Is He Addicted?

Is it possible to overexaggerate a concern? How do I know my friend is addicted to pot? I think he is. But when does it become a big deal? HOw much is considered addiction? Is there a list of behaviors? I am concerned that I am overlapping my fears with his behaviors. Maybe it's not a problem. But how do I find out?

Is your friend's pot "problem" interfering with his job, life, responsibilites, day to day activities? Is it making this person difficult to be around? Are they making a lot of excuses, even though they may seem legitimate? Is pot the thing that they seem to live for? Is it their source of happiness? If you answered yes to even one of these questions, I'd say that there is a problem or a potential problem.

I don't care what people say, it (pot) IS addictive. I don't think its addictive to everyone, though. Some people can drink wine and never get dependent on it. Some can take Oxycontin and never get dependent on it. It all depends on a person's chemistry both in the brain and the body. Everyone is unique.

I've smoked pot and I can personally say, I hated it. Its not my drug of choice. It may be your friend's drug of choice, though, and if you see a problem there, confront them. They'll be mad at first, but you can't just let it go if you love them at all. Explain this: that you love them and don't want to see them destroy themselves over a plant. They may be in denial and may come up with 5,001 reasons why they're not addicted. You know your instincts, though, and you wouldn't have the idea that they're addicted unless they have given you some good indications that they are. Stick with your gut feelings. They won't steer you wrong.

Keep loving your friend, no matter what.

Good luck to you both--

could be worse cannabis 4 example get ova it
Um yeah .... i think you can tell that a persons true addicted to pot..... when thas all they ever do .. they always talk about it ... and there forever thinking about it ay.. if there choosin gunja over ne thing eles.. like friends n stuff well yeah i think thas when yer myself id say im addicted to the s*** ... ive gone 3 days now with out a cone...dont like it one bit i tell yer