Hey there, My brother is coming in town from florida to help my mother with back surgery. Well he was really pissed at me for getting off of the methadone and thought I was not really clean until he saw me at xmas. We have had a very messed up relationship.
We use to use together and he is like 20 years older than me. He told my mother at xmas that he has never seen me like that. He definetly then knew I was clean.
Heres the problem I know he wants me back on the methadone and to continue using. He doesnt like being the only one in our family that is using and he has tried to ween down several times to only go back up so he has tried getting off of it but when he would get down to like 40 milligrams he could not stand it and went back up.
He is a man without a conceince and has been in jail more than he has been out, Anyway, at xmas he tried offering me some methadone and I said hell no. this really pissed him off.
I know I need to watch out for my recovery but my mother wants all of her kids to love and be nice to one another.
He will be here in a couple of weeks and my mother has already planned for me and him to take turns at the hospital. I tried tellling my mother that he would love to see me get back on it and he took me to the side at xmas this year and asked me if I wanted any. She just does not believe me and thinks he can do no wrong.
I remember a few years back he told me this woman wanted her husband killed and asked him to do it and he was actually thinking about it. They were going to share the insurance money that this man had. I said how can you even think like that and all he said was April I dont have a conceince.
Also I had told one of our mutual dope buddies that he is not at all like he pretends to be and I can remember a time where my girlfriend across the street from us was at our house playing and robert wanted to play hide and go seek. He was about 23 and me and the other girl were 6 and 8.
I remember him getting so mad at me because he had her in the bedroom and told me to stay the hell out. The girl that was there came out of that room and said your brother just did something to me and I need to go home.
Well anyway, our mutual friend went back to my brother and told him I was saying he was a child molester. He was in new mexico at the time and was on his way home. When he got there he ended up kicking me and called me a liar.well I went to a hotel for the night and when I got home the next day he said he had gone across the street to tell the mother of this child what I was saying. Well when I came in the house from the night before he was on the computer and told me he had gone to the girls mother across the street and told her what I had said. Now I have not seen this girl since I was like 10 years old.
Well anyway, the phone rang and it was the girls mother and said robert told me what you were saying and we are on our way over there that charlette was there the young girl at the time and said it was all true and wanted to confront him. Well she was crying and saying do you realize what you did to me you sodomized me and I had to take a bath several times a day because of the pain and all my brother did was sit there and say I cannot remember that and I just dont think that was me. Well the girl was histerical and was yelling at him and everything. I know today he is married to a woman who is his wife but they dont sleep together he just wanted to marry her to get more money from the VA and she has three young girls. I know he is still doing this and my mother still doesnt want to talk about what charlette had said and he was telling my mother that I paid her to say all of this.
I have been cival to him and I am really not sure if I can continue being so fake when I know he is doing this and this pisses my mother off and says that that was the past to just get over it. Well I talked to my mother today and told her I just cannot be around him. Numbe one I know he is still doing this and that makes me sick and two he will try and get me to use while he is here.
How do I go about telling my mother that I dont want anything to do with him and I want to tell him that also. I just know what she is gonna say. To let the past be the past but I know he is still doing this because he has no interest in woman and is so nice to little girls.
I am sorry brother or no brother he is f----d up. I just think he is a horrible person and needs to be locked up. I also told my other brother who lives in florida and he just did not want to talk about. This is how my family is and if it is not something good than we brush it under the rug.
So what do I do I thought about just writng him a letter and telll him exactly how I feel, I know I am gonna have to see him and he is such a con artist that he can put on the charm. with whoever is there. Including myself. I just dont think anyone in there right mind would want to have anything to do with him and knowing he will be trying his hardest to get me back on methadone is another reason I dont want anything to do with him. So if anyone has any suggestion on how to go about putting him out of my life forever and without really hurting my mother. Please someone tell me what to do. Sincerely,
thats a really tough place to be in! I don't have any advice, but I am praying for you. Be strong. Good Luck!!!
Dare to be the person that you have become. Listen to your inner voice and pray to your higher power. The answers are already in you. Be strong your not in an easy spot. I have a situation similar with an addict sister. There is no way to win so don't make it a competition in the first place, you be you. The rest will work out in the wash so to speak.
April...honey...do you realize what you are saying??? This is a very dangerous person and you need to not only protect yourself from him but also others. He is a child molester..the lowest form of human being. He needs to be reported can you imagine the people that he has hurt. You need to explain these things to your mother and stand firm on your ground. My blood is boiling....I am a mother and a grandmother and if someone like him ever got near me or mine I am afraid of what I may do. It is time to be honest....you owe it to yourself...can you tell me in good faith that you honestly believed that the little girl you spoke about is the only little girl or boy that he has harmed over the years? Listen to your heart and do the right thing...I am begging you. You did tell us this story because you think he is harmless...scream from the highest mountain to any and everyone who will listen.
I realize this might cause some grief within your family..however it will pass. I am sorry my heart aches for you April..you sound like a bright women and you have come along way in your recovery and you should be proud of that..good for you...I am begging you to stay away from this person and get bitchy with him if you have to. My gosh he sounds like the Lucifer himself.
I am sorry if this comes across harsh....I do not wish to hurt you I just want you to hear me.
My heart goes out to you as well as my prayers...Love and Hugs Kee Kee
I realize this might cause some grief within your family..however it will pass. I am sorry my heart aches for you April..you sound like a bright women and you have come along way in your recovery and you should be proud of that..good for you...I am begging you to stay away from this person and get bitchy with him if you have to. My gosh he sounds like the Lucifer himself.
I am sorry if this comes across harsh....I do not wish to hurt you I just want you to hear me.
My heart goes out to you as well as my prayers...Love and Hugs Kee Kee
Kee-Kee, How are you doing? Shantel
Hi Shantel......I am hanging in there...it is day five and I have to say that today is better than yesterday! Thank you for asking sweetheart. My Doctor prescribed a small amount of Ativan to get through it helping me alot...especially at night when trying to turn off the brain..which is no easy feat!!
What about you sweetie? how are things with you? U ok?
Big Fat sickly hugs...Kee Kee
What about you sweetie? how are things with you? U ok?
Big Fat sickly hugs...Kee Kee
...April...I feel disgusted to read this..i know hes your brother..but he should,nt be allowed to get away with wot he done/still doing..he needs to be locked up for the safety of other children and their innocence and for wot he did previously..if that was my brother i would,nt want him anywhere near me..and if it caused friction between my family and me..then so be it..Robbie..
Robbie....Amen to that...this guy is a criminal...plain and simple
Thank God, Someone understands what I have been trying to say to them. It is like everyone I have told that knows him just will not beleive it. Also the girl he molested said she would file charges on him when she confronted him and we called the police station and they said that we would have to file it with someone in a certain field. I know this will be hard on my family but the truth needs to come out and my mother will just not hear it. I can not understand her and want him to go to jail for this. He is an habitual offender and always ends up going back to jail but this time he has moved and we are just waiting to get the phone call that he has been arrested. I swear to God that you are the first person who understand where I am coming from and I cannot prove he is doing anything to the girls that live with him now but I know what I remember when I was a child and this did happen and the girl he did this to even came over and confronted him in front of my mother and all that he could say was are you sure it was me and I dont remember.
Never did he deny it until the girl was gone and that is when he told my mother that I paid this girl to say those things. We had not even spoken in 25 years so How could I have paid her and why would I do that. Dont you think this is so humillating to me. I am so just going on my gut instincts and I know he is not interested in woman at all. He is a very goodlooking man that you would never think could have done something like this and he has been in and out of the federal prisons. you know the nice ones where they have a tennis courts and basketball and live in a little house with another room mate. He always has money and he has never worked but gets money from the VA and thats why he said he married this woman so he would get back more. I am an addict and I felt sorry for him for a long time but the things that have happened in the last few years are very very disturbing to me. I know my other brothers wife will not let the kids be around him when he is around and this pisses off my other brother,
I just dont understand why everyone is acting like he is such the good guy when he is a habitual offender and this is things he would do because he was a bigtime herion addict and I am sorry but I can not just sit back and know that he could be f-----g up some kids life.
When melody met him I told her what a horrible person he is and she said she would never had known that without me telling her. My mother thinks he is the wonder son and my father died about 6 years ago and before he died I was always the special one and this pissed my brother off and my father also blamed robert my brother for getting me hooked on drugs and getting arrested and I had nothing to do with that and I think my mother thinks I just have alot of resentment for him and I am lying about this. If I was lying then why did that woman now come over to our house and start crying and yelling at him and said thats why I have always been scared to come around here. We both had the same stories and the same room they were in and everything. I just wished my mother would believe me. I know this girl would press charges on him if she was able because this was something awful he did to her and doesnt want him doing it to anyone else and we never could get anywhere with the police. Do you know of anything we could do to press charges against him for what he did almost 17 years ago? Please let me know because now that I am off drugs that everything is becoming more clearer and I can not know of someone that could be hurting someone else and just stand by and watch it today. So what if my mother gets mad she will get over it and the rest of my family will then listen to me. Thanks for having such strong convictions about this and please tell me what I can do. Thanks for posting me back. Sincerely,
Never did he deny it until the girl was gone and that is when he told my mother that I paid this girl to say those things. We had not even spoken in 25 years so How could I have paid her and why would I do that. Dont you think this is so humillating to me. I am so just going on my gut instincts and I know he is not interested in woman at all. He is a very goodlooking man that you would never think could have done something like this and he has been in and out of the federal prisons. you know the nice ones where they have a tennis courts and basketball and live in a little house with another room mate. He always has money and he has never worked but gets money from the VA and thats why he said he married this woman so he would get back more. I am an addict and I felt sorry for him for a long time but the things that have happened in the last few years are very very disturbing to me. I know my other brothers wife will not let the kids be around him when he is around and this pisses off my other brother,
I just dont understand why everyone is acting like he is such the good guy when he is a habitual offender and this is things he would do because he was a bigtime herion addict and I am sorry but I can not just sit back and know that he could be f-----g up some kids life.
When melody met him I told her what a horrible person he is and she said she would never had known that without me telling her. My mother thinks he is the wonder son and my father died about 6 years ago and before he died I was always the special one and this pissed my brother off and my father also blamed robert my brother for getting me hooked on drugs and getting arrested and I had nothing to do with that and I think my mother thinks I just have alot of resentment for him and I am lying about this. If I was lying then why did that woman now come over to our house and start crying and yelling at him and said thats why I have always been scared to come around here. We both had the same stories and the same room they were in and everything. I just wished my mother would believe me. I know this girl would press charges on him if she was able because this was something awful he did to her and doesnt want him doing it to anyone else and we never could get anywhere with the police. Do you know of anything we could do to press charges against him for what he did almost 17 years ago? Please let me know because now that I am off drugs that everything is becoming more clearer and I can not know of someone that could be hurting someone else and just stand by and watch it today. So what if my mother gets mad she will get over it and the rest of my family will then listen to me. Thanks for having such strong convictions about this and please tell me what I can do. Thanks for posting me back. Sincerely,
Kee-Kee, Seems like we're starting our own thread here. I am doing alright. I had a great Valentines night with hubby and kids, especially with hubby when all the kids were gone or in bed. I started a new job a few weeks ago and I really like it. I work for a PHD counsolor who specializes in addiction, marriage, incest you name it. She is a great boss. Had a few problems creep up over the weekend with my 20 year old she informed us she is yet again pregnant with her 2nd baby. Really had to hold it together with that one, good thing is I didn't go looking for pills to deal with the problem, had to face it head on. Don't know how well I did but I am getting through it. I hope you are doing o.k. I know you were having a hard time and somethimes we get so wrapped up in our own problems we forget about what other people might be going through. Shantel
..I don,t know wot you can do...maybe you should talk to someone in authrority.
..it sounds like your mother dose,nt want to believe it..much like an active addict who dose,nt admit to having a problem and denying they are an addict..Robbie..
..I don,t know wot you can do...maybe you should talk to someone in authrority.
..it sounds like your mother dose,nt want to believe it..much like an active addict who dose,nt admit to having a problem and denying they are an addict..Robbie..
Hhhhhhhmmmmmm...April, that is truly a tough one...bottom line is..these kind of crimes have Statutes of Limitations"....perhaps what you can do is tell him in no uncertain terms that you will NO longer tolerate anything he does and that if he ever harms living thing on earth you will not hesistate to call the police. Be strong with your mom and tell her how you feel and now that you are sober and clear headed....you are an adult and you have the right to make adult choices....and you choose to stay as far from him as possible...tell him never to darken your door. Sorry honey...I just feel sick to my stomach and my heart aches for you...be strong and be firm. You have every right.
Keeping you in my prayers...Kee Kee
Keeping you in my prayers...Kee Kee
Hey Shantel...yes I remember that you started that new job, I am really happy that its working out for you...you deserve it my dear. How ironic though huh? an addiction specialist...you are where you are supose to be. I am happy you had a real nice Valentines dinner with your family....thats great. Look at your second grandchild as blessing as I am sure you do. I remember when my 17 year old came home and told me she was pregnant after much hesitation...I asked her how that is possible....immaculate conception maybe??? she swore to me that she was not sexually active...lol. It has been both challenging and wonderfull...my life has never been so blessed because of this amazing little person and simply could not imagine my life without. You will with the grace of God find out why this happened...(ok we know that) what I mean is how much of a miracle and how this little gift will impact all of your lives...much love to you Shantel...I am so happy for you...you deserve it...keep on keeping on...
Big love and hugs...from a sickly...but getting through...Kee Kee
Big love and hugs...from a sickly...but getting through...Kee Kee
Dear kee kee, I am so glad someone understands where I am coming from and you have no idea how hard that was to write on here but it was eating away at me and if anyone could understand It would be an ousider and you guys. I feel so much better now and know what I have to do. He has only been out of prison this time for 5 years and he usually goes back after the first one or two years. I am hoping he will get arrested and it will be the three striked your out law and he has always manipulated the system and he just makes me sick. I feel nothing for him but anger. If my father was here and would have heard what charlette was saying my father would probably be in jail right now.
I know my mother has to believe deep down in her heart that he did do this to her but doesnt want any trouble started. Which I have threatened after this to call the VA and tell them he had been getting money the whole time he has been in jail and that is fraud. I know If I did call him now and they went back and saw all of the times he was in prison that it would come back as about 20 years of his life and he has collected money from the VA the whole time he was in there. He is just really a bad person and truly has no consceince. I remember when I was 18 me and my girlfriend went to dallas to see him and this was the first time I had seen him on like ten years and I remember telling him how he was always my favorite brother because he always took me places. He said without even thinking yeh we use to use you to have a reason to get out of the house and get our dope.
I have seen on tv where people have talked about there molestation after remember it years later and that is another thing my mother said to me was why didnt we tell her about this. I said because kids just dont tell. Now honest to God how many woman do you know who have been molested. I think everyine I know has. It is a sick crime and I think he should be in jail because he is still living a criminal life and stealing peoples Identification and willl get credit cards and has stolen peoples bonds and has gone in and got money for them. Under a different name.
I am so sick to my stomach right now thinking how this will effect my family but I know in my heart what I need to do and can not just sit back and watch this going on.
Again, Thank you for having such a strong conviction about this and know that I would have had him in jail a long time ago if I had a way to.
I really did not think he would be out this long.
I know my mother has to believe deep down in her heart that he did do this to her but doesnt want any trouble started. Which I have threatened after this to call the VA and tell them he had been getting money the whole time he has been in jail and that is fraud. I know If I did call him now and they went back and saw all of the times he was in prison that it would come back as about 20 years of his life and he has collected money from the VA the whole time he was in there. He is just really a bad person and truly has no consceince. I remember when I was 18 me and my girlfriend went to dallas to see him and this was the first time I had seen him on like ten years and I remember telling him how he was always my favorite brother because he always took me places. He said without even thinking yeh we use to use you to have a reason to get out of the house and get our dope.
I have seen on tv where people have talked about there molestation after remember it years later and that is another thing my mother said to me was why didnt we tell her about this. I said because kids just dont tell. Now honest to God how many woman do you know who have been molested. I think everyine I know has. It is a sick crime and I think he should be in jail because he is still living a criminal life and stealing peoples Identification and willl get credit cards and has stolen peoples bonds and has gone in and got money for them. Under a different name.
I am so sick to my stomach right now thinking how this will effect my family but I know in my heart what I need to do and can not just sit back and watch this going on.
Again, Thank you for having such a strong conviction about this and know that I would have had him in jail a long time ago if I had a way to.
I really did not think he would be out this long.
If you know that he is still doing this to children, I think the priority should be getting his a** locked up. I'm sure your mother loves her children, but she's a grown woman and sometimes we have to face the ugly truth, even when its someone we love. These children that he's molesting, need someone to stand up for them. As a mother of three girls, it truly disgusts me. God help him or anyone else that hurt one of my kids.
If it were my brother, I'd cut him out of my life and I'd do everything possible to get him put away for as long as possible.
If you know that he is still doing this to children, I think the priority should be getting his a** locked up. I'm sure your mother loves her children, but she's a grown woman and sometimes we have to face the ugly truth, even when its someone we love. These children that he's molesting, need someone to stand up for them. As a mother of three girls, it truly disgusts me. God help him or anyone else that hurt one of my kids.
If it were my brother, I'd cut him out of my life and I'd do everything possible to get him put away for as long as possible.
Dear deana, I want him locked up but it is not that easy and this is something I have been puttting in the back of my mind and the only reason it all really came out was because I was wrrting my forth step and there it was in black and white. I have never even wanted to admit it because he is my brother but know I have to deal with these things today. I dont have any proof that he is doing it to these kids and my sister inlaw even called this woman that is married to my brother and told her what had happened here and that I thought he was still doing it. I have no proof but it is my gut instict. So the mother of these three girls knows he was accused of doing this to someone years before them and she continues not to believe it and says that I am just lying. I am not the one who accused him of this and he was the one who went to the girls house and told the mother what I was saying.
I dont know why he would even do that knowing that he did do it and knowing the mother would ask her daughter. I guess he figured she was to young and would not remember it. Who knows? This is really embarrasing because this is my family I am talking about and I feel so much shame and anger towards him. I also think my mother doesnt want to deal with it because he tells her what she wants to hear. Like my mother is very religous and I am not but I am very spiritual and me and my mother get into fights over that all the time.
Where my brother goes along with whatever she says and he has so much knowledge on every subject there is to know because when he was in prison he read and read and read and always talked about having knowledge and being smart and to learn whatever I can. He is actually an atheist but never would he dare tell my mother that. He pretends to tell her what she wants to hear and told me one time that I have to stop being so honest and tell mom and dad what they want to hear. Well, I am just glad I got that out because this has been laying heavy on my heart and being clean and writing a fourth step all kinds of stuff comes out. At the same time my mother was getting him to fly here for him to help her with her back surgery. It just makes me so angry that my mother is in such denial and tells me to leave it in the past. I just can not do that. This is the first time I have ever shared this with anyone except my girlfrend knows and after she met him was like are you sure it was him and not one of your other brothers because he just doesnt look like a child molestor. I said what does a child molester look like? Anyway, Thanks for all of your post and I am going to do something and first of all I am calling my mother tonight and telling her how I feel about all of this and he should be liocked up. I know this is her son and its hard to believe but my God he is a very attractive man so why would he never have a girlfriend or even onenight stands. It is just all coming out now and he thinks I would never telll the police but he has no idea how sick he makes me. Sincerely,
P:S I hope yall dont look at this as my family being all messed up and all my brothers are not at all like him and they have worked and are living normal lives.So I hope yall dont look down upon me for his nasty problem. I actually have a good family exvcept for him and I have three other brothers than just him.
I dont know why he would even do that knowing that he did do it and knowing the mother would ask her daughter. I guess he figured she was to young and would not remember it. Who knows? This is really embarrasing because this is my family I am talking about and I feel so much shame and anger towards him. I also think my mother doesnt want to deal with it because he tells her what she wants to hear. Like my mother is very religous and I am not but I am very spiritual and me and my mother get into fights over that all the time.
Where my brother goes along with whatever she says and he has so much knowledge on every subject there is to know because when he was in prison he read and read and read and always talked about having knowledge and being smart and to learn whatever I can. He is actually an atheist but never would he dare tell my mother that. He pretends to tell her what she wants to hear and told me one time that I have to stop being so honest and tell mom and dad what they want to hear. Well, I am just glad I got that out because this has been laying heavy on my heart and being clean and writing a fourth step all kinds of stuff comes out. At the same time my mother was getting him to fly here for him to help her with her back surgery. It just makes me so angry that my mother is in such denial and tells me to leave it in the past. I just can not do that. This is the first time I have ever shared this with anyone except my girlfrend knows and after she met him was like are you sure it was him and not one of your other brothers because he just doesnt look like a child molestor. I said what does a child molester look like? Anyway, Thanks for all of your post and I am going to do something and first of all I am calling my mother tonight and telling her how I feel about all of this and he should be liocked up. I know this is her son and its hard to believe but my God he is a very attractive man so why would he never have a girlfriend or even onenight stands. It is just all coming out now and he thinks I would never telll the police but he has no idea how sick he makes me. Sincerely,
P:S I hope yall dont look at this as my family being all messed up and all my brothers are not at all like him and they have worked and are living normal lives.So I hope yall dont look down upon me for his nasty problem. I actually have a good family exvcept for him and I have three other brothers than just him.
..I don,t look down on you at all personally..in fact more the opposite for being honest about it..it can,t of been easy for you to bring that out in the open ..you should,nt be judged over this because he,s your brother..its obviously hit a nerve with us because of wot hes done..but it in no way should reflect on you..
.it will be hard to do anything about it..cos nowadays you need concrete evidence to even get near a court never mind getting him sent to prison..thats a whole different ballgame in itself..and if something was done and he went to jail over it..no doubt he would end up in a nice comfortable prison with everything he needed and probably get a few months inside..but get a shoplifter nicking a packet of batterys or sumink silly..will get a couple of years in a proper jail..the court system stinks when it comes to child crimes..sorry for rambling..i,ve just got serious issues with this sort of stuff...Robbie..
..I don,t look down on you at all personally..in fact more the opposite for being honest about it..it can,t of been easy for you to bring that out in the open ..you should,nt be judged over this because he,s your brother..its obviously hit a nerve with us because of wot hes done..but it in no way should reflect on you..
.it will be hard to do anything about it..cos nowadays you need concrete evidence to even get near a court never mind getting him sent to prison..thats a whole different ballgame in itself..and if something was done and he went to jail over it..no doubt he would end up in a nice comfortable prison with everything he needed and probably get a few months inside..but get a shoplifter nicking a packet of batterys or sumink silly..will get a couple of years in a proper jail..the court system stinks when it comes to child crimes..sorry for rambling..i,ve just got serious issues with this sort of stuff...Robbie..
I feel for you my dear. It's gotta be one of the hardest situations for you to go through and I am sorry for that. When you mentioned that she would report it to police and they said she had to go to another kind of person....that is sooooo wrong! I work for a sexual assault agency and most reports start with filing a report at the police station. Even victims I see in the ER, the police get called right then to take a report. Don't give up, unfortunatley I have job security because there are so many cruel people on this earth. But even if getting him off the streets helps one person, you have done something GREAT!! Take care, hang in there. I am also proud of you refusing his offer and staying clean- when you are feeling down, remember how strong you are to have done that!!!
I feel for you my dear. It's gotta be one of the hardest situations for you to go through and I am sorry for that. When you mentioned that she would report it to police and they said she had to go to another kind of person....that is sooooo wrong! I work for a sexual assault agency and most reports start with filing a report at the police station. Even victims I see in the ER, the police get called right then to take a report. Don't give up, unfortunatley I have job security because there are so many cruel people on this earth. But even if getting him off the streets helps one person, you have done something GREAT!! Take care, hang in there. I am also proud of you refusing his offer and staying clean- when you are feeling down, remember how strong you are to have done that!!!
STAY FAR AWAY FROM ALL WHO ARE IN ACTIVE ADDICTION!!!!! You have to take care of you ,noone will do this for you.I dont think there will ver be a good time to deal w/ this but I know I would not entertain his dumbass at all not for a minute. People that have no concious are very dangerous . I dont see how he is not locked up now. Is he wanted anywhere? I hate this and hate that your mom doesnt believe you but you have to stand strong in your convictions . I do believe you are doing the right thing by getting this out though ,it will only cause you harm to keep it to your self . We are here for you . Cris
Hey April,
I have started this post three times now. But can't seem to hit the post button when I'm done.April you have to do something about him. I don't believe there is a Statue of Limitations on a crime like this. If there was all of those preists would've gotton away with molesting all of those young boys. They did for about 20 and 30 years till the boys started remembering what had happened to them. Once they did, they started arresting them and sueing them and winning those lawsuits.I know how hard it is to tell on one of your brothers. Now I didn't admit this until I was over 30 years old. Actually I didn't remember this until then And the only person I have ever told was my husband. But he still doesn't know which one of my five brothers molested me.I remember being 5 or six years old and my parents and my older brother and sister-in-law went out one night and let my fourteen year old brother babysit my youngest brother and I.( My parents had two sets of kids first 3 boys then 10 years later another boy then 6 years later my youngest bro. then 1 year later me.) Well not to get into the graphics but he molested me. It is the only time I remember it ever happening, but it did happen.I've chalked it up to curiosity on his part to keep from going insane.See we do still talk and see each other maybe once every two months or so. And I love my brother very much. He does not think I remember this happening to me and I can't bring myself to tell him.I don't know why not. Both my parents are gone so it would not affect the family. Those of us that are left (3 bros & me) did not socialize since my mothers death except one time at my nieces, funeral because of past disagreements about my mothers care when she fell ill. But if I thought for one second he did that to anyone else, then or now, I don't think I would hesitate to call the law to him!! Any way I just wanted you to know someone understands a little better than most how it is to keep a horrific secret.If you need or want to talk you have my e-mail address.
I have started this post three times now. But can't seem to hit the post button when I'm done.April you have to do something about him. I don't believe there is a Statue of Limitations on a crime like this. If there was all of those preists would've gotton away with molesting all of those young boys. They did for about 20 and 30 years till the boys started remembering what had happened to them. Once they did, they started arresting them and sueing them and winning those lawsuits.I know how hard it is to tell on one of your brothers. Now I didn't admit this until I was over 30 years old. Actually I didn't remember this until then And the only person I have ever told was my husband. But he still doesn't know which one of my five brothers molested me.I remember being 5 or six years old and my parents and my older brother and sister-in-law went out one night and let my fourteen year old brother babysit my youngest brother and I.( My parents had two sets of kids first 3 boys then 10 years later another boy then 6 years later my youngest bro. then 1 year later me.) Well not to get into the graphics but he molested me. It is the only time I remember it ever happening, but it did happen.I've chalked it up to curiosity on his part to keep from going insane.See we do still talk and see each other maybe once every two months or so. And I love my brother very much. He does not think I remember this happening to me and I can't bring myself to tell him.I don't know why not. Both my parents are gone so it would not affect the family. Those of us that are left (3 bros & me) did not socialize since my mothers death except one time at my nieces, funeral because of past disagreements about my mothers care when she fell ill. But if I thought for one second he did that to anyone else, then or now, I don't think I would hesitate to call the law to him!! Any way I just wanted you to know someone understands a little better than most how it is to keep a horrific secret.If you need or want to talk you have my e-mail address.