Is It Worth Waiting

My partner has been on lortabs/oxy since 2000. In the last year he has been very withdrawn, unemotional, unaffectionate, etc. He wants to do nothing except watch tv and work. His affect is always flat. Says he knows he will always be on oxy's for chronic pain. Our relationship is all but gone. I don't want to walk away when he needs me. However, he acknowledges that he doesn't need me. Is there any point in holding on. Any advise??


This is a very tough situation. First of all only you can decide when enogh is
enough. Second a lot of factors weigh in. Are you married to him,do
you have children, how out of control does the relationship get at times.
Did he ever try getting clean and does he want to.(ever)
Another is that he may say he doesnt need you, but inside im sure he is
saying the opposite. Dealing with my own husband, I have learned that
he says so much that he doesnt mean, because the pills make him feel
invinsible. Not that it doesnt still hurt or makes it any better. Once your an
addict you are for life.Its a constant battle. My personal oppion would be
that if i wasnt married and had two children, I may not have stuck it out.
My husband is clean for two weeks now. That isnt long to me, but for him
its probably seemed like an eternity . I am constantly thinking what if he
goes back.Where will that leave me and my children? What if this rapid
detox didnt work or he doesnt make it work? I have so many fears and
questions. I probably will for the rest of my life with or with out him in it.
Hi there mike sometimes in life things just dont work out no matter how hard we try, i dont think you need any advice hun you dont need anyone making a judgment on your relationship one of which we no nothing about only you can decide what is best for you and your future, sometimes change looks hard and materilisticly we are scared of losing what we have worked for but sometimes a little piece of mind is well worth working towards. please remember hun your hell is someones heaven and visa versa good luck with what you decide to do take care jackie xxxxxxxxxxxx
edited spelling sucks lol