I Tried This On Fb ...not Much Luck?

Sandra,Tina,Lisa,Carol from Atlanta,Julie,and anybodly else that likes garden projects.Once a year I will be glad to let you order from my wholesaler at my cost.You can not only find chaep deals but are able to find varieties not available to the n\general public.Their website is www.netherlandbulb.com.....customer id is 128 and order by TIm Lincoln Company or you will be billed retail.For example:Sandra early c/o Tim Lincoln Company.
Daffodils up north can be planted.Tulips can be plantes\d in early December.
I force paperwhites aall winter lomg,
Good Luck kids.They have some cool stuff this year.I've already got some sweet pea growing,
OMG! I am so excited! I can't wait to check out the site. Tim rocks!
I'm writing down the site for Jon, he'll be so excited. Thank you Tim...smooch.