My husband Wayne is hooked on pain killers ,he wanted help but left our home and went to his mothers home were he can get drugs from his sister. He is 50 yrs.old was in tears saying he wonted help. he has been gone for 9weeks. he was in a rehabe for 6days two yrs. ago did real well for many months. but fell back into the same problem . Is there hpoe of him coming back and getting the help he needs?
You are a truly caring person. So many people have these addictions and their loved ones just get up and leave. Maybe he let because he does not want to put you through all of this again. Opiate addiction is a hard thing to live with, and I think it may even be worse on the people who live with the addict. I know it must be hard to love someone so much that is hurting themselves, but you have to understand that he has no control over this disease, it controls him right now. There is always hope, but he has to want it for himself. Maybe you can get as much information as you can on the ways to fight opiate addiction, and I do mean ALL of the ways, and maybe you can give them to him, or if he is not talking to you, mail it to him. He is wrapped up in active addiction right now, and I can say from first hand experience, that maybe the reason he is hiding there is that his last detox is still very fresh in his memory. It is really hard, and painful to go through. I don't know if he will come home, that is up to him. It all depends on if he is wanting to stay active with his addiction, or if he want to get help and come back home once he has started into his treatment of recovery. I wish I could tell you that it will be okay, but the hard reality is that is going to be a long road for the both of you.
There are programs out there to help you with living with an addict, and maybe you should look into some. They can really help you with your feelings. I can tell that you are so wounded by all of this, and I think you need someone to talk to. Check around, help yourself first, and maybe you might be able to show him the path, but you can not be down on yourself if he does not want to get treatment. Addiction affects everyone in the home, and you need to have support and guidance as well. It damages everyone it touches. You hang in there, and hold fast to your wonderful quality of caring, I really think that it is a beautiful trait. He should be lucky that he has you to care for him, not many people have that in their lives, and it makes it really hard when you are all alone.
Just keep you head up, and get yourself some help too.
Lady M
You are a truly caring person. So many people have these addictions and their loved ones just get up and leave. Maybe he let because he does not want to put you through all of this again. Opiate addiction is a hard thing to live with, and I think it may even be worse on the people who live with the addict. I know it must be hard to love someone so much that is hurting themselves, but you have to understand that he has no control over this disease, it controls him right now. There is always hope, but he has to want it for himself. Maybe you can get as much information as you can on the ways to fight opiate addiction, and I do mean ALL of the ways, and maybe you can give them to him, or if he is not talking to you, mail it to him. He is wrapped up in active addiction right now, and I can say from first hand experience, that maybe the reason he is hiding there is that his last detox is still very fresh in his memory. It is really hard, and painful to go through. I don't know if he will come home, that is up to him. It all depends on if he is wanting to stay active with his addiction, or if he want to get help and come back home once he has started into his treatment of recovery. I wish I could tell you that it will be okay, but the hard reality is that is going to be a long road for the both of you.
There are programs out there to help you with living with an addict, and maybe you should look into some. They can really help you with your feelings. I can tell that you are so wounded by all of this, and I think you need someone to talk to. Check around, help yourself first, and maybe you might be able to show him the path, but you can not be down on yourself if he does not want to get treatment. Addiction affects everyone in the home, and you need to have support and guidance as well. It damages everyone it touches. You hang in there, and hold fast to your wonderful quality of caring, I really think that it is a beautiful trait. He should be lucky that he has you to care for him, not many people have that in their lives, and it makes it really hard when you are all alone.
Just keep you head up, and get yourself some help too.
Lady M
There's always hope but it is really up to him.I put my honey through hell with my addictions.I feel horrible about it but he just supported me and helped me but also knew it was me that had to make the changes.He has to want it for himself.I hope he does soon.Maybe he will come and post here so we can help him.
Hang in there! It is an everyday struggle to stay clean, I had went to rehab and got of the pills and i was so releived that i was not spending every dime i had on pills and then after I had my son who is now 11 months old, I got back on them for the energy they gave me, I have a cousin that started coming around after I had my son and she takes different pills all the time and she gets pain pills, I have to get her away from me and out of my life and that is sad because she is family but if i don't I will never beable to stay clean. You have to change your life completely!! Good luck!
The worst part of trying to get off pain killers, is the withdrawls and the cravings afterwards.
I personally haven't nor ever would get on Methadone, but I know that it helps many, many out, in your husbands situation.
I do however, know of Buprenorphine/Suboxone.
It's wonderful.
It is addictive and if not tapered correctly, w/d's could happen...but nothing CLOSE to what it's like compared to hydrocodone withdrawl...Oxycontin withdrawl, and Heroin withdrawl.
It almost take w/d's away completly andddd...Cravings are almost Neil, if on the correct dose.
Have you heard of this stuff, or looked into it?
This could be something to absolutely give your husband back his life.
I'm on suboxone now and have almost 3 weeks clean.
I did the suboxone once before, but odviously wasn't ready to be clean, after 30 days, I relapsed.
Everyday for an addict is just one day away from using.
It's the hardest thing I've PERSONALLY ever had to endure.
My heart and Soul KNOWs what's right and what needs to happen, but soemtimes my brain goes a different direction.
Although I'm doing well now, it's no walk in the park.
Prayer, counsling and NA I believe are what's needed.
Finding out why we use in the first place is Key.
I wish you luck and would hope you would check this stuff out.
I believe the site is
If not, look up suboxone or Buprenorphine on your Google Search and stuff will come up.
Try to find a doctor closest to you and go to see him.
Sometimes the stuff can be spendy...but if you think about it, so is his habbit.
Good Luck!
I personally haven't nor ever would get on Methadone, but I know that it helps many, many out, in your husbands situation.
I do however, know of Buprenorphine/Suboxone.
It's wonderful.
It is addictive and if not tapered correctly, w/d's could happen...but nothing CLOSE to what it's like compared to hydrocodone withdrawl...Oxycontin withdrawl, and Heroin withdrawl.
It almost take w/d's away completly andddd...Cravings are almost Neil, if on the correct dose.
Have you heard of this stuff, or looked into it?
This could be something to absolutely give your husband back his life.
I'm on suboxone now and have almost 3 weeks clean.
I did the suboxone once before, but odviously wasn't ready to be clean, after 30 days, I relapsed.
Everyday for an addict is just one day away from using.
It's the hardest thing I've PERSONALLY ever had to endure.
My heart and Soul KNOWs what's right and what needs to happen, but soemtimes my brain goes a different direction.
Although I'm doing well now, it's no walk in the park.
Prayer, counsling and NA I believe are what's needed.
Finding out why we use in the first place is Key.
I wish you luck and would hope you would check this stuff out.
I believe the site is
If not, look up suboxone or Buprenorphine on your Google Search and stuff will come up.
Try to find a doctor closest to you and go to see him.
Sometimes the stuff can be spendy...but if you think about it, so is his habbit.
Good Luck!