Hi....I'm not sure I should be writing any of this...but I need some help. How can you tell if someone is just using a drug for fun times, or if they are really addicted? I have seen my bf do coke,heroine, and weed several times. And not just at parties either. Even when we are just home alone. When he does heroine he's sooo sweet and lovable but I'm just not sure what to do.....When he does coke he does lines that are as long as 2 index fingers put together, and as wide as my thumb...And then he uses heroine to come down off the coke. We have known each other over a year and a 1/2..and we have been together about 4 months now. In the beginning of our relationship I didnt know he was a user...but I knew he smoked weed. Now he does everything right in front of me which upsets me terribly. I love him and am pregnant with his child...I dont want to leave him but I am afraid of what will happen if I stay with him. When I ask him not to do it in front of me he gets upset and asks me if I'd rather he hide it from me.I'd rather he not do it AT ALL. He says he isnt addicted but he does it a lot...sometimes he does heroine 4 times a day..and coke 2 or 3 times a day. Lately it has been an everyday thing. Any advice?
Honey, he IS an ADDICT. What he is doing is alot. Not just for fun. You don't do that everyday three or four times a day just for fun. He is doing it because he is addicted to it. I'm telling you now, before you get in too deep, leave him. Don't stick around and put yourself through this, I am going through it now and I wish I never would have pursued my boyfriend because now I don't know how to get away from him. Tell him that if he loves you and wants to be with you then he should get clean and then give you a call. Believe me! I'm telling you, it's no joke, especially if you have a child on the way. The pain and the anger and the depression is so severe. Don't put yourself through it or your child for that matter. And don't think that you can change him. He is the only one that can change HIM. If he wants to be with you and wants to change he will. If he doesn't than he will continue to use with or without you. I'm sorry to be the barrer of bad news but, it's the truth and it's the way it is. I wouldn't wish my worst enemy to be going through what I go through everyday in my relationship.
I totally agree with everything Lost has said.
My boyfriend is an addict. I am not. The pain, heart ache, mental and physical stress is not worth it. I don't feel I can get away from my BF and I am so stressed out. You don't need it. Be strong. I feel like such a hypocrit saying all that and that's what I should be doing. Esp. If you have a baby on the way. Please take our advice?
Petal x
My boyfriend is an addict. I am not. The pain, heart ache, mental and physical stress is not worth it. I don't feel I can get away from my BF and I am so stressed out. You don't need it. Be strong. I feel like such a hypocrit saying all that and that's what I should be doing. Esp. If you have a baby on the way. Please take our advice?
Petal x
Petal....I know how you feel! How long have you been with your bf?
Lost, I have been with him for 2 1/2 years. This weekend I have seen a change:- he's been taking his subutex and that's it. We have had a laugh like we used to. I love knowing he is straight. I just hope he's the same when I get home from work tonight. And this is the problem.... I stress when he's not home when I am at lunch, and at night when I return. If I go out I wonder all the time what state he'll be in. But he was good yesterday. It's so hard. Lost, are you in the same situation? Take care and if you need to talk I'm here. A problem shared is a problem halved!!! xxx
Lost, I have been with him for 2 1/2 years. This weekend I have seen a change:- he's been taking his subutex and that's it. We have had a laugh like we used to. I love knowing he is straight. I just hope he's the same when I get home from work tonight. And this is the problem.... I stress when he's not home when I am at lunch, and at night when I return. If I go out I wonder all the time what state he'll be in. But he was good yesterday. It's so hard. Lost, are you in the same situation? Take care and if you need to talk I'm here. A problem shared is a problem halved!!! xxx
Hey all,
I have to agree on both fronts- He IS an ADDICT and you need to get out -
Here's a site that can help him {www.reformu.com} It's a group called Reformers Unanimous and they are great!!!! Click on locations,click on the state and a listing of the meeting place and times will come up. If he won't go, call them-they'll visit him. There is FREEDOM - and he needs that before your relationship can go any further. you're in my prayers.
I have to agree on both fronts- He IS an ADDICT and you need to get out -
Here's a site that can help him {www.reformu.com} It's a group called Reformers Unanimous and they are great!!!! Click on locations,click on the state and a listing of the meeting place and times will come up. If he won't go, call them-they'll visit him. There is FREEDOM - and he needs that before your relationship can go any further. you're in my prayers.