In Case You're Wondering

Hi guys - JFYI - the hockey team came in second. Missed going to National's by one goal. Won two out of three. The weather was gorgeous and we had a great time. Next year the team will be all different due to age brackets, etc.

I was never one to be a part of all of the politics of the leagues, teams, etc. Joe always was more aware. It's true that ignorance is bliss. I was made aware of way more than I cared to know this weekend. I was upset to learn that much of things are already predetermined. There are alot of wealthy families involved in the sport. All seem to be jockeying to be have their kids in the best position for hockey scholarships. Alot of that involves playing in the right tier and going to the right tournaments. I asked alot of questions and my head was spinning. In the end I am glad to report that I realized that it is all out of my hands. I will do my best and leave the rest to my HP. He's in charge in my life. I'm grateful that my daughter just plays for the love of the sport.

Have a great day all!
LOL Alice. Reminds me of when I was a kid. My brother was a good swimmer (me, not so much). Another kid had a bad attitude and a very controlling mother. I remember hearing her cuss out the swim coach, unaware that I was sitting a few feet away serving as a place judge. The upshot of it was that her son was the more deserving athlete than my brother and that if he did not get the anchor spot on the relay there would be hell to pay. It was really nasty. As a 12 year old, I had no idea that grownups could act so childishly.

My brother served as anchor on that relay. He eventually swam on the H.S. team that won State. That was the only time before or since that his H.S. has beaten the hoity toity Private schools in the City. His relay clinched the title. It was one of the most exciting moments of my life.

My brother went on to attend a State university on a swim scholarship. He graduated with honors with a Masters in Electrical Engineering and to has had a good career.

The rich kid's parents pulled some strings and got him an appointment to West Point. He washed out in his Plebe year and now sells insurance for a living.

I saw this mentality over and over in the law school I attended. Kids would come in with their noses in the air, talking about their pedigrees and their portfolios. It became a point of honor and pleasure for this dumb ole hillbilly to take them out. Turns out that pedigrees and portfolios have very little to do with it.

Your girls are doing great, and they do not need mommy to pull strings for them to know their self worth.