was a nightmare. First off, these are the Dr.s that the insurance comapnies pay. They are hired to "evaluate" me, and I have had two before; usually their findings are against the patient.
It started off bad....I called him a "prosititute." Ever wish you could take something back???? Well, I said it in a joking way, and this is what other Physicians call them...that is where I got the terminology. He got hugely offended....and told me that he RARELY ever does IMEs. He lied; I saw my chiro after that and the chiro told me that is all he does. I was wondering why I have never heard of him after him being here for years and why he doesn't have a sign outside of his office as a M.D.
My chiro also told me that he plays up the "anxiety and depression" part, and he is known for that. He went off on a tangent in the end about treating the whole picture, not just the pain. Don't you think that lifting luggage for years is a valid reason for pain?
Anyway, I know I am blabbering, but needless to say, it didn't go well. My chiro says not to worry; that he plays everyone off as "not mentally well" so much that he is known for it.
I hope everyone is good and I have to go fetch a kid; I will try to catch up later.
Kerry, Hey, long time no talk. I really don't know what you're talking about above. Are you trying to make a claim for OJI, and this guy had to check you out? I can't believe you called him a prostitute! LOL Ofcourse, that is what he is. Hope you get what you are seeking, whatever that is. That company owes you, IMHO. Give 'em hell!
I hope you are doing well over there, and getting your ducks in a row, so to speak. I miss you. Hope you and the gremlins are well and happy! Take care, my fellow extended Sub. user. LOL
Love, Carol
kerry i know what your sayin,on my second sugery on my shoulder it showed a MAJOR impigment on the mri and the doctor the company hired said it wasn't that bad and a couple weeks of physical theropy would solve the problem[lmao],and on the other hand i had 2 orthpedic surgens said it needed to be adressed with sugery right now,state doctors are the scum of the earth.
Did your employers insurance carrier request the IME? It sounds like you were on short term disablility and you are hitting the transition period in the policy going from Short term to long term. Usually happens at 18 months. Is this for disablity or did work comp request the IME? I used to audit these...let me know.
Kerry, Dr.'s who do IME's for a living are prostitutes. If their findings are not consistant with what insurance companies want them to be, then they won't get paid to do more IME's. It's a long story, but I know quite a bit about this subject. You can fight this Dr.'s findings. Listen to your chiro. They deal with these prostitutes all the time. Sorry you had to go thru this. Carrying luggage can cause spinal abnormalities. By the way, the Dr. was probably paid about $1500 for your exam. Hope everything turns out ok for you. Take care, Atlas
I am confused, but that is about normal anymore....
Love that you called him a prostitute.....
I will call because I really am lost here, know you were being treated. I think they are busting your stones to break all ties, atleast that makes sense......
Take a deep breath and let it go for now. Nothing you really can do but wait and see the report.
Oh and Wendy with this stuff are second opinions allowed.....
Love that you called him a prostitute.....
I will call because I really am lost here, know you were being treated. I think they are busting your stones to break all ties, atleast that makes sense......
Take a deep breath and let it go for now. Nothing you really can do but wait and see the report.
Oh and Wendy with this stuff are second opinions allowed.....
Yes, you can always appeal the decision. The documentation speaks for itself though. X-rays, Lab tests, doctors notes, regularity of dr visits and any permanant disablility and restrictions. Say 30% loss of use of your right ARM etc., if it is well documented and clean case they can't mess with you. the report starts out, Housewife mid 30's seemed to have a level 2 pain in her face. Because of the alleged back restrictions I see that the top of all cupboards are bare. This would indicate she cannot reach. The clothes on the couch are on hangers indicating her son has the responsibilty of reaching up to hang them. They really get detailed.
They like to go to your house...Im not sure if they did w/ little beach.
I fell at work again on 3/25. I went to a chiro and got treatment, and the chiro tried to bill it off the original injury. (I won a claim in 2002; got 10k and open medical which now the insurance comapany won't pay).
We had a hearing with the state said I had to file a new claim. So, that is why I had an IME.
At the end of the IME, the dr went on a tangent, about people don't want to hear what he has to say...the truth hurts...yada yada.
After I found out from the chiro that he only does IME (this is a small island; you pretty much know all the drs...this one has been here for 8 years...) I thought about writing him a letter about "how the truth hurts and maybe my prostitute comment hurt because the truth hurts, ya know...." LOL.
The bad part was that I never cry; ever. But, I ended up crying through the whole thing....my eyes are shot.
Carol, how the heck are you? Tina? Atlas?
everyone else?
We had a hearing with the state said I had to file a new claim. So, that is why I had an IME.
At the end of the IME, the dr went on a tangent, about people don't want to hear what he has to say...the truth hurts...yada yada.
After I found out from the chiro that he only does IME (this is a small island; you pretty much know all the drs...this one has been here for 8 years...) I thought about writing him a letter about "how the truth hurts and maybe my prostitute comment hurt because the truth hurts, ya know...." LOL.
The bad part was that I never cry; ever. But, I ended up crying through the whole thing....my eyes are shot.
Carol, how the heck are you? Tina? Atlas?
everyone else?
Well, he downplayed the original injury....he made it sound like life causes injuries; and that even if "1%" of your pain is caused by work then it goes under work comp. I could see if I was at a desk; but I was lifting luggage. Pretty easy to screw up your back; especially considering that I am 5'2".
Wendy, what do you do? The last IME related it to childbearing.
Wendy, what do you do? The last IME related it to childbearing.
Yah, thats what they try to do is relate it to something else...TYPICAL.
I think if your chiro has good records and maybe if you went to see a doctor you would be okay. I hope it wasnt just the first visit that you went to in order for them to reopen your claim. You and I know re-injury can happen at any time. If it were me I would have a third party there period.
Where did he do the IME? Your house, his office?
I used to audit this stuff at different insurance companies. Worked with surveillience too. Yah, there is alot of abuse, one guy was a computer geek for years and said because of the constant staring at the screen he was blind. Legally blind. He was at his transition from short term to long term. If you hit long term the company is pretty much locked into paying you for the rest of your life. Well the investigator came back with a report saying he was a coach at his sons softball game and DROVE all the kids in his car to the game....lol I have lots of stories.
Is this for work comp?
I think if your chiro has good records and maybe if you went to see a doctor you would be okay. I hope it wasnt just the first visit that you went to in order for them to reopen your claim. You and I know re-injury can happen at any time. If it were me I would have a third party there period.
Where did he do the IME? Your house, his office?
I used to audit this stuff at different insurance companies. Worked with surveillience too. Yah, there is alot of abuse, one guy was a computer geek for years and said because of the constant staring at the screen he was blind. Legally blind. He was at his transition from short term to long term. If you hit long term the company is pretty much locked into paying you for the rest of your life. Well the investigator came back with a report saying he was a coach at his sons softball game and DROVE all the kids in his car to the game....lol I have lots of stories.
Is this for work comp?
It is for work comp. I didn't take time off this time. I was trying to get treatment from the first injury, but the state said it was a new case.
I didn't get disability payments, only the chiro got paid.
I think this guy is going rule it to depression. The chiro said that he is known for that, so don't worry.
This is from lifting luggage for years, and I slipped again and flared everything up. But, I didn't take any time off of work.
I didn't get disability payments, only the chiro got paid.
I think this guy is going rule it to depression. The chiro said that he is known for that, so don't worry.
This is from lifting luggage for years, and I slipped again and flared everything up. But, I didn't take any time off of work.
I totally see what your saying and I know people with that type of repetative job that are TOTALLY disabled from everything. Not just there own occ any occ. They cant sit at a desk because the pain flares etc.,
They will go thru all your medical records, maybe not just your chiro...did they make you aware of that?
They will go thru all your medical records, maybe not just your chiro...did they make you aware of that?
Where did he do the exam?
His office or your home?
Where did he do the exam?
His office or your home?
This is so interesting to me. I have been off of work due to anxiety and depression 18 months, my boss forced the issue of me going back on a work plan and I ended up going back full time, I could not do it. My boss convinced the Insurance company that I would not be able to return and they said they would find me a job at 70% of what I am earning now, I had nothing to lose so I said I want to go back to work at the original back to work plan (4 hours two days a week and build up from there) I had to complain to my bosses boss and the Insurance company womans boss, finally they let me go back.
Guess what? I have been going for two weeks and yesterday I realised that I cannot work in that enviroment.
I called the Insurance company, she was horrid to me, told me I had to call my boss and tell him and that she will be making an appointment for me to see a specialist. I am really worried about what to expect.
Please advise me on what to do.
Guess what? I have been going for two weeks and yesterday I realised that I cannot work in that enviroment.
I called the Insurance company, she was horrid to me, told me I had to call my boss and tell him and that she will be making an appointment for me to see a specialist. I am really worried about what to expect.
Please advise me on what to do.
Karen, that sounds like an IME was ordered from a Mental health specialist, am I correct?
Are you currently on short term disablity or long term disability?
It sounds like your doctor placed restrictions on you returning to work, not your boss. I bet your doctor completed and APS and he said you can return? (attending physicans statement)
Im assuming alot here. correct me on what Im incorrect about.
Also it sounds like they released your restrictions and said you can return to your own occ and any occ? Meaning they cut you off, you disputed and they in turn are ordering an IME?
Are you currently on short term disablity or long term disability?
It sounds like your doctor placed restrictions on you returning to work, not your boss. I bet your doctor completed and APS and he said you can return? (attending physicans statement)
Im assuming alot here. correct me on what Im incorrect about.
Also it sounds like they released your restrictions and said you can return to your own occ and any occ? Meaning they cut you off, you disputed and they in turn are ordering an IME?
He did it at his office...they do them at your house??
Yep....he had my pill dr's records...some things in there can be taken to town....it makes me look bad. I told him I was on sub; I told him that it was working for pain and I chose not to be on narcotics because of cognitve impairment.
He said, "say opiods...narcotics sound like a bad thing..."
I don't know if they can reveal the info to my former employer; people here do things like that against the rules, and get away with it. Can the insurance company tell my old HR boss? Is it going to be public findings?
Yep....he had my pill dr's records...some things in there can be taken to town....it makes me look bad. I told him I was on sub; I told him that it was working for pain and I chose not to be on narcotics because of cognitve impairment.
He said, "say opiods...narcotics sound like a bad thing..."
I don't know if they can reveal the info to my former employer; people here do things like that against the rules, and get away with it. Can the insurance company tell my old HR boss? Is it going to be public findings?
Oh boy Wendy!!
You've opened a whole can of worms here!! LOL
Thanks for all the input..
You've opened a whole can of worms here!! LOL
Thanks for all the input..
I am on long term disability now, My Doctor just said that I was to complete a slow return to work program over 4 months. My company did offer me a redundancy package in July of last year, then took the offer back.
My Boss did not want me back and now I see that I cannot go back to that environment.
My Boss did not want me back and now I see that I cannot go back to that environment.
I have to pop out back in half an hour.