I have been dealing with drugs around me for years now.My husband cleaned up off of pills 8 weeks ago. My brother who has been using everything in the world since he was 15 is now 27 and in trouble. He started using crystal meth and it quickly became his drug of choice. After months of use the signs were obvious.
He had scabs all over.He dug wholes in his cheeks. He then began to say that he could see the germs on his skin.He would go has far has to draw them on paper so i could see what he was talking about.He then began thinking everybody was using.He focused on my dad saying he was giving it to my mom,and his wife.That they were having 3 somes and doing meth.This dilusion set him off. He got crazy and out of control.The cops had to pick him up and he has been in jail a week now. The scary part is he truly believes this is going on and still says it is.Why its been a week since he has used.My parents have sent him to betty ford,and many local rehabs. He has gone over 5 times and never completed one or followed after care.He has never really wanted to help himself.Even in jail he says he doesnt have a problem . Know that he has basicly lost his mind were do you go from here.
If you read this please write something !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if he doesn't think he has a problem, there isn't much you can do. besides have him committed to a mental hospital. i'm sorry but i don't even know where to begin. good luck and try calling an addiction hotline, maybe they will be able to help.
best of luck
if he doesn't think he has a problem, there isn't much you can do. besides have him committed to a mental hospital. i'm sorry but i don't even know where to begin. good luck and try calling an addiction hotline, maybe they will be able to help.
best of luck
Hey ASH,
This is not brain damage, it is amphetamine induced psychosis and happens to many people on this drug, especially if they are taking large quantities, are sleep deprived and do not eat healthy. Some people are also more prone to it than others. It does pass, I'm not sure how long i think it is quite different for everyone. It will not pass until he is clean though. He really needs to be institutionalised to stay clean long enough for him to come out of his delusional world. I have smoked it for quite a while, had a few little bouts of paranoia where I thought the cops were after me and stuff but it was a long time ago now and I don't get paranoid anymore, not to say it wont happen again, but because my mind is open to the idea that something I feel is real, is actually not, I don't think I will let thoughts go past that stage.
I hope your bother comes out of this okay
Charmed 1
This is not brain damage, it is amphetamine induced psychosis and happens to many people on this drug, especially if they are taking large quantities, are sleep deprived and do not eat healthy. Some people are also more prone to it than others. It does pass, I'm not sure how long i think it is quite different for everyone. It will not pass until he is clean though. He really needs to be institutionalised to stay clean long enough for him to come out of his delusional world. I have smoked it for quite a while, had a few little bouts of paranoia where I thought the cops were after me and stuff but it was a long time ago now and I don't get paranoid anymore, not to say it wont happen again, but because my mind is open to the idea that something I feel is real, is actually not, I don't think I will let thoughts go past that stage.
I hope your bother comes out of this okay
Charmed 1
Ash , I agree with charmed , although I have seen some that never did come back . Not 100% sure of their continued use or what other drugs they may have used. I try to stay away from people that cant handle what they use.It would take a long period of inpatient care and then it wouldnt work unless he has become aware of problem. Might take forced in house rehab for a long period of time before reaching that point alone. I wish you the best , it is a long road
I am usually on the pain pills site and have only used meth once, 14 years ago, when I was 18 years old.... Five or six years ago, a girl started working with me and she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Her smile was so big and her body was so thin and perfect (with a great boob job), and she always seemed so happy.
Then she started doing meth... it started out innocently enough, just partying on the weekends or doing a little bit to get through work (we worked together in a nightclub).... Then it got so bad that she was convinced rabbits were hopping on the floor at work. She never slept and was convinced someone was changing the carpet in her room at night, so she started putting a video camera in the rooms. The cops picked her up once when she was high and took her to the ER... she started screaming that the doctor wanted to do an autopsy on her while she was alive.
Everyone tried to help her... her parents, her husband (they had separated, but he let her move back in and watched her and helped her through all of this).
Then, one day, she left the house in the middle of the night, got high, then parked her car on top of the biggest bridge in the city and just jumped off.
Meth can cause SEVERE psychosis and you have to be VERY careful around people in this state. The best thing to do would be to have the police pick them up and commit them to a state facility. People this far gone can be a danger to themselves and to others
Then she started doing meth... it started out innocently enough, just partying on the weekends or doing a little bit to get through work (we worked together in a nightclub).... Then it got so bad that she was convinced rabbits were hopping on the floor at work. She never slept and was convinced someone was changing the carpet in her room at night, so she started putting a video camera in the rooms. The cops picked her up once when she was high and took her to the ER... she started screaming that the doctor wanted to do an autopsy on her while she was alive.
Everyone tried to help her... her parents, her husband (they had separated, but he let her move back in and watched her and helped her through all of this).
Then, one day, she left the house in the middle of the night, got high, then parked her car on top of the biggest bridge in the city and just jumped off.
Meth can cause SEVERE psychosis and you have to be VERY careful around people in this state. The best thing to do would be to have the police pick them up and commit them to a state facility. People this far gone can be a danger to themselves and to others
My son went through the paranoia, drug induced psychosis, for awhile after a binge of meth--I thought, too, it was brain damage, because after a week of no usage(he was hospitalized), he was lucid, but still recalling incidents, as if they were "real". After about 3 weeks, he began coming out of it. He talked less, & less, of the "they" who were after him. He was put on the antipyschotic medications for a while, then stabilized him on SRI antidepressants.
I hope this helps, and that this is the case of your brother.
I will pray for him.
My son went through the paranoia, drug induced psychosis, for awhile after a binge of meth--I thought, too, it was brain damage, because after a week of no usage(he was hospitalized), he was lucid, but still recalling incidents, as if they were "real". After about 3 weeks, he began coming out of it. He talked less, & less, of the "they" who were after him. He was put on the antipyschotic medications for a while, then stabilized him on SRI antidepressants.
I hope this helps, and that this is the case of your brother.
I will pray for him.