I have a friend I've known for most of my life, he more like a brother, well for about the last six years he's been smoking pot. he's pale, can't remember anything and he's droped out of school coutless times. I've tried talking to him before but can't seem to find the right words to say. He needs help and i'd do anything to give it to him. If anyone has any idea on what I should do please please please tell me.
My son is in a similar situation. Been using for about one year now. Need help before this gets too far if it has not yet gotten there.
He refuses to talk. I cannot get through him and whatever questions I ask, it is always an invasion of his privacy. What worries me a bit more is that in my family, there is a natural tendency to anxiety attacks, and I just read that one of the side effects of marijuana is "anxiety attacks".
He does not realise that smoking, even "pot" is dangerous, and I don't seem to be able to convince him of that.
He refuses to talk. I cannot get through him and whatever questions I ask, it is always an invasion of his privacy. What worries me a bit more is that in my family, there is a natural tendency to anxiety attacks, and I just read that one of the side effects of marijuana is "anxiety attacks".
He does not realise that smoking, even "pot" is dangerous, and I don't seem to be able to convince him of that.
ok well if he like a brother to you then u should be able to tell him how you feel.dont make it sound like your pressuring him to do somthing but take him aside and tell him how him hurting his self is effecting you.thats the most i think i could say right now and i hope u can see from where im coming from and i hope it helps......peaz...angel