Hi everyone,
I'm not a native speaker so excuse my bad english. I'm a man of almost 21. I started smoking weed on a daily basis at 18. Without the period i stopped in this time (9 months + 4 mionths) i've been smoking from 1 to 5 joints each evening for 1,7 year, never during the day, and alone most of the time. I felt the same thing as a lot of people here when I stopped for 9 months: this feeling of being depressed, without emotions, with different phobias (HOCD, fear ob being schyzophrenic etc..) and social anxiety. I tried SSRI in 2013 but after 2 months of no improvements I got back into smoking! And here i am, 5 months later. I've been ok most of the time, but it's getting worse again. I want so much to get back to the old times, when I didn't experience this s*** we call cannabis.. I was happy, had my first girlfriend, was healthy and sporty, etc.. Now I've got friends, but i can't be relaxed when i'm with them. I feel inferior, not as much intelligent/funny/happy. Morevover, I burned the bridges with all my formers friends (I jnow some of them since 7/8 years..) but I felt the need to. I left my girlfriend last year (after a 4 years relationship). I'm ashamed, a lot, of having come to this point. I think i've got trough a lot of difficult moments those last 2 years : i quit my family to stydy abroad, far from them. I live alone, etc.. And I think weed wasn't the only issue, but it contributed a lot to my actual level of anxiety. I've always been quite anxious, as far as I can remember, but never as much as today. It's like my life stopped 2 years ago.... please, can you tell me HOW LONG THESE SYMPTOMS COULD LAST if I stop weed now ??? Last time i quit for 9 months, i took SSIR only for 2 months, and when it started to make effect, i started smoking again !!!
Well hello everyone