Im Sorry

Hello everyone

Well I just finished my last of the accounting. I am done and ready for tuesday. It feels wonderful. It really does

Jeff you misread the post, I said i jumped on that poor girl like u jumped on me day 12 and said I would not make it. Nothing about valium. I said you cared but you had a different way of posting it.

I am feeling better and doing great. I like you guys a lot. I really have a ton of raw emotions coming out now. SO I promise I wont be soo harsh anymore. Im sorry. Im human, but.. do u kow how much 600 mgs of valium is? I looked it up. Its a lwthal dose! She has kids and it scared me. So I will support no berate anymore. I promise. I care about you all and want to see you do well.

So Im sorry for a harsh offensive post. Please beelive me, I have many good qaulities and I care for people. Maybe too much!

Im here if anyone needs anything and I wont be posting harsh comments again. Sometimes I need to think before I speak

So iwll you al forgive me, im sorry


I mean it, im sorry. Its soo hard to explain but we need to remember this is a board. You can not tell my facila expressions over a post. I guess thats why i ilike meetings. If someone gave negative feedback, happens nightly, you wuld see in my face and eyes I am sincere, caring and loving

Im not mean, never was and never will be. For the sake of the cyber board. I will keep my comments more postive and supportive

So I am sorry, very

making amends is huge. as far as i am's over. i believe you are a good person, and i meant what i said about it being good you are so fired up for your recovery! i think that is awesome.

you will bring a lot of hope to those who are starting with you. you will forge a bond that will always be between you.

i am really happy for your 30 days. i think that is a tremendous accomplishment. you have much to offer here, so please keep posting. keep sharing with us know what you are learning from your meetings!

your friend,


oh, and by the way...sarah is me...not feeling clever...and lizrox is someone else! i wasn't sure you understood that from the last post on the lizrox thread! anyway....peace!
This is why I care so much for you Justin. So many people could learn from you.

Keep it up.. you are doing phenomenal.
Thanks Sara. I feel much better now. Yes I am fired up over my recovery. I have so omuch energy and have been behaving soo actively to benefit my recovery. Its a good feeling. So thank you

I still wont post any more harsh commetns, even if i had good intentions! I will practice some Empathy skills
Thanks Brook

I emailed you back. I really am sorry and feel bad. Im glad you forgave me., I dont want any trouble. I am fired up about recovery and want to help never hurt!

Please write back when you can


hey, it is nothing i haven't done myself. we are only human!!! you are fine! and thank you too!


You are a good man. You have integrity and dignity. You are a great example of living sober and owning our behavior. Have a great Sunday, my friend.

Reddog- You are doing great.. are a great person. We all say things some times that people misunderstand. You are a tremendous inspiration and I am so proud of you. Keep being who you are. Love, Cherie
that was really say sorry.........

your doing so awsome............


I have a painful medical and took pills for five years. For five years I doctor shopped to get all the pills I needed. I blamed the doctors, my job, you name it, I blamed them for ruining my life.

In June I was caught doctor shopping. Getting caught didnt stop me, getting caught didnt make me realize I was in trouble. I immediately blamed the doctors. The idiot doctors were not going keep me from getting the pills I needed to survive.

If I couldnt get pills here in California I was going to take the job offer and move to another state. For some reason I decided to call a hot line to ask how I could continue to take pills. I had a legitimate medical condition after all. Certainly there must be a way to continue to take pills I thought.

The people I spoke to were kind, sympathetic and treated me with dignity and respect. Those strangers knew I was in crisis. They new I was facing death if I didnt get help. I didnt know it. Not one person said I was an addict or strong armed me in any way. Slowly with each phone call I made I was guided to the help I needed. I had to discover on my own that I was an addict. My discovery didnt happen easily or with great speed.

I have read people words and can hear them screaming for help. I was also screaming for help. Kindness and understanding saved my life. Had any one person been tough on me I now know I would be dead today.

Words are powerful. I am guilty of reacting to the words I have read.

If I have offended you or anyone here, I am genuinely sorry.


You are an amazing person. I am so grateful to have you as a friend. I know you didn't mean to offend anyone, because I know your spirit. I think it is tremendous to accept responsibility for hurting someone, even though that was not your intention.

You are an example of what is, in my opinion, one of the best traits recovery brings...and that is humility. I am so glad that you made those calls. It is unbelievable to think that a nasty thing like addiction can actually be the thing that puts us on our path in life...but I believe that it can.

Your advice and wisdom are always needed here. Your experience alone with using suboxone as a tool for recovery is invaluable. You are the "best case scenario" for that tool...and you represent that so well.

Thank you for your sincere apology to this forum. I think it not only speaks to this incident, but creates a positive standard for us all to live by.

Much love and respect.

Your friend,
