I am sitting here watching an episode of A&E's "Intervention" called "Intervention: In Depth" and I had no idea this episode existed. So far, it has been about the city in which I teach and the OC turned heroin epidemic that has hit our region. There is film of my school, the high school, and the neighborhood in which I teach...and I had no clue.
This is the place my daughter got her drugs from...this is why she told me she couldn't go to school with me as she had every year since she was 13...crossing the city line was too much of a trigger. Her dealer who OD'd in January is from here...I spend most of my time here.
Next thing I see is footage of the harbor in my quiet little town, talking about how the South Shore of Boston is overrun with heroin and OC...a 6 year epidemic that has been buried by politicians and public health officials...and here's the head of health and wellness for our school district, a woman who has conducted meetings to inform teachers about this (and other) problem(s) of the youth in our city (yeah, that's what we get for professional development where I teach - that and child protective services workshops)...and there's the girl who was on the front page of the local paper for her dance competition wins...and her best friend whose tombstone made the front page when she died of a heroin overdose five months pregnant...and here's the mom who tells of how the entire family suffers from depression and anxiety on a daily basis...you know, "the family disease"...addiction...no one wants to put a name on it, but plenty of blame to go around...and now I'm seeing the parent support group I was referred to by my assistant principal (whose son was addicted to OCs and H)...the room, and there she is, in her blue 'Stay Strong' tee shirt that is their symbol. (How is it she never told me she was in this? We've been brutally honest with one another...must've slipped her mind...?)...and here's the kid who delivers our lunches on Fridays...
...and no one wants to talk about the gangs that rule the city...that can stand on a corner in broad daylight and move their packets and their $80 OCs...and not a cop in sight...this is what my students walk home through every single day...that's why they don't look forward to summer vacation the way other kids do - school is safe and fun and people can watch out for you there.
Wow...I don't even know what to think. I do know I can't show my daughter...she says "Intervention" should scare her, but instead it triggers her and makes her want to use, so she no longer watches.
I remember reading the articles when they wrote the series...I remember leaving them in my daughter's room for her to read...
Watch it if you get the chance...could be any city...but it's mine...
You know you also have a wonderful woman up near you ( she might have been in that special I didnt see it yet but it is on, on-demand I will be checking it out.). I dont know how much of the story I remember. I think it is her daughter, oxy to heroin. I am not sure if she survived her addiction but the mother put together a grass root effort to educate along some line about addiction. She has been in the news, any of this sound familiar.
They also did prescription drugs in Florida and meth mountain in Alabama, which I did see.
They have some big recovery rally in NY in Sept to raise awareness that addiction is a treatable disease.
Doesnt it make total sense to you that she didnt tell you. No one is really talking...they go to meetings, they still aint talking everything for years related to addiction has been locked in a room of like peoplethink about it. One of my biggest pet peeves
They also did prescription drugs in Florida and meth mountain in Alabama, which I did see.
They have some big recovery rally in NY in Sept to raise awareness that addiction is a treatable disease.
Doesnt it make total sense to you that she didnt tell you. No one is really talking...they go to meetings, they still aint talking everything for years related to addiction has been locked in a room of like peoplethink about it. One of my biggest pet peeves
It's familiar, they are one and the same...my assistant principal (and friend) is that woman's best friend and one of the original members of the group called LearnToCope. The addict was the woman's son and my friend's son was a good friend of his. The group is not at all quiet or behind closed doors, that's what I like about them...they are right out there in the public eye, educating, working with social service agencies, reaching to parents to opiate addicts. They were formed because too much of AlAnon's message wasn't working for her/them, though they share a common purpose. I liked them so much better than AlAnon...just made more sense to me and was with more people who really 'got' the opiate thing.
My daughter told me the episode is about a year old so it makes sense I didn't know...I only returned to this school this year after a two year tenure at two other schools. I fired her off an email so I'll hear back and find out. I am lucky that my administrators and this woman in particular have always supported and understood when we were in the midst of our own private hell...I was able to be honest (without being forced to humiliate myself or my daughter with begging or subterfuge). She referred me to LearnTo Cope and told me her own story, asks about my daughter periodically, and let me know she is there for me if I choose to share with her. I can't tell you how much easier that made it for me...made it easy to be at work.
I saw meth mountain...that scared me. I guess I just felt like, "How did I not know about this? How did I not hear about this?" That's what happens when we can't see past the end of our own noses because we are so wrapped up in the crazies.
I hate the secrets, too, and one of the things that my daughter has said many times is that she was always glad that we hadn't hidden or glossed over her addiction issues with the extended family, or even the close neighbors...just treated it like it-is-what-it-is and we dealt with it as best we could...my crowd's never been real good with secrets and staying out of things anyhow =)
Peace out, Tina~M&M
My daughter told me the episode is about a year old so it makes sense I didn't know...I only returned to this school this year after a two year tenure at two other schools. I fired her off an email so I'll hear back and find out. I am lucky that my administrators and this woman in particular have always supported and understood when we were in the midst of our own private hell...I was able to be honest (without being forced to humiliate myself or my daughter with begging or subterfuge). She referred me to LearnTo Cope and told me her own story, asks about my daughter periodically, and let me know she is there for me if I choose to share with her. I can't tell you how much easier that made it for me...made it easy to be at work.
I saw meth mountain...that scared me. I guess I just felt like, "How did I not know about this? How did I not hear about this?" That's what happens when we can't see past the end of our own noses because we are so wrapped up in the crazies.
I hate the secrets, too, and one of the things that my daughter has said many times is that she was always glad that we hadn't hidden or glossed over her addiction issues with the extended family, or even the close neighbors...just treated it like it-is-what-it-is and we dealt with it as best we could...my crowd's never been real good with secrets and staying out of things anyhow =)
Peace out, Tina~M&M
I've seen that episode, had no idea that's where you live. I can totally relate, it's an epidmic in our area as well. Although mostly OC not herion. I cried when they told the story of the girl who was pregnant and then relapsed and died. So incrediably sad.
Thank God most of it was shot where I work and not where I live, but it's only a 40 minute commute, and there's a mini-epidemic going on right here in these little towns dotting the shore...sad stuff.
Jake's new sub dr had some interesting things to say about the oxy epidemic here and elsewhere... he blames pharmicitucal companies for one. Parents not being aware of what's in thier medicine cabinets for another. He also said that these 30 day treatment centers where no more than adult daycare. They keep em clean (hopefully) for 30 days and then send em right back out into the war without the proper support. That's why he believes so much in sub for 90 days. I'll tell you what, I sure have changed my mind about sub over these past few months.
Suboxone has saved R's life. She is so stable, so calm, so together, so NOT craving...it has given her the leg-up she needed. She's sees her doc every 3-4 weeks and gets her take homes. I monitored and watched the first time around, but she's on her own now and is obviously taking them as prescribed...I mean, it just shows all over her.
Funny, just last night we were talking about stuff and I asked her if she and her doc had discussed a taper...not meaning I think she should, or it's time, or anything, just curious about the nature of their discussions...she said that right now she's feeling so good about herself, about the work she's doing on herself, that she doesn't want to think about it. Totally cool with me, has nothing to do with me really. But she did say, she's talked to her sponsor about it, so good for her.
She and her dad went to see the Dalai Lama speak today at the Patriot's football stadium...they had a good time and she is reading a lot about spiritual stuff...it's nice and I'm happy for her. Things aren't perfect...are they ever with young adults living at home? But my girl is back...I see her shining in her own special way.
Funny, just last night we were talking about stuff and I asked her if she and her doc had discussed a taper...not meaning I think she should, or it's time, or anything, just curious about the nature of their discussions...she said that right now she's feeling so good about herself, about the work she's doing on herself, that she doesn't want to think about it. Totally cool with me, has nothing to do with me really. But she did say, she's talked to her sponsor about it, so good for her.
She and her dad went to see the Dalai Lama speak today at the Patriot's football stadium...they had a good time and she is reading a lot about spiritual stuff...it's nice and I'm happy for her. Things aren't perfect...are they ever with young adults living at home? But my girl is back...I see her shining in her own special way.
How much is she on? I'm so happy for her!
I did get to see it. They could be talking about where I am. There are communities all over the country seeing the same thing.
We have some areas just starting out, more oxy and others that have already went to heroin. It is so readily available here that it is only matter of time.
We have similar grass roots effort here, that are doing some really good work. I find this makes much more sense.
I cant even get into the not talking. My mom told me the other day that there are prominent people that live close to her and omg can I not tell anyone about my son, with this you know if it wasnt for that gf he wouldnt have done something so stupid. I have given up trying to explain this to her.
I am really glad to hear that girl of yours is doing good. I hope she continues to amaze you more and more each day.
Lisa is there a big heroin problem out there. I know crystal is real big still, but is heroin as widespread
Damn I wanted to leave this for you mandm if you are bored one day, this was really good on meth, a different view...
We have some areas just starting out, more oxy and others that have already went to heroin. It is so readily available here that it is only matter of time.
We have similar grass roots effort here, that are doing some really good work. I find this makes much more sense.
I cant even get into the not talking. My mom told me the other day that there are prominent people that live close to her and omg can I not tell anyone about my son, with this you know if it wasnt for that gf he wouldnt have done something so stupid. I have given up trying to explain this to her.
I am really glad to hear that girl of yours is doing good. I hope she continues to amaze you more and more each day.
Lisa is there a big heroin problem out there. I know crystal is real big still, but is heroin as widespread
Damn I wanted to leave this for you mandm if you are bored one day, this was really good on meth, a different view...
MandM, I am so happy to read that your daughter is doing good. Thank God, and I hope she continues to thrive. :-)
I don't about the local OC or H scene in my area. I do not that among middle aged women, pain pill addiction is flourishing. 5 years ago, I only knew one or two other moms with a "little helper", but these days everytime I turn around I hear of another teacher, hairdresser, nurse, etc. who is addicted.
I know there has to be a better way to oversee opiate prescriptions. How can a pill which is so highly controlled be so available on the street?
On the subject of secrecy.....I just this past week told my 13 year old son about my addiction, but only because he asked me point blank why I frequent this website. LOL The rest of us have not really attempted to hide it from him, we just have never told him. I knew the day would come when he and I would discuss it but was waiting until I thought he was old enough to understand. We had a very enlightening talk and I feel good about how he responded. At least if he should stray and I find myself in the shoes of all of you have young adult addicts, I will know where to come to get great information.