My son is 28 years old. Not working or studying. He only sleep thru the day and he enjoys using marijuana.He said he knows how to quit when I talk to him but yet for almost 5 years now I think he's still smoke it. I see he is a heavy smoker too. He is a kind fellow but it's just sad that this happen this way. I know deep inside him somewhere he wanted to change but he lack of motivation. I don't know how to help. any ideas how I can make him become well and normal again?
My son is doing the same, only worse. Stop helping him in any way. Whether it be financial, etc. Tell him you love him but, can't stand by watching him deteriorate. Tell him he needs help. And, when he intends to get it you will be there to support him thru his recovery. De tach w/love. It is a hard thing for a Mother to do, believe me, I KNOW. Blessings...
Hi, id just like to state that im a fifteen year old, i smoke marijuana daily, and you should be concerned but not AS concerned as you are, marijuana is not like ecstast or heroin, it is a plant, the most it will do to your son is give him short term memory loss and a loving nature, i know it had bad affects, but if you maybe tell him to cut down and not smoke hydroponic weed (grown indoors and grown in chemicals, NOT GOOD) some weed off a plant in the bush now and then never did and never will hurt anybody.
I myself have had a hard time giving up the weed. My husband gave me every excuse in the book on why he could not quit. And it is all untrue. He is a much better person without it. I have no problem with occasional usage, but limit myself to one use once a week now as one would have a drink on a friday night, but once you feel you must have it your life is nothing more than a waste and a lie. Good luck getting him to stop. You will need it, as when a person is lying to themself they hear nobody else until they realize what a waste their life is.