I Think That I Was Right The First Time, Bob..

I saw that I created a resentment there, bob. I called you an a** for your obnoxious behavior..I overstepped my boundaries on that one..

But the more I read your posts, the angrier I get. I think that you need an honest evaluation of your behaviors.
Kicking someone when they are down, and shoving pills in thier face is by far the lowest thing that I have seen yet.
Maybe you have different intentions of your mean posts, and I for one am not seeing them...
You are outright baiting and slamming people, but by God...don't do it to Bob...he just might get mad....
Just a little inventory.
I don't know you, or what you might be going through in your life.
But as far as I remember, you aren't that far away from a pill...and slamming someone for taking pills just seems so unrecovery like..
Merry Sober Xmas to All,
You know it's a shame to read these threads on Christmas morning.

From what I have read I believe Majorproblem is a nice guy trying hard to get help and support others.

I also believe Bob has helped so many people on this board. The new people came in here judging those they don't even know. Bob, Gina, Teresa has spent endless time on this board supporting others. People, and I have done it too, take things said the wrong way. IT's easy to do on here. You can't hear the tone of things being said.

I think if the new people would had sat back and seen what these people who they are critisizing has done for people you would see these people in a whole new light. I've been reading so many of the new people claiming they don't want drama and yet they keep creating it. Everybody just needs to stop and except the fact that we won't like everyone. The people you don't like you don't have to talk to. Just stop going back and forth with hurtful things to each other.
Especially today out of all days, Give it a rest, Everybody.
Merry Christmas Damn It.
Just because I'm upset doesn't mean I can't be nice to people so....MERRY CHRISTMAS LITTLEBEACH<LIZ AND WHOEVER ELSE IS ON.....mj
HI, Just thought I would pop on here. Why are you so angry? I'm not trying to start anything here but it was the other guy that started . But I guess since he/she is using Bob isnt suppose to say anything to him? He can tell Bob to shut the hell up and thats ok? I think not. I find it really funny that some people can say anything they want and thats ok but if Bob or some other of my friends say something it is seen as mean or attacking...I dont get it...Also some of us have been accused of jumping in when someone says something to one of us...but what I see is others doing that...you know who you are. btw Bob wasnt mad at all last night..in fact he was in a great mood...and yes there is something your not seeing.....Bob is a great guy with a big heart....I dont say that just because he is my husband ...he is also my best friend. Anyway its Christmas and I dont feel like argueing with anyone. I for one am tired of reading all the bs that goes on this board...in fact think I'm gonna buy some hip waders for it..I'm not talking about you here Kerry....they know who they are ...playing both sides of the fence....better watch out....thats how you get bitten..lol that was meant as nice as I can be....oh well I have to get busy Kerry hope you have a Merry Christmas!! take care and God bless

gina :)
Just an observation...and I am sorry that it happened on Christmas..
I was trying to point out in a matter of fact way that I really don't feel Bob's post to be kind..
Just an oberservation.