Insomniac In Wd's Here, Anyone Up?

I'm on day 9 without sub and being hit hard with three days of insomnia for some weird reason. I also had a good 5 days of muscle pain, anxiety and chills before this.

On a good note, I haven't had a vicodin for 17 days. And never again will I have a vicodin after going thru all this!

Good night all,
hi mimi...i am on sub, have been for almost 2 weeks now...and I am afraid of withdrawls myself. was it bad?
and congrats on the 17 days!!!! just don't ever ever lose your gratitude!!
Hi Kerry,

I wasn't on the sub too long.. only a week because, lucky as I am, I ended up allergic to it. So I could only take 1/4 tablet at a time. I finally just quit cold turkey and ended up in full blown withdrawals. It was difficult. Still is. However, it will be done and over with. Just wish I could sleep. I just took an Ativan because I haven't slept in 3 days. I took Benedryl and Flexeril for restless legs, but it only got worse. After going thru all this I will never touch another Vicodin again! So that's one very good thing about going thru withdrawal. I'm sure it will be much easier for you since you can complete sub the way it's supposed to be completed.

Good luck,
Mimi, you can make it through...try a sauna, and as much exersize as you can..
And cut off your sources, and never lose your gratitude once you come out on the otherside. Just a few mistakes I made.
I have no exp with sub--but I to agree about never again with taking vic's---they kicked my a**. Don't really no what to say about no sleep and muscle aches--other then I had them for a while when I stopped taking vic's in Sept last year--but it did pass in time.

I sleep better now then I ever did, and only have a few aches every now and then--keep up the great work, you will be ok--each day without pills, is a day thats great..


Hey Mimi.....long time no see! But I am very happy to hear you stuck with your guns and got off the vics! Congratulatons on your 17 days! You should be proud!
I know it is still not all that you were hoping to find in sober-land, but trust me, it gets better everyday from here on out. The aches and insomnia will soon be gone. Then you may even experience some mental stuff. Getting clean isn't easy, but the pay-off is huge. I have 92 days, and am still amazed at how great it is not to be chasing pills all day. Good luck! Please keep us posted on your progress!
Hi Mimi,

Sorry to hear that you are not sleeping. I dont know if this will make you feel any better, but it is normal. The opiates screw up sleep cycles, especially when eaten like M & Ms. I started to sleep normally after about a month. I did take some sleep aids at the beginning. I also read a lot.

Good luck and stay strong. The insomnia will go away, and like you said, it is all a big reminder that WE WILL NEVER DO THIS TO OURSELVES AGAIN!

Thank you all so much! How would we all get thru this without each other??

I finally, FINALLY slept last night, however I took Ativan because I was going on day 4. The major problem was restless leg syndrome.... oh God, just typing that gave me the chills! Sunday night, after 2 nights of no sleep, I had taken 2 benadryl, Flexeril (muscle relaxer), Phenergan, and still felt the urge to go outside and climb trees at 2:30 in the morning! I felt like something was inside of my trying to crawl out. I gave up and took the Ativan, then get this... I got offered this wonderful job, I'm finally clean and getting my life back together, and whammo... drug test!! I told the lab I had taken a PRESCRIBED Ativan for restless leg syndrome and they said don't worry about it, but I AM worried about it, because all this damn work getting sober, a great job comes my way, I take one stupid little Ativan and I could jeopardize the entire thing. I may have to present the script or something, I don't know, I just don't want the freakin drama. I want symplicity after all I've been thru. But, does such a thing exist?

Maybe I'm overreacting. If I am, you can tell me. That's another thing. I have been very moody, anxious, mood swings up and down. I can't wait till it's all over. Oh yeah, and a week ago my son gave me his cold so I'm totally stuffed up and coughing, which was always one of my most wonderful excuses to pop a Vicodin.. "Poor me, I feel so sick, I need this Vicodin to get thru the day". Ridiculous!


Mimi....hey! Glad you slept finally. Everything you have descibed is typical withdrawal.....even the moodiness. I had anger. Totally POed at the world. But it all passes and you come out at the other end of the tunnel clean! I was still confused, having been high for 8 years, but that is getting better every day with alot of talking, counseling and reading about addiction.

I wouldn't worry about the Ativan and the drug test. If they ask you about it, you have a good reason and they probably won't. Good luck with the job! See your life is already coming together! Good luck and stick with it!
Thank you so much Carol. How long have you been sober? Today is the first day I feel good, really feel good.

By the way, were you freezing cold during your detox? Nothing could warm me up but a hot bath. Just curious.

I'm proud us :)

Mimi, thats a common withdrawal symptom. I was freezing all the time, I wore three shirts around the house with the heat turned up.

Hey Mimi, we talked when you first came to the board a while back. You're in CA, right? Again, Congratulations! You have come a long way from that first day we talked. Are you still going to the NA meetings?

Yes, I walked around with 3 layers of wool and fleece for days. It is very common.

I have 90+ days now. My re-entry to civilization has been slow and I am not at 100% yet. But that's OK. It took me many years to get as far out as I was and I have many years left to live clean. I find that taking life slower and easier and by not putting too many demands on myself or my time allows me to accept my limited energy and motivation. I am hoping to bloom in the spring and get more of my old self back. The pre-addiction self, that is. LOL!

So, are you going to be starting a new job soon?
Yes, I'm starting a job 3 days a week, 6 hours a day while the kids are in school. Perfect hours, perfect schedule. Plus it may kick start my brain again.

I say take as much time as you need to recover. I've always been a type A personality, needing to go go go, and I think that's why I got hooked on Vics, because I got so bored and depressed being a stay home mom that I needed to channel down my energy. I feel all that energy coming back so I better get out there and get moving! At least I hope thats whats going on. We'll see!

I did go to one NA meeting that changed everything. I found my doctor that way, who prescribed the sub, and I told my husband and family about my addiction, my parents flew out here to take care of my kids for two weeks so I could detox, so the meeting was a blessing. It jump started everything. Now the sun shines a little brighter, music sounds a little crisper, but that's today, it wasn't yesterday, and it may not be tomorrow. But it will be again, and it is today :)
