I've had my two front teeth loose for about a week now.My whole front teeth are porcelin crown.The original tooth was ground down and the crowns were fitted on.
I've had a lot of dental problems and I did this about 10 years ago at the tune of 20grand.
It seems like I've completely split the original teeth in front.They did an x-ray and found fractures and hair line fractures all in my upper gums.
They have to take the 6 crowns in front and trash them,make a new bond with 6 new crowns welded together and fit on my incisors.................10,000.00
I don't have insurance,don't have savings etc.
They will let me pay it off since I gave them my first born the first time but even paying it off is going to be murder.
Not to mention having to go through the procedure in about 4 visits at 2 hours a visit with nothing but local anesthesia and motrin for the pain.
Matt[my dentist] even told me it was going to be painful because the nerves aren't dead.
I am so pissed right now.I cannot get ahead worth a sh*t.I have to cash in an already depleted IRA.
I'm royally f*cked.
Hey! I am so sorry!
Let me introduce myself, I am Jackie... was on here about a year ago as msladyj.... and just came back yesterday or the day before.
Sorry to hear what you are going through. it is hard. If you need to vent, I will listen!!!
I understand abou the money situations...... because I am there myself....
take care. i will pray for you!
Let me introduce myself, I am Jackie... was on here about a year ago as msladyj.... and just came back yesterday or the day before.
Sorry to hear what you are going through. it is hard. If you need to vent, I will listen!!!
I understand abou the money situations...... because I am there myself....
take care. i will pray for you!
Nice to meet you Jac.
I'm going to the gym to workout.I'll grind whatever teeth I have left into oblivion.LOL
Maybe the solution is false teeth.I'm sick of this sh*t + I hate dentist now that I'm clean.
I'm going to the gym to workout.I'll grind whatever teeth I have left into oblivion.LOL
Maybe the solution is false teeth.I'm sick of this sh*t + I hate dentist now that I'm clean.
nice to meet you, too... and yes, false teeth might be the answer....
can i tell you a secret? I am scared sh**less of dentist! LOL
oh well...... have fun working out! hope to talk to you again! take care of yourself and I'm here....
can i tell you a secret? I am scared sh**less of dentist! LOL
oh well...... have fun working out! hope to talk to you again! take care of yourself and I'm here....
Tim- I hear ya I have to go to the dentist tomarrow and I have THE WORST TEETH!. My front teeth suck too. I have a bridge that looks very nice but he told me there is decay along the gum line so I feel your pain literally and financially. My friend went and got dentures and they look really good. I seriously considered it but I am only 34 so he (the dentist) didn't think I should do it quite yet. he probably just wants the money. I guess we both realize that. I am sorry don't freak out too much. Even though I understand completely how stressful the whole thing is. If he lets you make payments you can always keep your eyes out for a rich old lady with a really bad cough...lol I don't know if your in the mood for humor life gets so STUPID sometimes.
Love you hang in there,
PS Want to flash me your tats to get your mind off the BS?
Love you hang in there,
PS Want to flash me your tats to get your mind off the BS?
Don't you just hate it when you get f*cked and you don't even get at the very least a big sloppy kiss!
That sucks, I am right there with you...trust me on this one. I have two porcelain veneers on my front teeth...this was cutting edge technology back then...I was 18 years old...they were suppose to last maybe 10 years...well its been alot longer!!!
I notice the discoloring slightly and I have dreams of them just falling off...its horrible. I also had a tooth pulled and no bridge put in so now over time my teeth are beginning to move over...ever to slightly but I feel a tiny gap!
Dentists are outrageously priced! Its ridiculous. I know the denture thing is an option but its so final....I wouldn't do it. Not yet.
All you can do is move forward....you need your teeth! Make those stupid payments and pray you never know what will happen. Maybe some extra money is in your future!
I am off...I have an appointment with my therapist, I have to leave early for everything because it takes me 5 times longer than normal!
I feel for you and will say a little prayer for you...every little bit helps!
Thanks for the email....that was really powerful. I will get back soon!
Keep smiling!!! LOLLOLOLOLLOL
Don't you just hate it when you get f*cked and you don't even get at the very least a big sloppy kiss!
That sucks, I am right there with you...trust me on this one. I have two porcelain veneers on my front teeth...this was cutting edge technology back then...I was 18 years old...they were suppose to last maybe 10 years...well its been alot longer!!!
I notice the discoloring slightly and I have dreams of them just falling off...its horrible. I also had a tooth pulled and no bridge put in so now over time my teeth are beginning to move over...ever to slightly but I feel a tiny gap!
Dentists are outrageously priced! Its ridiculous. I know the denture thing is an option but its so final....I wouldn't do it. Not yet.
All you can do is move forward....you need your teeth! Make those stupid payments and pray you never know what will happen. Maybe some extra money is in your future!
I am off...I have an appointment with my therapist, I have to leave early for everything because it takes me 5 times longer than normal!
I feel for you and will say a little prayer for you...every little bit helps!
Thanks for the email....that was really powerful. I will get back soon!
Keep smiling!!! LOLLOLOLOLLOL
I'm sorry to hear that you have to go through that. I wish I had some great words of wisdom or even something clever and funny to say. Sorry! I am drawing a blank right now. I'm sure I will think of something a few days from now and by then it will be too late. That's how it usually goes for me, anyways!
Just know that I'm sorry and that I am thinking of you.
Actually, I do have an amusing story I could tell you. I had a dream the other night that many of us here on the board met in real life! It was ummm...... interesting, to say the least! LOL But I think I that's one dream I will keep to myself! ;)
I'm sorry to hear that you have to go through that. I wish I had some great words of wisdom or even something clever and funny to say. Sorry! I am drawing a blank right now. I'm sure I will think of something a few days from now and by then it will be too late. That's how it usually goes for me, anyways!
Just know that I'm sorry and that I am thinking of you.
Actually, I do have an amusing story I could tell you. I had a dream the other night that many of us here on the board met in real life! It was ummm...... interesting, to say the least! LOL But I think I that's one dream I will keep to myself! ;)
Pain in the mouth, pain in the wallet...and as frustrated as I hear you are, I don't hear....
Maybe I will need some pain pills for that mouth
No permissions (read--excuses) from you....
I think there was yet another 24 hours of clean and sober Tim even when life wasn't going so cheery.
As in debt or no savings that you have (Note to others from lots and lots of drug use). You still have...1) A great dog. 2) A neat surfboard 3) Probably some real friends in recovery. 3) The ability to surf with that neat surfboard (Hey, for some diversionary laughs, you could put me on that surfboard. That will be guaranteed to make you forget your problems at least for a little while)
Thinking of you, I wish you minimal oral pain and some relief from the fear of economic insecurity.....
Pain in the mouth, pain in the wallet...and as frustrated as I hear you are, I don't hear....
Maybe I will need some pain pills for that mouth
No permissions (read--excuses) from you....
I think there was yet another 24 hours of clean and sober Tim even when life wasn't going so cheery.
As in debt or no savings that you have (Note to others from lots and lots of drug use). You still have...1) A great dog. 2) A neat surfboard 3) Probably some real friends in recovery. 3) The ability to surf with that neat surfboard (Hey, for some diversionary laughs, you could put me on that surfboard. That will be guaranteed to make you forget your problems at least for a little while)
Thinking of you, I wish you minimal oral pain and some relief from the fear of economic insecurity.....
Hi Tim...
Sh*t happens, life happens but you're not f*cked just dealing with life and I guess God's decided you can handle it at this time...Doesn't mean you have to like what you're going through, just have to accept it...For me, when things come at me that seem overwhelming (and remember, I can tend to make things a lot more complex than they are), I have to break it down some so it's not so overwhelming...I have to see what I can do in the situation, I have to look at all my choices and then I have to pray for the answer and I keep praying for God to show me the answer but I have to remain open and willing to see the answers...
I have so much faith in you and I know everything will work out fine...Are you doing your daily gratitude list? Are you looking openly & honestly at all your options? You're lucky your dentist is your friend and in recovery, that's a blessing in itself...Don't let the Fear screw with your head...there is a solution and I'm sure you'll find it... I liked what Elim wrote and if you do decide to talk Elim out surfing with you, let me know...I would find a way to Texas to watch that...LOL...
I will say a prayer for you and remember, keep it simple....
(((big hugs)))
Sh*t happens, life happens but you're not f*cked just dealing with life and I guess God's decided you can handle it at this time...Doesn't mean you have to like what you're going through, just have to accept it...For me, when things come at me that seem overwhelming (and remember, I can tend to make things a lot more complex than they are), I have to break it down some so it's not so overwhelming...I have to see what I can do in the situation, I have to look at all my choices and then I have to pray for the answer and I keep praying for God to show me the answer but I have to remain open and willing to see the answers...
I have so much faith in you and I know everything will work out fine...Are you doing your daily gratitude list? Are you looking openly & honestly at all your options? You're lucky your dentist is your friend and in recovery, that's a blessing in itself...Don't let the Fear screw with your head...there is a solution and I'm sure you'll find it... I liked what Elim wrote and if you do decide to talk Elim out surfing with you, let me know...I would find a way to Texas to watch that...LOL...
I will say a prayer for you and remember, keep it simple....
(((big hugs)))
You all are great.Everything you said I needed to hear.I've got to get to my a** to my Monday night meeting.All I've been thinking about is getting some Percocette before the procedure...doesn't that make a lot of sense???? A month before the actual procedure getting pain killers before you even had pain.
I've been on the phone with Sid and I have a therapy appt. tomorrow.
I'm not going to do it but I sure the f*ck want to.
Sorry guys....I'm a freak.I wish I could portray an attitude of strength but I can't right now.All I've been thinking about all afternoon was ways in which I was going to pre-medicate a month before I have surgery.
Thank God my dentist is in the program.The first thing out of his mouth was 800mg.Advil will take care of the pain Tim.I wanted to go tell him to F*ck himself.j/k......for 10,000 I want a morphine pump b*tch!!
I will feel better in an hour.
I've been on the phone with Sid and I have a therapy appt. tomorrow.
I'm not going to do it but I sure the f*ck want to.
Sorry guys....I'm a freak.I wish I could portray an attitude of strength but I can't right now.All I've been thinking about all afternoon was ways in which I was going to pre-medicate a month before I have surgery.
Thank God my dentist is in the program.The first thing out of his mouth was 800mg.Advil will take care of the pain Tim.I wanted to go tell him to F*ck himself.j/k......for 10,000 I want a morphine pump b*tch!!
I will feel better in an hour.
Tim...I can relate exactly! I have so much anxiety and shiat going on right now that those thoughts are running rampant! Is there a full moon???
Of course you know that that is your disease talking right! Yeah I know you know that. Its just life man, thats all....a normie certainly wouldn't be having those thoughts. We are addicts and we have dramatize everything to the nth degree.
I hear ya and I feel ya...in fact I could be ya! Anyway this to shall pass...get you butt to those meetings and share share share......having to do an exorbitant amount of dental work is no reason to use. You will then have a very expensive mouth full of teeth and a new drug problem that will probably ruin your new teeth.
Thanks for being honest and sharing that...this is how we get through!
Of course you know that that is your disease talking right! Yeah I know you know that. Its just life man, thats all....a normie certainly wouldn't be having those thoughts. We are addicts and we have dramatize everything to the nth degree.
I hear ya and I feel ya...in fact I could be ya! Anyway this to shall pass...get you butt to those meetings and share share share......having to do an exorbitant amount of dental work is no reason to use. You will then have a very expensive mouth full of teeth and a new drug problem that will probably ruin your new teeth.
Thanks for being honest and sharing that...this is how we get through!
Hey Kerri-Thanks for the words.
I'm doing fine.I was freaking out earlier and literally just vomited out what I was feeling.I don't want to use.It's still one of those knee-jerk reactions I do when I get super stressed or panicked.
Everyone tonight was really supportive........they are use to my histrionics.LOL
Have a great night everyone and thanks for your support.
I'm doing fine.I was freaking out earlier and literally just vomited out what I was feeling.I don't want to use.It's still one of those knee-jerk reactions I do when I get super stressed or panicked.
Everyone tonight was really supportive........they are use to my histrionics.LOL
Have a great night everyone and thanks for your support.
Dude, I'm sorry to hear that. Bad things shouldn't happen to good people. Too bad the world works that way, but you can rebuild with patience, prayer and guts. This is the one reason why I could never do the steps..can't get passed the whole surrender statement. I yield to no one except God and Mom...and not necessarily in that order. Gutting it out isn't gonna be a picnic, but think how good the new choppers will feel...
and dude.
you're SO not f*cked.
xoxox skeet
you're SO not f*cked.
xoxox skeet
by the way, i can totally relate. i have extremely soft teeth. i have spent over 25k on my teeth and i'm younger....
i've had a lot of my teeth root canaled ... so no nerves. even my two bottom fronts. can they take the nerves out?
i need to get another root canal finished.
one day at a time. think positive.
be greatful you have the opportunity to pay it off.....be greatful you're not toothless....you'll have a nice new smile....you won't have to stress out about it when it's overwith and done - you'll have healthy new crowns :=) it's expensive, i know - but you gotta do it....
you're so not f*cked, tim.
i've had a lot of my teeth root canaled ... so no nerves. even my two bottom fronts. can they take the nerves out?
i need to get another root canal finished.
one day at a time. think positive.
be greatful you have the opportunity to pay it off.....be greatful you're not toothless....you'll have a nice new smile....you won't have to stress out about it when it's overwith and done - you'll have healthy new crowns :=) it's expensive, i know - but you gotta do it....
you're so not f*cked, tim.
Is there a full moon??? |
Actually, there is.
Man...I knew it....there is something to that full moon thing! gravitational pull and all the wierd stuff that happens
Hey Tim,
Sorry to hear about all thats goin' on. I too have had alot of dental work done since geting clean/sober. As have many guys and women that I know have. Personally, I wasn't able to afford the kind of work your getting done. But, none the less, I've had teeth pulled, on one visit I had 9 pulled, and he had to grind the gums down so they'd heel smooth and even, for a better plate fit. Prior to all the work I finally had done, I was fixing what was left in my mouth myself. Using something called Fixedent, I built my own front teeth, and was in pain most of the time.
Now I'm grateful and again have a head full of teeth and the smile I had back before the drink and drugs ruined it. Instead of being upset over the work I had to have done I was grateful for being able to have it done. There are alot of men and women out there who wish they had the means to get dental work done. Not just in recovery, but just people in general. I sit here and read what your complaining about, and think about what I went through.
You could just get a bunch of teeth pulled like I did for about 15 hundred then get a 4 hundred dollar set of sameday dentures and knock off 8 thousand bucks and do it all in two visits, no pain meds in about 4 hours total all together. One thing I always try to remember is there is always someone who's got it worse, and would give anything to have my problems. As big to me as they may seem at times, it's nothing when compared to another. I choose not to sit on the pitty pot for not being able sometimes to get what I want, I try to remain grateful for what I have or am able to get.
Take care.
Good luck,
Sorry to hear about all thats goin' on. I too have had alot of dental work done since geting clean/sober. As have many guys and women that I know have. Personally, I wasn't able to afford the kind of work your getting done. But, none the less, I've had teeth pulled, on one visit I had 9 pulled, and he had to grind the gums down so they'd heel smooth and even, for a better plate fit. Prior to all the work I finally had done, I was fixing what was left in my mouth myself. Using something called Fixedent, I built my own front teeth, and was in pain most of the time.
Now I'm grateful and again have a head full of teeth and the smile I had back before the drink and drugs ruined it. Instead of being upset over the work I had to have done I was grateful for being able to have it done. There are alot of men and women out there who wish they had the means to get dental work done. Not just in recovery, but just people in general. I sit here and read what your complaining about, and think about what I went through.
You could just get a bunch of teeth pulled like I did for about 15 hundred then get a 4 hundred dollar set of sameday dentures and knock off 8 thousand bucks and do it all in two visits, no pain meds in about 4 hours total all together. One thing I always try to remember is there is always someone who's got it worse, and would give anything to have my problems. As big to me as they may seem at times, it's nothing when compared to another. I choose not to sit on the pitty pot for not being able sometimes to get what I want, I try to remain grateful for what I have or am able to get.
Take care.
Good luck,
You're right Bob.I need to hear that although affording this would be highly questionable?
I feel better about it this morning.I've had worse things in my life happen and I'm still here.I'm just going to have to really hustle this next year to come up with the money.I am so very grateful I'm clean.I went through this whole dental thing about 13 years ago really trashed.
I talked to a woman last night at group that kind of brought me back to reality.She reminded me that when this stuff happens to addicts a lot of times our first response is" if I have to go through this I sure as hell want to feel good".
It was so dead on.It was the typical adolescent reaction.Instead of coming from a "Victor" place I immediately became a "victim".
I started blaming and feeling sorry for myself.
It's called Life.It's not always fair and I don't live in a monastery.I do have a lot of things to be grateful for....Thank You Elim for pointing that out.
Matt....the dentist also is trying to put me in touch with their neighbor's who are building a new house.He's a good guy and I trust him.He will work with me but he has to cover his cost.He has a lot of clients who are program people so he does get it.
Thanks for listening to me and putting up with my BS.I know I can get wound up.LOL
I feel better about it this morning.I've had worse things in my life happen and I'm still here.I'm just going to have to really hustle this next year to come up with the money.I am so very grateful I'm clean.I went through this whole dental thing about 13 years ago really trashed.
I talked to a woman last night at group that kind of brought me back to reality.She reminded me that when this stuff happens to addicts a lot of times our first response is" if I have to go through this I sure as hell want to feel good".
It was so dead on.It was the typical adolescent reaction.Instead of coming from a "Victor" place I immediately became a "victim".
I started blaming and feeling sorry for myself.
It's called Life.It's not always fair and I don't live in a monastery.I do have a lot of things to be grateful for....Thank You Elim for pointing that out.
Matt....the dentist also is trying to put me in touch with their neighbor's who are building a new house.He's a good guy and I trust him.He will work with me but he has to cover his cost.He has a lot of clients who are program people so he does get it.
Thanks for listening to me and putting up with my BS.I know I can get wound up.LOL