance (though it worked out wonderful for her and she's doing great, I wouldn't recommend it). You have to sign a contract when you start the sub program, stating that you will not drink alcohol or take anything like benzos, tranquilizers, sedatives, etc.

So I do not see how you would be able to start the sub until your xanax addiction is under control.

You already have experienced the horrible consequences of quitting xanax cold turkey.... please get with a doctor and get some professional help. Your bishop was right - you cannot take care of anyone else if you haven't taken care of yourself first. It's like when you are on an airplane and they explain to you what to do in an emergency.... You are supposed to put the oxygen mask on YOU first and then help the people who need it. If you try to help them first, you could pass out or die from lack of oxygen and then you wouldn't be able to help them... and they could die, too (hope this analogy makes sense).

We're here to help.....
You always make sense girlfriend! You always give great advice. I love reading your posts. Just the way you explain what you mean, I really learn a lot from you. Just thought I would let you know!

I can't relate to taking xanax. I always hated that drug. I still wonder why anyone would want to feel tired all day. Then mixing it with hydro would have brought my buzz down. I couldn't have had that happen now. You need help. Way more help than we could ever give you here. You are going to have a very hard time from what I have read getting off the xanax. Please so yourself a favor, find a doctor that is willing to help you! As far as the hydro goes, I have been there done that. If you wean down about 5 mgs every 5-7 days you should be okay. Some people can wean and quit, I have done it twice. It is something you really need to stick with.

If you don't feel that's an option than once you get off xanax you could always go on suboxone to help with the withdrawls from hydro. In my opinion you need rehab! Good luck! Rae

Thanks, Rae.....

One of the biggest problems in my life is that I don't listen to my own advice... LOL

I don't understand why someone would want to do xanax either. I could keep the same pill with me for 3-6 months, biting off small pieces if I had a panic attack. They were great for anxiety, but they made me soooooo sleepy.

And for people who would take it with hydrocodone? Not me! As soon as I would take a xanax, I couldn't feel the buzz from the pain pills.... Even if I waited 6 hours, if I took any xanax that day, I could NOT get high from the vicodin. Why was I going to take something that would mess up my "happy pill"? <smile>

Hun, congrats on the urge to get clean. I too was on a high amount of Xanax until a few weeks ago. I didn't even know they were addictive. I found out by noon of day one. I was FREAKING OUT and it was only getting worse. By the grace of god, I found this board. The people here want you clean, even if they don't like you as a person, they still are cool people and want recovery for all.

First off, DO NOT STOP XANAX COLD TURKEY. The people here turned me onto the Ashton Manual. It can be found at www.benzos.org. I beg you to read it. I started tapering two days into major withdrawal due to lack of meds. The guide shows you where you are now and when and HOW much to decrease and be safe doing it. Not bragging but with the manual I have been able to cut from 4 mils to 2.5 mils in about two weeks. I am doing the plan too fast but I can't stand getting the meds off the streets so I want this to be over ASAP.

Secondly, at that amount, it is only my opinion that it will be extremely hard to do this alone. The only reason I am successful is because I am so terrified of going through withdrawal again. I was so stupid that I took my last pill and was like "I don't need these anymore, things have settled down'. By noon I was in the fetal posistion crying, seeing stuff that wasn't there, you name it. I thought I went crazy because I didn't know what I was taking. Finally, my husband called one of his friends to come see about me and he asked if I took any medications and he said yeah, she took xanax but decided to stop since things are settled. That guy freaked and was like OH MY GOD MAN, you gotta get her some pills NOW. And that is how I found out I was an addict. Up until that day I thought I was a Stepford wife with not a care in the world.
Sickandtiredofthislife---If you are taking 30 milligrams of zanax, you could have a 1 to 2 year taper withdraw from all that zanax. 1 to 2 YEARS to safely do it yourself.. Here is the "Ashton manual " .

****If you follow the first taper ( It covers 6 milligrams down to a 40 mg of diazapam) that will take about 4 months. Then from 40 milligrams of Diazapam to nothing will take anothe 24 weeks.

**** But you are not starting at 6 milligrams , you are starting at 30 mill. This will take some time to get down to 6 mill.

****I would diffenatley seek professional advice. It can be very dangerous getting off Benzos. Read the other board here for Zanax . People there might have more experiance with that. Some of them have done it . YES , IT CAN BE DONE. You just have to really want to be free .
**** That is why I suggested getting of the Narcotics first . But like others have already said, You "cant" take SUB with zanax. I dont know how much narcotics you are taking , but tappering and then making a clean break from them might be what is neccesary.

**** I am not sure what an inpatient detox would be like , but it does seem like it might be the best way for you to go.
***You already made the first step by wanting to get free of all of this bondage. If you can get some help from somebody to temporarily help take care of you folks , then you can go into a treatment center. Your life is worth it. You have a whole life to live. This will be a rough one to overcome , but you can do it . With God , all things are possible.

Dear Sick,

I'm so glad God lead you to this board! I can see you're in great hands already! Please listen to these people. They know where you're coming from and they care tremendously. I came to this board because my 29 year old son became addicted to vicodin, then oxycontin, and then turned to heroin. He's in a partial now, which followed his rehab. He's done wonderful at both of them, thank God! He's been away since February 20th and I miss him very much, but he needed to do this for himself just as you need to do this for yourself. You aren't going to be much help to your parents if you continue like this. Maybe someone at the church could take your mom to chemo. I will be praying for you, sweetie. God bless!

Dear Sickandtired,
First of all I just want to say that we are all so glad to have you on this board. and that you have Definetly come to the right place..Everyone here has everyone else's best intentions in mind and heart.
I agree with everyone here...I know that getting off the xanax is extremely Hard and Dangerous..So that is the first problem I think you will have to adress..
I think you will need in-patient ...I hate to even say that, but I really do think that is you Only option..You may be able to just do a 7 day detox, but Im not so sure with the xanax..
As far as the Sub goes..I have heard Nothing but Wonderful results about it.but only used short term...for that you can look in the Physicians Locator..they give you a list of doctors in you area, but the problem is that there is a 30- patient quoto and most are booked up. so If you can get on a waiting list I would do that..Hopefully by time an appt. opens for you you may have already solved the xanax problem..
Truthfully your lucky you are still alive..I know I am, with all the mixtures of meds I took, Morphine, Perks, Vicoden, Patches, Codeine.xanax...but then again I wanted to die...Well as fate would have it I guess I was meant to be here to suffer a little more until I had enough sense to just stop using..
It was hard., but I can tell you it was worth it...
Please keep posting..This is the Greatest Board that you could have ever found..
We all Love you and wish you well.
Help yourself, because if you do not ,,,No one will be there to help your Mom and Dad...Comprenday!!!???(sp)??
Love and Hugs.
Sick- I did in-patient detox forXanax and don't recommend it. They pretty much "throw you to the lions" and you end up going ct. Why I didn't relapse, I'll never know. They might give you a little valium to take the edge of, but at 30mg a day, it would certainly take more than some valium. I recommend a slow taper down to less than 1mg and then quitting. As you can see from Ashton,it's a long drawn out process but worth it as opposed to what I went through. Follow the link in Jakes post to the manual. You'll be glad you did. Kind of a scary read but she is 100% right on the money.
Hi All,
Thank you all so much for your comments and suggestions. I need to clarify something. I do not take 30 mgs of Xanax EVERYDAY. But I have. I usually (depending on my supply) take about 8-10mgs a day. The Hydrocodone I have take 20 10mgs a day, or (depending on my supply) 4 10mgs a day. But within 24 hours of not having hydrocodone my legs start to hurt (like shin splints) and the diareah starts. It is amazing how fast it starts.
I have gone off xanax cold turkey twice. The first time I had a seizure and ended up in the hospital. The second time was much worse. I had been out of town and run out and by the time I got home I was scared to leave my house. I had a Rx that I could have picked up, but I couldn't make myself leave. I started hearing and seeing things that were not there. I didn't sleep for days. My husband kept telling me he was going to take me to the hospital and I would tell him no, because I was scared to leave my room. He ended up calling the ambulance and I ended up in ICU because of my vital signs. The doctors said I had a psycotic break. And they ended up giving me xanax at the hospital.
It just seems to me that xanax is the problem and the answer. Does that make sense??
Another part of the story is that I have had over 35 surgeries since the age of 15. They started wacking on me for endometriosis, back then they did not know much about it. And I ended up with a complete hysterectomy at the age of 24. But they did something wrong and I have nerve damage in my lower abdomen. It has always been very painful. Well 10 years ago I had a pain pump put in. I did not regulate it, it just went off when it was supposed to and helped the pain a lot. Actually I didn't have any pain. So I went on and off the pain pills during those 10 years. After 10 years of having the pump I I took a needle and pulled the medicine (Fentanyl) out and gave it to myself in the leg or hip. At that point I knew that if I got it filled again I would die. So I had the pump taken out a year ago. So now I am having to deal with all of the pain again. And I have been diagnosed with Lupus.
I am not trying to give excuses for using the drugs, and I know that I am an addict. But I do have real physical pain. So I don't know the answer. I just know that I am so happy that I found this site and all of you.
Can someone please tell me what c/t is?
Thanks and God Bless You All,
Diana, I just wanted to say that I am one person (of probably many) that is so thankful that you didn't fulfill your death wish..... <smile>

Tanya, that's the trouble with addiction to pain pills..... Unlike addiction to cocaine or alcohol or heroin, at some point or other in our lives, we will probably be at the point where we NEED to take opiate-based pain killers. For example, my chronic pain has gotten much better now that I'm off Vicodin (strange, huh?), but if I have another child, I will have to have another C-section..... and I will definitely need pain pills for that. Do I take the pills, knowing that I could relapse? Well, I'd have to...... but I've already begun a plan to handle that when the time comes.

For you, if you are in SEVERE pain on a daily basis, you may need to take these pills in order to have any quality of life. Can you talk to your doctor about your addiction and go over all of your alternatives?

I'll say a prayer for you..... This is a really tough situation to be in.
