I'm So Envious

Just wanted to say how envious i am when i see you guys posting.. 12 days clean.. 30 days clean etc.. congratulations.. you suffered and you deserve the praise.. i am hoping soon that i can join clean group on here.. for right now i am still tapering, i had to start over and go slower after a visit to doctor revealed high blood pressure and it scared me. i am going to go much slower this time.. hugs to all..
oh, dont worry you will be there one day, keep up the great work!!
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}, jasmine(your friend)

Thats one of the things that motivated me was reading the success stories and how happy they all are. When your trying to quit and feel nothing but despair and no hope those people on the other side made me want to get there that much more.
Thanks for all you successful people posting
