I'm Entering Detox!

Hey friends! I have made a tough but in my opinion good decsion to enter a detox facility here in town. I'm not ablr to do this by myself. I start my new job MOnday and can't even function now as it is. I was 24 hours clean, went and got those damn pills and can't do itthis way anymore it's not working. They are full right now but say that tommorrow I'm on priority list and most likely will be admitted. The program is based around 12 steps and God most importantly . I know this is what I need to do. I want this I just can not do it on my own in this enviroment . I don't mena it as if my home life is bad because it's wonderful but I need to be somewhere for a little while that can help me help myself. I have been avoiding this for a long time but realize this is something I have to do. I'm too young to die and love my family I'm worth this and they deserve it too. It's a 3 to 5 day detox then out patient after that. I can only see my husband 10 in out of the day. That part sucks. He is being supportive though. Please pray for me and my family. I will write a little latter tonight to let you know more details.
WIth Love
Congrats Sarah, tough decision,but no doubt a good one! You sure are worth it! Glad you know that. I wish you lots of luck with it! Take care!
What happen I thought you got the job and everthing are you ok I am not very clear on whats happend.........
Good move, Sarah...and Iwill pray for you. It isn't as scary as it seems...
YOu will get a chance to start clean...
where'd you find all this courage, sarah?

this is too totally awesome!

you go girl! your husband will be just fine without you and you are starting to begin to heal!

hugs and tons of encouragement to you!

Dear sarah I want you to know that admitting & knowing you can't do this by yourself is probaly one of the hardest things for anyone to face.I was proud of you for getting that job,I want you to know that I am 3xs as proud of you know.I could see from the way you wrote that you were in this fight with yourself for awhile now.As someone who has been there I just want you to know that it may be hard at first somedays more than ever,but after awhile you feel so much better physically/mentally.And I hope you can let us know how its going & if we can help.you will be in my thoughts..I am very glad you made this desition.Take Care...mj
Way to go Sara..you made a tough decision, but it is the right one for you, and only you know what you need! Good luck, I will be praying for ya, and let us know how you are! See ya clean chicky..Kim
I'm glad you made the decision, Sarah, especially if you couldn't do it on your own. When you're in detox, it's nice, because you meet people just like you and will probably hear stories you won't believe. But it's such a good wakeup call. I will be thinking about you.
I thought u were at work this am honey. What happen they just change there mind to a clean start on Monday? I can understand that most jobs r started on a Monday.

Good luck to u in detox, hope it goes great for u. I will be praying for you. U know I love ya and will still be here when u get home.

Thanks everyone. I"m on tears. I've said this before but I"m going to say it again. You all are like my family. To share as much as we do and caer and help each other is wonderful.
New beginning I started my job today and I go back on MOn so it works out perfectly. Thank you for your support. My husband was wondering the same thing about my job but it is meant to be and I have to do this. Thank You guys for your encouragement. This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do this is giving up all controll. But in return I will have the rest of my life clean with my kids and my husband. After that NA NA NA 24 7 lol. I will be there 6 days they say now I just spoke to them I thought originally it was 3 to 5. I'm going tommorrow I hope they said they should have a bed. Family can visit 10 min a day. You have to bring your own change to use the phone lmao. My goodness. I thought that was odd but that's ok. My family can't come over the weekend that's going to be so hard for me. I'm going to miss them so much. But hopefully Mon I will be home. I'm so excited though. Cowgirl mentioned this to me about in patient and my heart hit the floor. But now i know that's the only way. I love you guys.....Thanks again for everything. I will be praying for you all.
With love and HUGS....
Congrats to you. That took a lot of courage. Sounds like a great idea to me. Hang in there it gets better. I will keep you in my prayers. take care

Good Luck! You are making a great decision one you won't regret :) Let us know how it goes.
