I'm Back Again

hello everyone i used to post here alot a few years ago and am excited to speak with everyone again so how is mistyeyes, ba, mollyjean and all others
please post back soon
And how are you???

Good to see you around Johnny.
hello miss tina
i'm so glad to hear from you. I'm just sitting around the computer applying for jobs and thought i would check in and see (read) how everyone is. how are you and ba doing
Hey Johnny..I sure do remember you,.How are you?How is life going?Its good to see a "older"LOL member......
Im doing good,so good I dont want toinx it by talkiung about it...Besides Id really rather hear how YOU are???
We are both doing good and him, well I am so very proud of him. He got off the sub, and has been off since last summer and still hanging in...

How are you, the wife, and the girls...

Big hugs,