
Hi I started this post because there was a show on A&E last nite called that.I caught part of it & would say wow.I know my oldest caught it & cant wait for her thoughts on it but WOW what a eye opening show.Did anyone else see it???
I didnt see it MJ, but i have read in a couple of posts today that it was good!
Soz to be a pain but what was it about (roughly) xxx
You my friend ARE NEVER A PAIN (I LUV YA) anyways they took 3 people.1 was a kid that had a gamblen problem,2 had a crack problem and the 3rd was a cutter.They just showed how they got an intervention and the whole process of them trying to get help.It was a real interesting learning show.Its on here every Sunday nite at 10 pm It is worth checking out though for some it may be REAL hard to watch

Hey MJ, I didn't know about it,but have already read 3-4 posts here about it. We'll all have to watch and hope they do a pain pill addict soon! Bet they do!
Good Morning;

I only saw the last 5 minutes, so out of curiousity did a google this morning to learn more. Check out the results:

On the A&E website here is a clip from the March 20th show:

Airs on Sunday, March 20 at 10:00pm ET

The family calls in interventionist Jeff VanVonderen to help Jerrie, 29, who is addicted to the painkiller Vicodin. She has been forging physician signatures on prescriptions and scouring the waterfront for drug dealers.

Hmmmmm sound really interesting!!!....dont think its being shown in the uk yet, but i'll deffo keep my eye open for it xxx thanxx

Thanks JR......I 'll be sure to watch it. Knew they had to address the pain pill thing as it is suach a huge problem in the US.

Have a great day today. : )
I can't wait to see this show. And I was looking for something good on TV last night too, and forgot about it. I'm sure they will play it again. Thanks for the updates.

Thanx for that JR, i'll check it out xxx
i saw the show but on my episode it was about a girl in her 20s that at one time had been a white house intern and lost it all including finishing college to doing crack and rx drugs stealing from her dying father...
then they did a man that was a VP of a stock firm making 128,000.00 a year to being homeless thanks to coke... it told of there downward spirals...and then showed there interventions..

these two were willing to do a documentary on addiction but did not know of the intervention that was going to take place so that was the real life thing .... at the end they both had been clean for over 180 days and it showed hope....

the thing that was really telling is that in the one intervention for the girl . the guy doing the intervention ... specifically told the family and friends not to tell the girl more information than she asked for... that would give her exuses to start to back out.... Not only did the dad say after the girl said she would go and was leaving the room to pack.. 'tell her how long it is..' (which it was ninety days) but he also said 'tell her what happen for the year after'... then the girl after hearing this started to bulk.... I got sooo mad at the dad... then the dad even sneaked pills to his daugter to take with her to the rehab.... how is that for being an enabler... I was speachless. but the guy doing the intervention was wise to the dad and just laughed.. he is used to familys doing that he said ... often they are sicker than the addicts....

all in all it was a very good show... really true to life....

I would recommend it for recovering addicts to watch with there near adult children..... and there other family members... I am sure some of these episodes will be taped and played in rehab family education days....

Tersea Yes it is a show I want my older daughter to watch.They also(though I missed it)had one about a cutter.I have a hard time saying this but my oldest about 3 years ago was doing that.She is in therapy now & has come along way since that but I dont want her to EVER forget that time in her life.She is a source of pride to me now back than I just didnt understand the cutting issue but I have learned that alot more people do than I ever realized
just like back then you didnt know that a lot more people did that and had that problem than you realized and you learn from your daughter experience.... by having show like that and knowing someone in that spot .. that brings that particular issue out of the closet and into the light and that is how it is exposed and it makes it not so big and scarey... it is still a terrible thing to have happen but it is something that can be dealt with as a family but if it is kept hiden people suffer in silence.. that is sort of my point about 'coming clean' with people we love.. it lets them love us back... that is what love is all about...

I hope these show keep on popping up.. it gives those of us that are still scared and alone the only voice me my ever have.... and it educates the senical public maybe in the only way they will ever be educated and maybe some day those stereotypes about cutting and addiction and whatever else is out there that breeds mistrust and misunderstand will fade slowing with time until our predicessors will be able to seek help with out the shame and guilt we struggle with today..

ok I will get off my soap box... lol...

I watched last night with my cousins....lots of parts made me uncomfortable...reminded me of me not so long ago. The guy on coke that said he wanted to get clean by himself...he was too humaliated to ask for help. The girl in her 20's so high on moraphine and weed. She had tons of pill bottles, steeling pills from her dad and couldnt stop crying. Man, the show hit too close to home. Watching them after 180 days of being clean was like night and day. They looked different, talked more crying, self pitty, hurting...they actually had a sparkle in their eyes. Gave me a little hope! Its on Sundays at 10pm on A&E.
please trust me... there is a LOT of hope but it takes a lot of work... and we have all been there in one form or the other.... wanting to do it ourselves... the ole ' I got myself into this I'll get myself out' crap... lol.. yep did that for a long time... and I did the ' the stuff the drugs have put me through have made me a stronger person' .. ( that is what alyson said while she was high to her mom..) I thought that too... it wasnt until I tried to get clean that I really found out how much of my strength that the drugs had taken from me....

so yeah I thing that show really help put alot of it into perspective.. the only thing that I thought was bad is that it might spend a little too much time show the actual using... It might be seen by some young viewers as a how to video... but then again do they really need that now days ... they already know all that limited stuff already I bet... plus for struggling newbys and heck some of us old timers if when arent watchful.. it might be a trigger ... I know I felt an old twinge when those bottles were rattling.. but then all I had to do was hear how much she had given up and all.. and then I thought quickly.. there but for the Grace of God go I ....

anyway.. just my rambling again

Hi Teresa,

I also thought that the show just showed them going into detox and 180 days later it was "happily ever after"....i wish they would have showed more of the detox part but its only an hour show....

Either way it hit home for me. Everytime they showed the pills ...i was like ohhhhhh awwww. But then they'd show how desperate she was and I know I never want to feel like that again. What a tug of war the mental part can be. Your right....I think the show will help the "outside" world get a step closer in understanding the addiction.

Take Care!!
I watched that show last night and it was simply amazing. It actually even made me cry....

It reminded me of

I felt so bad for the guy who had it all and then lost it all to cocaine. But the girl was just so wrong for stealing her dying dads pills......

Then seeing them after 160 days of clean time..WOW they look so different and healthier and happier!!!!


It's on every Sunday night.