Introducing Myself To The Board. Hello Everyone!

Just want to say hi to everyone here. My first post. I can't believe I haven't found this board until now! I've been off pills for about 6 months now...I'm sure it's a story that's been told many a times here.
Welcome and congrats on your clean time,,, I will look forward to hearing your story,,,, so jump right in.

gotta run,

Hey gcat.. how did you stop and what type of pills were you taking.
Eh well let's see I was taking Norco's (10/325's) at the rate of about 25 per day (Dosages of about 5). And then cap off the night with about a gallon of Woodbridge Chardonnay!

I took Suboxone which helped...but I was really frustrated with the lack of options for detox and treatment. Suboxone is very very expensive.

Anybody here on Suboxone have uncontrollable cravings for sweets???? I've never ever had a sweet tooth but when I started taking Suboxone I ate Gummy Bears by the handful!
Welcome, glad you found us. Congrats on your clean time..have you quit drinking too?

I think that I've read here before that sub causes a sweet tooth..weight gain too. It's all about moderation with that kind of stuff. How long are you going to stay on the sub? Is your dr requiring meetings?
Hello gcat and Welcome!

Congrats on your 6 months! I was curious as to whether you in addition to the Sub are doing anything to stay clean now. You know, such as counseling, therapy, meetings etc. The hardest part as I am sure you have read is 'staying clean". What are your plans if you don't mind me asking? Getting to the root of our addictions is paramount in understanding the why and how we are what we are.

Very glad you found us and look forward to chatting with you,


Well it may be somewhat controversial but I'm not going to AA or participating in any 12 step program. I have many family members who are die-hard AA'ers but I'm just not ready to subscribe to the whole thing. Too much dogma. I'm a "whatever works" type of person and for some people AA works, for some people just counseling works but I'm of the strict opinion that just one thing is not necessarily the answer. Again, I don't really care what people do to stay sober or get their life back together but hearing all of the AA stuff my whole life has made me jaded. I DO take "one step at a time" but I'm anything but "powerless". My dog is my counselor and he's a good listener!
Hello and Welcome - I noticed you said that you're not powerless. For me I know that I am not powerless either but if I should take a percocet or drink some wine - I will become powerless all over again. God knows how long it would take for me to get back here or even if I would get back here. Keep posting! And I love my doggie too. I've ditched the A/D I started and am using her as my new antidepressant. Nothing like cuddling with a cavachon. She is a teddy bear come to life.

P.S. I was in Petco the other day and this lady came in with a Tibetian Mastiff. It was 200 pounds and looked like a bear on a leasch (sp). I've never seen anything like it. People were taking pictures with their phones.
Hi Just wanted to stop in & say Welcome & congrates on your clean time.
Ive been on Sub for 3 years now & yes every now & than I get a sweets craving,but Ive lost weight these past 9 mths.Im sure its life in general & being more active helps.

I was once a strict NO MEETINGS type of woman....until I had a relapse that...well it was bad.That time I went into the hospital,got my meds stable,in the beginning I did 3 group meetings a week & 2 private ones.The added support really helped in the most fragile time,
Now I see my therapist 1-2 xs a week depending on how its going.Once in awhile Ill do group.But to me that one on one helps me look directly at me.I noticed in group Id worry & care about others as a way of avoiding myself.

I think both ways are right.Recovery is sort of like your finger print,,,,,,its yours.

again welcome
Hey GCAT! Welcome....congrats on your clean time. I can relate to the sweet tooth thing while using suboxone. I ate nothing but sweets for the first several months. I believed it was sub and part of it probably was. I have heard that a whole lot.

Then I realized that it was mostly due to hormonal imbalance brought on by perimenopause! I lived in a warm climate for quite some time and didn't notice the "hot flashes" until I moved to the frozen

I sure relate to the gummy bears comment. Regrettably I am addicted and have abused them terribly. Yes, I am powerless, especially when it comes to gummys!

Whatever works to stay clean is the ticket. Stay vigilant and never let your guard down. There is no shame in one admitting they are powerless over something. In fact I believe it to be the opposite.....shows and incredible amount of self awareness and gives you power that you never knew you had.

FWIW....I also truly believe AD's have there place and have helped people put there lives back together. So many struggle with low levels of serotonin caused by pumping narcotics in unbelievable amounts into their bodies. There are those that come by it genetically too.

The trick with AD's is finding the right one. It's not a one size fits all kind of med. I don't take AD's now but I have in the past and it is difficult adjusting but once I did they were a god send. That was about 11 years ago before my addiction reared it's ugly head.

Of course, exercising and eating right is also and incredible way to start releasing natural endorphins back into your life. As I said, their is no "one size fits all program" when it comes to getting clean and remaining that way.

I would love to hear more about your story. It's fascinating to me to hear how people get clean and have remained that matter how it's obtained.

Are you still on sub? If not, did you use it to detox?

Welcome to the board!
Dear gcat,

I am glad to hear that note of confidence in your voice. I also understand your feelings about AA given your history. However I have to tell you that you are indeed powerless over your addiction. Rather than go into the long reason why I suggest you go to the thread I posted on 12 Stupid Things We Do To Sabotage Our Recovery" and click on the intro and read that and the first chapter. Until you surrender to your powerlessness over your addiction I fear that you may stay 'clean" just until your relapse bites you in the butt. And your dog won't be able to help you. Sure they are a great comfort but you need more than that to stay sober. I had trouble with the "powerless" gig too because I am usually a very strong woman. But after having relapsed over 20 times or more in my life it wasn't until I got rid of my pride and denial and got support from a personal counselor to look and examine the WHY I am an addict and how to deal with issues in my life instead of self medicating. I am saying these things because you sound just like me 5years ago. No way was anyone going to tell me I had to accept I was powerless. Bite me I said lol...

Please take a moment to read the other thread I posted and God Bless you gcat. Whatever works, work it. But many have tried on their own and even with treatment I think it's like more than 50% fail or relapse.

With love and respect,

I am powerless and my life WAS unmanagable. It's managable now, but far from being powerful over my disease.
GCAT-Welcome to our little family here.You are not the first person who doesn't feel that AA or NA might not be for them.I'm also not going to promote it but I think the universal concensus among anyone who has worked with addiction is that "getting off " the dope was the easy part.However you get support and start unraveling the dynamics of why you started abusing,not a lot changes.

Whatever method you choose,is up to you.

Please continue to post.I can tell you will be a stunning addition.