i dont understand why i would even think about taking a pill after all it has done to my life messed it up totally yet may me sick ruined me yet some days i still think it would be nice to have some why i dont know i think it would probally work real good now that my tolerance is down so i have to tell myself on these days remember if you take one it could be the beginning of that horrible liffe all over remember you thought you would never get better and you did then when i eat the craving i feel i have won another battle in the war and i feel stronger and so proud of myself
Hi! I wrote you back but it posted on my Poem thing so can you please read it? I am having trouble with this site. I try to post a reply and it goes on to myself. Please read that. I have to go pick my son up but since I take 4 eva typing I will come back and write to you. Real quick before I go dont touch that stuff. I thought the same exact thing since it was 2 years I was clean. 2006 rehab 10 to 12 vic. a day. 2 months ago got out of rehab and 8 months my tolerance went so sky high it still shocks the hell out of me. I like weigh 110 and at the end About 8 or 10 weeks I was wasted throwing up everyday and withdrawing in between 40 to 45 a day. Vic. and norcos. The way I really know is my "friend" was like you just got 180 and its all gone. Then I was writing it down recounting like I had OCD or something. Anyway it was nuts! You start where you left off and you build more brain receptors that is like pacman opening and closing. In order to calm those knew little suckers down you have to take more.
I will read your post again so I know I am responding ok. I dont know if you said how long you been off. Look I think about it all the time but it is so weird it lessoned so much since I have been working out, meditating, positive affirmations, praying and major discipline with myself. Keeping busy no matter what I do. I would tell my mom or son to get up off their a** and do something. If they were going through this. Tell yourself like you would tell someone you love. The more you stew around the more you feel lonely and want your enemy back.
Write me. Just dont do it. If I can you can. I honestly a couple weeks ago thought I would never get out of the funk I was in. Then I realized my bootstraps were not on tight enough. Be a soldier. Walk around your house singing something. I feel good da da da da. I knew that I would. So good so good I got me!! Ha! Train your mind to think different. Make it happen.
I watched something on tv about 2 yrs. ago and at first I was like what the heck are these people doing. They were monks from a monastery. They had these bald heads and black robes. Anyway they the people filming were doing a study on how powerful meditation is. At first I thought it was dumb then something captured me. They knew that people who practice Buddhism (I am not preaching anything just stating a fact) So they knew that their brain was strong. To get to the point. The monks said a neat chant in the monastery and had only a medium sized white sheet around them nothing else on. The scientist people took their temp. normal then they went up on this tall snowy mountain, I forgot where . It was impossible they said for any human to live for three days in that condition. It was like 15 below zero. Something impossible. The camera crew showed them throw the white sheet over them and they all peacefully looking crouched down. For 3 days they had went into a deep meditation. The camera crew and science guys came back and they took their temps and it was normal!! Also sheets was warm. They had apparently created their own body heat. I then thought wow that is cool. I got to go ,hope I did not bore you. My reason for telling you is I truly believe the mind can do so much good if we practice. I just believe that. Even though it has been proven effective. Some things just work for others. I will pray. Sorry so long. I been there and I am going to come out of this faster than people might tell me. I will not let it take 6 months for my brain to heal. I am healing it now.
I will read your post again so I know I am responding ok. I dont know if you said how long you been off. Look I think about it all the time but it is so weird it lessoned so much since I have been working out, meditating, positive affirmations, praying and major discipline with myself. Keeping busy no matter what I do. I would tell my mom or son to get up off their a** and do something. If they were going through this. Tell yourself like you would tell someone you love. The more you stew around the more you feel lonely and want your enemy back.
Write me. Just dont do it. If I can you can. I honestly a couple weeks ago thought I would never get out of the funk I was in. Then I realized my bootstraps were not on tight enough. Be a soldier. Walk around your house singing something. I feel good da da da da. I knew that I would. So good so good I got me!! Ha! Train your mind to think different. Make it happen.
I watched something on tv about 2 yrs. ago and at first I was like what the heck are these people doing. They were monks from a monastery. They had these bald heads and black robes. Anyway they the people filming were doing a study on how powerful meditation is. At first I thought it was dumb then something captured me. They knew that people who practice Buddhism (I am not preaching anything just stating a fact) So they knew that their brain was strong. To get to the point. The monks said a neat chant in the monastery and had only a medium sized white sheet around them nothing else on. The scientist people took their temp. normal then they went up on this tall snowy mountain, I forgot where . It was impossible they said for any human to live for three days in that condition. It was like 15 below zero. Something impossible. The camera crew showed them throw the white sheet over them and they all peacefully looking crouched down. For 3 days they had went into a deep meditation. The camera crew and science guys came back and they took their temps and it was normal!! Also sheets was warm. They had apparently created their own body heat. I then thought wow that is cool. I got to go ,hope I did not bore you. My reason for telling you is I truly believe the mind can do so much good if we practice. I just believe that. Even though it has been proven effective. Some things just work for others. I will pray. Sorry so long. I been there and I am going to come out of this faster than people might tell me. I will not let it take 6 months for my brain to heal. I am healing it now.