
Here is my incentive for quiting this stuff. My two and four year old girls

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Wow, they are georgeous!! Look at those eyes!!
(BTW, how did you do that? Well, maybe you had better not tell me, you will have my WHOLE DAMN PHOTO ALBUM.....hahahahahahahah)
Sicker than most,
Danny.........they are beautiful......great incentive!
man danny if that isn't an incentive then there isn't one. i too have 3 daughters who are beautiful. they are precious they must look like their mom lol
have a wonderful evening
They are a work in progress I guess. I chase them around all day. I have 5 total, but the others are way's these two that keep me going!
our children are also an incentive to change the stereo types of the world view of the addict and that addiction is a disease and needs treatment and research. The addict needs help they dont need judgements and they dont need to hide in shame and fear....

The more we come out and change the way society sees the addict only then can we change the future for ourselves and our children..

btw.. they are beautifu.

Something else for the parents to think about...
An "Elder" once told me that our kids learn the addictive behaviors from us without even using the drugs... That one scared me....
Danny, one word: absolutely adorable. OK, two words.
Thanks everyone- You are ALL so kind..I love the little rugrats..
OMG< DANNY, they are soooo beautiful!!!!!!! you are a blessed man indeed!!
i wish that i knew how to put my kids on the board, how did u do it, i wanna show you my twins and oldest as well!!!
Mitz- I posted direction on another's really easy..

It's funny though, because the one on the left, which is Trinity, looks just like my wifes mother did at 2 and the one on the right, which is Danielle, looks like my Mom did at 4 but their personalities are totally switch...Trini is a little "scamp" and Danielle is a little "mommy"
wait i am having a blonde moment , how exzactly do u do it??
Awawaw, what BEAUTIFUL girls ;o). And your right!!! Family and ourselves is why we do it!!! I also have 2 girls, and 1 boy (I had them within 5 years) lololol. Mine are all becoming teenagers lolol HELP!!!!!! Thanks for reminding us, what REALLY matters in our world. Have a great day. Are you still having those body aches or sweating/chills? Take care, Best Wishes
Mitz, I posted this on another thread, but I'll post it again.

First (and this is NO commercial, as someone else here recommended them) go to and sign up for an account. Make SURE it's the free one. You have to take a short survey, blah know the routine..and they will host your pics for you. Then go to a site like, where you can get free animated GIF's. You "right click" on the free ones (some cost money..forget that), save it to your hard drive. Go BACK to photobucket and upload it (real easy) and it displays the URL. Highlight the URL and right click to copy and then come here to Your Settings and under Avatar, go to where you can insert a URL. Easy as pie.

PS - if you Yahoo free gif animations, it will bring up a ton of sites..
Best- Ya, still have them but not as bad. I have three teenagers too. I mean, my life is nuts. Chasing these two around after looking after the other three to keep them out of know the routine..

Your children are absolutely gorgeous!

Thanks Danny, my friend need the coumpter right now, so i will attemp it in a little bit, thanks sweetie... mitz...
Thanks Rach! But I don't deserve the credit. That goes to my wife..hehe
LOLOL, your right, we are chasing them everywhere lololo. Mine have activities everynight between the 3 of them. But you want them to stay busy. Me and hubby are crazy, thinking of having another. Our youngest is 11yrs old. But hey, "that's what it's all about" love that new song by, Brooks and Dunn. It's the truth, family is the BEST. Take care Best Wishes

Danny, GORGEOUS kids, thanks for sharing. Isn't it great to be a parent and something more than yourself to live for. Glad you are doing well.