i posted a lil story, thinking bout you made me think of the tea cup story. i hope you like it.
molly we did patch up the row we had but we were seperated before that, i'm only stayin with her & kids while itry and recover from my addiction, and its naltraxone i'll be on for 3months. tommo
Im sorry i didnt mean to be all in your cookies(haha)I hope that made you smile alittle.Then I am really proud of you for what your doing!!! Notice I said what your doing and not what your trying to do.I just got a feeling Tommo that you are going to come out of this and become someone youve never met.Does that make sense?I just mean I feel your gonna kick this habit goodbye for good.After you do that I think your gonna see what a great person you really are.I think maybe you have forgotten that part of you....mj
sorry it's took a while to post back, pc is playin up & i'm computer illiterate. but your'e right molly i'm gonna beat this, i relise it's gonna be tough, but it's got to be done, my wife keeps sayin that she wants the old paul back, & it's took a while but i tend to agree with her now!!
Tommo you may be surpised to find out who paul is.My bet is that pauls pretty cool he just lost his way for awhile.Im starting my houseduties so if it takes me acouple to get back don't worry I'm just leaven the board up.Some days like today nothings really wrong I just want some support I just leave the board up.sometimes I just read Most the time Im talking with?????anyone but its kinda my own therapy for me ya know?Somedays are diamonds Somedays are stone Sometimes the hard times just wont leave me alone.....mj
Thats fine molly, you know what they say a "womans work is never done" I hope your not as manic about your housework as my wife is, then again I think most women are!! lol.I don't know were you women get all your energy from when it comes to housework, I can't abide it!!! Although i do my share.
Well no Im not like nutty about it and DAHHHH I was addicted to pills so my energy was mostly pill Super woman Im not.No I like a neat house thats all I hate tripping over workboots & tennage brickbrack lol.We have 3 inside cats so I keep up on that like a crazy woman but hey who wants to smell cat doo doo...mj
not me thats for sure, we have a cat but he does his business outside, someone elses garden i presume, he's well trained!!lol. unfortunately so are all the neighbours cats, so we have to contend with them in our garden!! such is life!! tommo molly gotta go or i'll b late to pick up my kidz from school, all 4 of them!!! tommo
I get too attached to my kittys so I keep them inside.I went through that years ago wondering where they were & such.Now they stay under my feet.But they are very theraputic to me the nuts.we live in a apartment & I have lived in this place same apt for 37 years.Yup its the same place my parents lived when they were married.My sis own the house & I rent the upstairs.I swear if I ever get the heck out of here & have a home of my own there will be a rose garden & a veggie garden.Theres no way I could do that here my sises son MY nephew is like a serial killer in training.No NOT THAT BAD but he is a brat & i could just see what hed do to my garden.Someday I'll hit lotto then ALL OF US ARE SET!!!!yeah right...mj
ok molly, hope your house is neat & tidy now, I'd swap with you anyday cus we ave a three storey house with 7 rooms,( plenty of cleaning to be done) 3 bathrooms, etc, etc. well hope to catch you later. feelin quite tired now, funny that, since i've cut down on the pills, it's always around about this time i begin to feel nackered!!! Tommo
Well tommo get your rest in in the comming days your going to need a rested body.I will meet up or write a letter to you later.Until than my friend take care & sweet dreams....mj