I'll Be Back

Hi! I can't believe my post went up twice!! Thank You to your responses! I actually had a good day today! I made myself workout and I did alot of positive affirmations.Went shopping! I enjoyed it this time. The Dr. gave me gabapentin when I got out of rehab and I had stopped taking it. I guess it suppose to deposit gabba in my brain. Since taking drugs or whatever you can lose gabba. Anyway I started to take it again as of yesterday. 300 mg. twice daily. Maybe that is kicking in. I totally believe in meditation and I just kept telling myself (not out loud) but I kept saying I feel so good etc. etc. I believe if I keep practicing that it will happen. Mind, Body, Spirit! I will be back and if I have a weird low day I will savor the good. I think this time for me is taking longer cuz I had relapsed and was taking alot. I heard every relapse is worse. Kind of funny. I have all these magazines and books rolling in and im like when did I order this? My husband was like you don't remember I was telling you that's enough and you snapped at me and said I'll pay for it then! I do not remember. But I have to make myself laugh at it.I need a brain lift or the air sucked out of my head. Anyway I will survive! This is the first time I have to hold my own hand and man up. I am or was a spoiled brat. My cat is laying on my desk and keeps putting his foot on the keyboard and everytime I push his foot away he keeps putting it back. Like you care but he's a trip! Goodnight!

You sound great, that's wonderful. I used to not believe that we could control our thoughts, but I have since learned better. It's amazing what the power of positive thinking can do for you. You keep doing what you're doing and you'll be just fine. (doesn't hurt to have a kitty to love, I have one too). Michelle