hello i just recived a phone call from my dad who is 57yrs old..he confided in me that he has a pain pill problem...and he wants to go off. He want to do it labor day weekend...he says he want to go cold turkey, but want to know what to expect he gave me somethings to find out. he is also a alcoholic...he dosn't want to die in the rehab process..(i have already lost my mother to drugs i dont wanna loss my dad)... he is trying to slowly wean himself off..2 months ago he was taking 60mg fo morphine sulfer, and 20mg of loricate/vicodie w/ breakfast..i'm sure among other he didn't wanna tell me all. then at lunch 15mg of loricate and at quitin' time another 15mg of loricate. (forgive my spelling), now he takes still 60mg of morpine sulfer,10mg of loricat/vicodle at breakfast, for lunch 10mg of loricate, and for dinner/quitin' time another 10 of loricate. any help would be great. thank you....i know he is on a # more of pain pills among pills for his heart and blood preasure. and some for i belive colon cancer. if anyone can help...i have never been big into this stuff...i learned from my parents mistakes now i'm trying to help the one i have left. thank you
First of all what he needs to do is consult his doctor since he has underlying serious medical problems. He should not do this on his own. All of the physicians treating him should know of his addiction and his desire to be free of drugs. He should not do this himself.
sharon just gave you the best advice. he needs to go through his doctor.
sometimes withdrawl can be lifethreatening. he needs monitored through this.
maybe even inpatient detox.
please don't do this on your own with him. take him to the doctor, or
to a detox center. have him call his doctor before he does anything.
sharon just gave you the best advice. he needs to go through his doctor.
sometimes withdrawl can be lifethreatening. he needs monitored through this.
maybe even inpatient detox.
please don't do this on your own with him. take him to the doctor, or
to a detox center. have him call his doctor before he does anything.
i talked to him about going to the doctor, i mean he is the one giving him the pills you would think that they would him get off right? He says no he dosn't wanna talk to the dr. for fear of people finding out that he has a problem. He dosn't wanna loss his job, or respect from people. I'm in PA my dad lives inNC...i told him that i think that the slowly taking smaller dose is a good idea. What can he expect as far as withdraw? What happens? I've seen my mother go throught withdraw (from herion)when iwas little , Is it the same? I hope not that was not a nice image. One other not..dr. should think more before giving people meds. like this....they should try pain managment first. thank you for your response.
If he doesn't want to go to his Primary Care Physician then he should make an appointment with an addiction specialist in the medical field. If you want to know about w/d 's look over old posts here, you will learn all you need to know.
Good luck,
Good luck,
the withdrawls can look like death
really he has a significant history to not mess around
with the amounts he is taking and a taper it could take months
he could call in sick to work and check into rehab
and not tell a soul
better safe than sorry sometimes
sorry you have to deal with this
really he has a significant history to not mess around
with the amounts he is taking and a taper it could take months
he could call in sick to work and check into rehab
and not tell a soul
better safe than sorry sometimes
sorry you have to deal with this