I'm On A Roll

I was just wondering: I have been on this board for three plus years and have never had a post locked. Now, I've had two locked in as many days and I don't know why. Because I was defending a friend? I wasn't mean or anything, I don't know why they were locked. If anything the ones prior to mine should have been
Rose how is your knee? What is your plan?

I don't know roe.. i didn't think what you said was as bad as some others I've read. You stood up for a friend in what i would say a caring way, not mean spirited. I'm so glad to call you my friend!
It wasn't Roes post that caused the thread to get locked. It was Jeff trying to start s***. Shantel
Thank you Rhonda, Back at ya.
Jeff, I don't have a plan. I started a job today and it hurts alot.
Shantel I don't know if anyone's told you this lately, but I think your terrific!
Not just cause you stuck up for me, but because you are a beautiful person.
Shantel that's right. I was starting sheet. I spent the whole day thinking how i could start sheet with Lisa.

With all i got going on in my life i meditate one hr a day on how to start sheet on this forum.

She posts I made comment.

They closed it cause I guess the mods do not feel it has anything to do with recovery. I have aways disagreed with there closing of threads as how we all interact is recovery IMO anyway but this is not my board.

Ok, I've got to put my 2 cents in. I've been trying to figure this out ever since I joined this board........


Callie, its You've Got mail.
Rose Have you thought about a knee replacement? My father had one during being anemic weak etc fighting his cancer and he was walking in 2 days. 3 weeks later was driving. Yea he is a tough sob morphine one day Demerol 3 days percs 3 days and off all opiates.

And he had a FULL replacement. His knee was gone cause he kept putting it off screwing up his hip.

I am only guessing but I would imagine your knees causing you to daily injure your back hips knees --man you must fix this ASAP

How can you get better until you get yourself out of pain?

Its your call--Jeff
If I knew it would go like your dads, I'd do it. My doctor has been out of commission for four months because of his knee replacement. And besides, I'm 49 now, and it would just have to be done in another 10-15 years.
LOL!!! Callie...I asked Roe the same thing the other day!
Jeff, You know your intentions of starting that thread so I will leave it at that. Have a great night. Shantel
I do not understand Rose .What d you mean it will just have to be done in another 10-15 yrs? You lost me.

You have to live for today. Get out of pain. FYI again I preface this by saying you have the operation get your weight to its optimum read right exercise your knew knee can last a life time.

Your answer is to take opiates. I am confused. we spoke along time ago and you were in a lot of pain. are you not sick of the pain? Also Rose your bad knee is wrecking the rest of your body.

You think i wanted a new hip in 1999 and another in 2003. well because of these new hips my knees are okay. There going bad but not as fast as they would have. And I may never need new knees. Who knows.

I have always tried to tell people the biggest mistake I made was putting off the operation I started with 10 mg of Oxycontin 2X a day and man that stuff took me to some rough times. if not for my prior knowledge and a lot of luck well i would be dead.

Rose fix your knee --TRUST ME ON THIS the new knees they got can last 20+yrs or longer.
Thanks Roe,

I'm such a dork! Not knowing that was driving me nuts! Well, I actually do have 2 cents to add to this conversation. Not the knee replacement but the original topic. I'm fairly new to this board and I'm already finding that this medium is no different than any other where human emotions, experiences, personalities, and opinions are involved. Most of us have never laid eyes on each other or spoken in person. We don't know one another and so many of us are dealing with crises situations. That makes misunderstandings amongst us even that much more inevitable. I'm not the least bit confrontational but I've been involved in a couple of incidences of ruffled feathers. I think when we come on here, we've got a million things running through our minds and our emotions are running high to begin with. Then, throw someone else's emotions and opinions into the mix and there's bound to be conflict.
That's not what this board is meant to be and it upsets me when I come on here looking for comfort and people are picking at one another (or me).
For the most part, I've found compassion, understanding and support in this forum but, for those times when all I feel is tension, I feel like I've lost the one and only place I can come to feel safe. To avoid anyone feeling like that, wouldn't it be great if we followed the old "if ya ain't got nuthin' nice to say, don't say nuthin' at all!
Mind you, I'm not directing this at anyone in particular but all of us.

I'm done now!

Thanks for letting me share....

Jeff........A knee replacement will not last forever. It wiil have to be done again in 10 - 15 years again. My father just had one done at age 60 and his will prob last his liftime. His doctor told him to put it off as long as he could stand the pain so he will not have to do it again. He did it bout 3-4 months ago and is just now getting around good. He went to therapy and did not take many pain killers. He is not one to just sit around, but this knee replacement was hard on him. My brother in law is a bit yonger and had it done. got around pretty good at 3 months, but will have to have it again in 10-15 years.
((((((((((((((aw)))))))))))Roe.... That was so sweet what you said in the email. I hoped the same thing when I got up this morn! You've been such an assett to my life!
Hey Roe:

You've become a rebel - haha - didn't know you were in trouble or I would have jumped in - I got your back - haha

Becky - all 5'2 of me - just call on me .
And one more thing bout the knee replacement. My brother in law's doctor told him the same thing to hold out as long as he could stand the pain b/c it will have to be done again in 10-15 years.