Is There Anywhere Else 2 Talk B Sides Here?

is there any other places to go talk on.... seems like i'm not having much luck on this one..... people are reading my post, but not answering and giving advice. and i just really NEED TO TALK this out!!!! LOL thanks
Can be a little slow around here on weekends. Stick to one thread and people should be on and off to help at different times. Dont take it personal. Alot of people like to just read as well.

They maybe going through the same thing as you and gaining insight.
thanks for the reply.... i guess i can be impatient! don't mean to be.... sorry
what is going on?
My story...
I was on here a year ago! I had run out of pain pills and was "freaking" out! I didn't know what to do, and I found this awesome message board! to make a long story short, i have been taking vic for about two years. at first the docs said i had fibromyagia, well, just recently i changed docs and he found a cyst in my spine.
anyway, last summer this new doc took me off pain pills and put me on sub. I was on it for...i really can't remember... I would say about 3 months... and it didn't work for me. I was still in a lot of pain and I just wanted to sleep!!! I was going through a very hard time though, was homeless with two kids (7 and 12) and we were living in a motel. and I wasn't working a lot.
anyway, in January he put me on the duristegic (sp??) patch and pecs. then he left town for 3 months (he's on the legislative board and had to go to cheyenne) and his coworker took over giving me my meds. I kept asking her to take me off the patch. it made me sick and I lost a lot of wieght, which I can't afford to lose.
He got back the first part of march and I asked him to take me off my meds and he was very hesitant about it.
well, i went in last tuesday and said, I am done! I want off the patch right now!!! and eventually off the pain meds.!! and he said when, and I said I am no longer going to take the patch. that was the day i was to put a new one, he upped my dosage of percs to 7.5 mg. (was only 5mg) for 5 days and on monday (tomorrow) i am suppose to go in at 9am to start the sub again. but, now i have another problem. I can't afford the sub right now. I only get paid once a, i am thinking i am going to have to take the percs till i get paid again. I want to believe i can do it without the help of sub. but i have to work and there is NO way i can work without something! so.... that is my short version of my story!!

so....any advice???? any input??? anyone just want to chat and share their story?????
thanks for listening to me!!

Is there a reason "why" you have to go back on sub? Have you tried going c/t before with no success?? I am 34 days clean today from a hydrocodone addiction for over 2 years....I totally understand how you feel, but I promise it WILL and DOES get better....You have to WANT it and do everything in your power to stay clean.....This is my personal opinion, but I think that if someone is truly ready to get off of pain pills, then c/t is the way to go or maybe taper down to "nothing"...I just feel that the sub is a substitute for pain pills...Like I said that is purely MY opinion and I do know that people have had success with sub, but you DO have w/d's when coming off of it, so why not just get off the pain pills, go through the w/d's and be done with it!!! I wish you the best in your decision and if I can be of any help, please let me know!! Hang in there!!
to be honest, totally honest with you.... I am scared to go back on sub. For one, it didn't help. I still had severe back pain, due to my cyst, and all I did was sleep.... I couldn't take care of my kids (7 and 12).... it was a huge mess.

I just got back from the doc and he gave me some more percocets. enough for 5 days... and He is going to set up an appt for me with a pain specialist in Rapid City, which is about 2 and a half hours away from here. my only problem with that...HOW am I going to AFFORD it?????? LOL other then that, i am willing to try ANYTHING to help with the pain!

you know, to be honest, the withdrawls aren't too bad yesterday and today. Just for the most part real restless. but, I haven't been throwing up or running for the toilet... LOL

I had my son walk to the store and get me banana's!!! and ya know, that really did seem to help. Not sure if it was physilogical or if it just worked! LOL but, I am out of them now.... darn!

I can go pick up my percocets anytime now. but I am dragging along. Not sure if I really want to.... I do, because of the pain. but, on the other hand, guess what? I am just putting myself back to square one!

SOMEONE....ANYONE...GOD.... GIVE ME THE STRENGTH!! Oh, and PS, PLEASE take ALL my pain AWAY!!! I would do anything for one day totally free of pain and of pain pills! just one day of being normal... not having to cancell work cuz i hurt. not having to put my kids off cuz of the pain.... One day to just be ME!!!
well, thank you so much for your input! Please keep writing to me!!!! I still need all the support I can get! ((((((((((HUGS)))))))))

I totally understand what you mean about pain...I had back surgery at the age of 20 ( I am almost 27 now) and I live in pain, BUT it is manageable with meds other than narcotics....I found myself abusing them for over 2 years, when in fact Naproxen DOES the trick.....I have been clean now for 35 days and it works just fine....!! I am not sure if you have ever tried it, but it might be worth a shot....I also have children.....I have a son that will be 9 in April and I have boy/girl twins that just turned 4 in Feb....I know it is VERY, VERY hard to go through w/d's, but you are going to have to face it ONE day, know what I mean? Ironically just the other day I found out that the doctor I had been going to for the last two years, is OUT OF BUSINESS!!! I couldn't believe it! The lord must have been talking to me and I didn't know it, but I am so very thankful I quit when I did!! I hope that this gives you some hope that you CAN do it!!! I will be thinking of you and if you can , DON'T go and get those percocet!!!!!!! They are NO good!! :hugs:

thank you so much for your reply....GOD BLESS YOU!
what is naproxin? and it reallly helps?
Well, ooops, I just screwed up and went and got the pills..... darn it!
am i mad myself.....ABSOLUTLEY!!! VERY upset. I just feel that I am not strong enough....and I am such a woosy when it comes to pain!
maybe this apin managament spec. can do SOMETHING to help me. I sure hope so....
I really don't want to take the pain pills. but i can't function without them.
I remember the time BEFORE i took any pain meds! I was AFRAID of them and when teh doc would prscribe them for something i wouldn't get the precription filled. and now look at me....
anyway, what my point i was gettin at is.... before pain meds, i would lay on the floor hyterically crying cuz my back hurt so bad. i do not want to go through taht again either.
so, i am confused on what to do....
my doc told me today, that i might have to stay n them for the rest of my life.... or until we can find a good doc who will do somethig about my cyst....
does anyone know of a good doc around wyo????? LOL probably not, but worth a shot to ask!
thankn you Brandi for the reply. I am proud of you..... and one day, I WILL be where you and a bunch of others are..... pain med FREE!!!! and being myself once again!

GOD BLESS YOU! My prayers and thoughts are with you!

Naproxen is an anti-inflammatory drug, aleve also has naproxen in it, but I get the prescription strength (500 mg) it is non-narcotic and it is wonderful in pain relief for me anyways...I am sad to hear that you when and got the script filled, but ya know its one step forward and two steps back....

It sounds to me like you want to get off of them, but you are so scared of the pain....I promise you it WILL get better!! You are gonna have to go through hell with the w/d's, but there IS a brighter side!!! I will be thinking of you and hoping that you make the right choice....If you want to chat or anything, please let me know!!! Take care and keep your chin up, you CAN do it!!! :hugs:

Hey Jac....this is one of the reasons right or wrong that I was hesitant to post. Don't take this personal because it is not. I knew that you were going to refill that script. I knew that you were trying to get through w/d for the weekend so you could go and get that script.

I get that you are in pain and no one should suffer that. Its a known fact that opiates will make your pain worse with prolonged use.

That is main reason I didn't post to you....its hard to get someone through w/d to only have them pick up a script.

I am sorry you will get this when your are an addict and abusing your meds...that is why you run out early.

I pray that you find a doctor that can ease your pain and I pray that you get the help you need. I know it is so hard but you will get there when you are truly sick and tired.

Again...I am sorry that you hurt...and sorry that you are hurting with and without your pills...thats a tough one honey...god bless.
Hey! thank both of you for posting.... and yes, you are probably right, I knew I would get it filled, but only because i am scared of the pain, scared to go back on sub, and scared of it all....I am not a strong person! i do not have anyone "here" for me... I live in a small town without any relatives and very few close friends.... I just don't feel I have the support.
I'm not upset with what you wrote. I'm glad you wrote it... it is an eye opener!
I am scared....very.... i see what the pp are doing to me and my family.... and i hate it. but, to get off of them is to have intense pain. what is worse??? I don't know anymore.
I do have to say, since I got my refill, I have only taken 4 of them.... since what 10 am this morning. and it is now 2am.... so in 16 hours that is good for me....
do i abuse them? well, i find tht a hard question to answer. I don't take them for a high. I take them for pain. but, as you say, they also make the pain worse. that i am confused on, but, i think i know what you mean....????? sometimes I take more then i should, but ONLY when I am hurting. I NEVER take them when I don't hurt. but i hurt 24/7..... i am going to go to the store tomorrow and buy aleave. and try tht. and talk to my doc about other pain meds that aren't narcotics..... i didn't realize you could get non narcotic pain meds from the doc....
I guess I need to really do some research....
but, i thank each and everyone of you who has written me. and i am going to stay on here and keep posting...if that is ok with you????? I really need the support!! and friends!
I would try AA/NA, but have gone to the meeting before. My sister use to live here and she went to both. i went with her for support and the meetings here suck! alls they do is gossip about who is doing what and they don't focus on what needs to be focused on. Been thinking about going to church again. and finding GOD. I know he is here, I am a very spirtual person.... but, maybe going to church will help. also, my son and I started councilling together. so, maybe that will help!
please keep reminding me how bad this is! how I don't need them! I promise I won't get will make me think.... and I love advice! I am a follower! and I have a real hard time making desisions...
I'm so scared I won't be able to function without pain meds because of the pain... i keep thinking back.... BEFORE i ever started them and remember how bad the pain was.... I would lay on the floor and cry....I use to make my (ex) husband just push on my back as hard as he could.... to try to ease the pain....
Alls I know is i hate where I am at and I know I am the ONLY person who can change that. and I know I won't change anything till i am ready. but what is weird is it's been a year ago in march when I first posted.... does that mean somehting???? i think so.....I know a BIG part of me is ready to be done....but...then I have the scared part of me......and that is where I need the support and friendship and even someone pushing me!!! does that make since??? keep telling me not to do it!!!!!! that it is nothing but trouble!!!! and I promise I won't get mad! it's what i need to hear!
Yes, I know I need a sponcer....does anyone live close to wyoming???? or anyone on here willing to be my long distance sponcer????? willing to do that if you are!
anyway, it's after 2am.... the pain woke me up....and can't fall back asleep. but going to go read and try to get my mind off of it so i dont take a pill.... yes, i am trying to not take them.... was i just testing myself??? it almost sounds like it. is taht normal? am I normal????? when will enough be enough???? I know I can do it.... so why don't i????
Yes, i am mad at myself! but..... now what?????
sorry for rambling.... but, i had to reply... and thank the few of you who wrote to me.... and please keep writing! IF you're not too mad at me?????
thank you all.....GOD BLESS YOU!
Yes of course you belong here absolutely you do...please continue to post about your experience. We are here to judgement I promise you that.

I was in the same position as you are...only I did NOT nor have I ever suffered chronic pain. I can only imagine your dilemma...but there are answers...never stop seeking!!

Big hugs
Thank you Kee Kee. I do want off them, but as I said, I am scared of the pain. I guess i need to just "buck it up" and go through thte w/d and go from there. I am waiting to see the pain specialist, hopefully they can help manage the pain without pp. I am only praying they can!!! that would be so very nice!
once again, thank you for replying!
i pray for you, too....