I celebrated 6 months clean a few weeks ago. I NEVER thought I could do anything clean; even waking up and taking a shower called for a couple pills. There is hope for you - you have to want it, but once you're over the hurdle of those first few weeks, it gets bettter and better.
YOU can do this! Find a support group or it's too hard. Typing on your computer here will get you going in the right direction, but you've got to make yourself accountable to more than just people on a website. There are people here who are angels and want the best life for you! But YOU really need to do the work it takes to get and stay clean.
Hello to everyone who helped me in my recovery! Thank you for caring and I think of you often!
Addict Mom, I have wondered how you were doing. I had feared the worst. You are one amazing success story!
I remember about 18 months ago you had posted something to the effect that you had decided that you did not want to get clean, wanted to just continue using the drugs. I was pretty sure at that point we would lose you.
Congrats on your clean time! You are a miracle! Please guard your sobriety. Six months is a huge accomplishment, but a relapse could happen tomorrow if you are not careful!
I remember about 18 months ago you had posted something to the effect that you had decided that you did not want to get clean, wanted to just continue using the drugs. I was pretty sure at that point we would lose you.
Congrats on your clean time! You are a miracle! Please guard your sobriety. Six months is a huge accomplishment, but a relapse could happen tomorrow if you are not careful!
good stuff AM
I celebrated 6 months clean a few weeks ago.
How awesome is that? Congratulations and never forget the miracle that you are.....Happy Birthday.
How awesome is that? Congratulations and never forget the miracle that you are.....Happy Birthday.
Way to go Betsy! (((HUG)))
Yay! Good job Betsy and you've earned every minute.Very proud of you.
Hey you! Congratulations and good for you!!! Really nice to see you!
Congratulations Betsy! Awesome for you for 6 months clean.
Rhonda, how are you doing hon?
Yup, I know I just pop out of nowhere, just checking on y'all to see who's doing or not doing what. I'm well, going onto 5 years in July, I stop in from time to time to read, nowhere as often as I used to.
I hope everyone is doing well and want to tell the newbies that there is hope.
When I look back on how far I've come I just can't believe how far up from rock bottom I am today.
Rhonda, how are you doing hon?
Yup, I know I just pop out of nowhere, just checking on y'all to see who's doing or not doing what. I'm well, going onto 5 years in July, I stop in from time to time to read, nowhere as often as I used to.
I hope everyone is doing well and want to tell the newbies that there is hope.
When I look back on how far I've come I just can't believe how far up from rock bottom I am today.
Good to see you too Janet and congratulations on your 5 years.It's really good to see some old faces pop in.Y'all were like family to me and when you check in,It's like a big reunion.
Now I would like to hear from Rachel.I saw None the other day and it's always good to see him pop in.Also there is Jules,Jeff,Tropical,Kat25,Bob,Carol from Georgia,KeeKee,and a ton more.I'm sure everyone is doing fine but want to let you guys know you're missed, at least I miss hearing from you.
I did get an e-mail from Gina and she has finished her degree and is getting ready to be a drug counseler in a local hospital.That's pretty cool.I guess there are so many forums out there people need a change.I get so stuck in a time warp,I rarley change anything.Throwing out old t-shirts almost requires a visit to my therapist.
Check in peeps when you get time.
Now I would like to hear from Rachel.I saw None the other day and it's always good to see him pop in.Also there is Jules,Jeff,Tropical,Kat25,Bob,Carol from Georgia,KeeKee,and a ton more.I'm sure everyone is doing fine but want to let you guys know you're missed, at least I miss hearing from you.
I did get an e-mail from Gina and she has finished her degree and is getting ready to be a drug counseler in a local hospital.That's pretty cool.I guess there are so many forums out there people need a change.I get so stuck in a time warp,I rarley change anything.Throwing out old t-shirts almost requires a visit to my therapist.
Check in peeps when you get time.
I'm with you Tim...I have a routine and I stick to it. Part of that routine is checking in here every day for the last 6+ years. Probably do it till I die.
It is good to see you Janet and way to go on 5 years! How cool is that?
Kat256 is still around Tim, I talk to her every day...it's that damn Farmville on Face Book. We've lost FK, Brooke and Kat to it...
It is good to see you Janet and way to go on 5 years! How cool is that?
Kat256 is still around Tim, I talk to her every day...it's that damn Farmville on Face Book. We've lost FK, Brooke and Kat to it...
Thanks for all the congratulations everyone!
Well, Hello Ms. Janet!! It is so good to see you! It is weird cause I was just thinking about you yesterday. Congrats on the 5 yrs. That is so awesome! It sounds like you are doing really good. I miss you!
I am doing good. Thanks for asking. I have 2 yrs. and 9 months. Never thought I could ever say that!
There are so many people I would love to see drop by. Glad you did! I hope all is well with you and family!
I am doing good. Thanks for asking. I have 2 yrs. and 9 months. Never thought I could ever say that!
There are so many people I would love to see drop by. Glad you did! I hope all is well with you and family!
You are a miracle, my dear.
Much love to you ~
You are a miracle, my dear.
Much love to you ~
Hi there
I have just read your message and it is giving me hope for the future. I have also just posted (for the first time) a message on the board and hope that I will get some replies.
Thank you for sharing your success.
I have just read your message and it is giving me hope for the future. I have also just posted (for the first time) a message on the board and hope that I will get some replies.
Thank you for sharing your success.