Intoodeep Is It?????????????

Your Birthday, Beck?

If so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I only knew that Stac's lil girl is having a birthday in a few days and yours was before.

LIBRA'S ROCK, and know you are appreciated immensely, Beck. Hope it's a happy one and I didn't miss it.
When is your Birthday Bryn?.......................You musts be a Libra too?
Unfortunately I'm not a Libra, Rhonda. I'm a watery Pisces. Bleeding heart and a penchant for hooking up with the wrong men. Think Liza, and Liz Taylor. Then again Sharon Stone got it together.

I guess Beck didn't pop on. Hopefully she's having cake and got a few diamonds as gifts.

How about you, Rhonda. What sun sign are you?
Sagittarius...........Don't even know how to spell it and know even less than that about it! LOL!
Aw Bryn,
I can't believe you remembered! Thank you. I'm very touched. It was Sunday and not such a good day. I had sushi with a friend the night before and it didn't sit well. I spent the day either in bed or on the toilet, lol. Aw well.
Thanks again Bryn. Damn I'm old!
I adore Libra' first true love at the ripe old age of 15 was a Libra! He is such an amazing person.

A few years later my son was born one day before him in October. My son has so many personality traits of this old flame. There must be something to this astrology thing. I have never met a Libra that I didn't dig!

Happy are not getting older, you are getting smarter!
Happy Birthday!!!!
