They withdrew the job offer because of a background check or something like it. It was "drawn to her attention" that I had a forgery charge on my record. I wanted to make that clear. So I could stay right sized I am a criminal. In spite of that I am trying to get on with my life. Today that is hard. Just so everyone knows that is what happened. Thanks for your support.
Jane...honey...I am so sorry...your past does not equal your future!! I feel so bad for you..but please don't' let this upset you. I firmly believe that every that is suppose to happen does!
You really weren't feeling that job keep moving forward and looking after yourself and your sobriety like you have and good things will come your way. I am sure of it!
Big Smooches
You really weren't feeling that job keep moving forward and looking after yourself and your sobriety like you have and good things will come your way. I am sure of it!
Big Smooches
Depending on the charge, you can probably get it expunged, felonies 7 years after the incident, misdemeanors 5 years, I think you're in Utah, right? Might be worth checking into. Dont let your past haunt your future, no guilt or shame allowed.
Depending on the charge, you can probably get it expunged, felonies 7 years after the incident, misdemeanors 5 years, I think you're in Utah, right? Might be worth checking into. Dont let your past haunt your future, no guilt or shame allowed.
I'm so sorry Jane. You and I, we all know how far you've come. I owuld trust you with my bank account and children. It just wasn't meant to be love. Please know just how much you're worth!
Love, Beck
Love, Beck
There is going to be something that comes along for you that this job you didn't get wouldn't be able to hold a candle to it..
The person you were doesn't make you who you are, or we'd ALLLL be in some serious Chit. lol
You wait... when i was searching for a job, i got turned down right after left and it pissed me off more cause I knew i could do a good job anywhere. You never know what is around the bend my dear. that i promise you.
don't give up.
love ya
There is going to be something that comes along for you that this job you didn't get wouldn't be able to hold a candle to it..
The person you were doesn't make you who you are, or we'd ALLLL be in some serious Chit. lol
You wait... when i was searching for a job, i got turned down right after left and it pissed me off more cause I knew i could do a good job anywhere. You never know what is around the bend my dear. that i promise you.
don't give up.
love ya
I feel for you girl, my heart is with you, but don't give up, stay strong. Maybe that job wasn't really meant for you. God does work in mysterious ways. Something will come along that is just perfect for you. Pray about it, keep looking, and have FAITH. I am one who get discouraged easily and gives up easily, but i've found out if you have faith and strength, good things happen. I've always felt like i get kicked when i'm down, and of course that's the worst. But I'll pray for you as i know many others will, keep me posted on whats going on. The old saying goes, you have to believe to receive. So keep believing and good things will come your way. Your in my prayers sisters. God Bless You!