Invite To Rehab

I am curious to find out... My friend/boyfriend has been in rehab since 1/5 for a multiple of reasons. What is standard procedure to visit? He has not included me in any therapy, which doesn't surprise me as I'm not family and we don't live together, and I may be seeing him for the 1st time tomorrow, but not sure if this is the norm for a non-family member. I realize my question may seem vague, but I really don't know how to ask. Thanks!
Depends on the rehab he is in. My boyfriends rehab did not allow us to visit or even talk that much and hence the reason he left..
Thanks... He's at Valley Hope. I haven't wanted to call the rehab to inquire, and he's only called me a handful of times and our talks have been super brief. I don't want it to get back to him that "I'm stalking him." b/c that isn't the case, if I call.
My suggestion to you is to call the rehab and speak with a staff member. They are the ones to give you the best guidance in terms of your situation and questions at this point, Good Luck, Dora
I agree with Dora, my bf called from rehab and invited me to see him. Thank God I called the rehab and spoke to the director there, he told me I couldn't, family members only. It would've been a waste of a bus ticket and my time.
I can't say for all the rehabs but the one my wife has been in for the last 2.5 months is very strict. You only get to visit on Sunday and there is zero privacy there. Phone calls are very limited as well. I do think they allow significant others besides family but then I am not sure since it has not been an issue for us. The restrictions are hard to deal with but you have to realize there is a method to the madness. They have so many rules that I proably could not handle being in there but then I don't have the disease, either. All I can tell you is if they go into rehab realize that they are being helped and your relationship will have to be on hold for the most part during that time. It is so very hard but its what they need to focus on the program and their recovery. Even though , we want so much to see them succeed, none of us really likes it when it isolates them from us. It's just the way it has to be and remember its not forever.