Now I get attacked for saying, "Nice Post"! lmao Liz is a friend of mine and I love and support her, I saw Oneil's post and thought it was good, and said so.
What the hell is wrong with that? lmao, you people are rediculious! Oh well,
some are sicker than others......Take care..............God bless.............Bob
Glad you're laughing it off bob, it's all you can do. Just keep doing your best and spreading the word of recovery. Love, Kat
Actaully, I have been around alot of great recovery. This board has some really great examples of it.
What I have also seen is people that like to hurt others here. For whatever sick reason. I was only trying to stay out of drama, and people saw that and came to my defense. But I am human, and if you poke me too long, I slap you back.
I would also like to say the hyprocisy make me sick. The program of recovery I learned teaches me that honesty is the key, and unless we get humble, we aren't going to make it. It teaches me too look at my part, and to promptly admit when I am wrong.
It also says to help another, and give what was given to me.
What I have also seen is people that like to hurt others here. For whatever sick reason. I was only trying to stay out of drama, and people saw that and came to my defense. But I am human, and if you poke me too long, I slap you back.
I would also like to say the hyprocisy make me sick. The program of recovery I learned teaches me that honesty is the key, and unless we get humble, we aren't going to make it. It teaches me too look at my part, and to promptly admit when I am wrong.
It also says to help another, and give what was given to me.
Yea, O'Neill is gone now and in my book was pretty much the best example on this whole board. Now here's a guy, talk about honesty, who is honest with everyone, but especially himself and willing to help people wherever he can. Then he has a bad time and when someone doesn't agree with what he says, gets attacked and had his bad time thrown right in his face. That sucks. I'm really pissed he's leaving. Does anyone know what happened to my post? I got off long enough to make and eat dinner and it was gone.
Kerry- You are 100% correct. Guys, let's don't judge others. I know its hard. Jesus, I've done it myself. But this experience can be horrorfying. If not for yourself, then at least for your family. I think the last thing anyone needs is someone picking on them. Or forcing their own program on someone. Sure, suggestions are always welcome. It's how the suggestion is communicated. For those of you with good time under your belt. Congratulations! You are winning. For those trying, Congratulations! you are trying! You admit the problem. For those that come here and judge others. Shame on you. For the most part, I find everyone here very helpful. We all have moments of insanity. Not everyone will agree on everyrthing, but no need for it to erupt into warfare. When I had an employee that had a problem that they couldn't solve. I used to tell them "No one likes to go through the spookhouse alone" and I would sit down with them and help them get through the project and complete the task. On their own, with my guidance. But I was never judgemental to them. If they accepted my advice, great. If not, well, they were free to complete it on their own. Either way, they usually did a great job. Words of encouragement go a lot further than words that cut and hurt.
You are so right Danny, that was a great post. You of all people should know what it feels like to get jumped on and back then for my part in it, I am sorry from the bottom of my heart.
Can't we all just get along?
I'd like that very much.
that was a nice post danny.
I changed my avatar (imagine that) in honor of your post Danny. Nicely said
that is cool, Redd. Where'd you get those cool avatars?
Hey Kerry
Danny turned me on to a cool link called animationfactory.com and they have all kinds of fun avatars. I love playing around with them, I change them like nail polish. Lol......its my way of lightening up the board for myself, ya' know?
if you want I'll try to bring up a cool avatar for you to use
Danny turned me on to a cool link called animationfactory.com and they have all kinds of fun avatars. I love playing around with them, I change them like nail polish. Lol......its my way of lightening up the board for myself, ya' know?
if you want I'll try to bring up a cool avatar for you to use
Mike..hard to beleive this but yes, before you came along, the board at times got worse than this... it kinda goes in spurts. The ones that cause disention go away and things calm down and then a new crop of idiots show up and it gets squirrely again. I think that addiction makes not very nice people out of us sometimes. All we can do is learn and grow.
I stick it out because I need all of you. Without you, I have not been able to put together more than 6 months at a time of clean time. Without this board, I never knew what it was like to be completely honest and not be afraid of that honesty. Because of people like you, Mike, I found my way back to my women's group at NA and AA and I can practice the honesty on people face to face.
I need you. Please don't leave. Give it a rest for a few days but please don't abandon me when I'm still so far from being ok with this recovery stuff.
That goes for the rest of you too.
I have made some good friends here, people that I truely care about and care what happends to them. I will however, not be drawn in anymore to the highschool, he said, she said, bs.
Wanna talk recovery? Wanna hear how I'm doing? Wanna talk about how you're doing? I'm all ears...
Come on people, lose the egos, they just don't look that great on you. And really, how's that working for you?
I stick it out because I need all of you. Without you, I have not been able to put together more than 6 months at a time of clean time. Without this board, I never knew what it was like to be completely honest and not be afraid of that honesty. Because of people like you, Mike, I found my way back to my women's group at NA and AA and I can practice the honesty on people face to face.
I need you. Please don't leave. Give it a rest for a few days but please don't abandon me when I'm still so far from being ok with this recovery stuff.
That goes for the rest of you too.
I have made some good friends here, people that I truely care about and care what happends to them. I will however, not be drawn in anymore to the highschool, he said, she said, bs.
Wanna talk recovery? Wanna hear how I'm doing? Wanna talk about how you're doing? I'm all ears...
Come on people, lose the egos, they just don't look that great on you. And really, how's that working for you?
Hey all, seems everyone here is supportive to me. thats me looking from the outside in. I am a 29 year old women that has been using vics since 2002. it started out after having my second baby. and also having a ex that used. He's gone from my life which was mainly, Okay all because of his addiction. He now is rock bottom. has nothing. cops are looking for him, he stoled from his own mother. over $3000 from her retirment fund,has been to rehab at least 4 times I know of . sad .and even sader heres me.I've continued using. Hell I've gotten so far as to sell vic and bars myself to support my habit. Just so I could hide how much I spend on vics from my now spouse, which is the man I use to actally pray to god to send to me and my childern,while living the hell with my ex. Hes everything I prayed about and more.I was sucked into the one thing I hated.it's like adouble life for me I am soooo into my kids, a mother at home.addict life on the other. Here I am can't funtion without 5to 6 a day and if I have alot on hand, you better watch out. I can go though ten easy.I have alot to share. I am very scare about being off vics because off the lies I've told myself about the vics and of course the w/d. I've been reading the board for a few days now and have finally had the courage to write. I can't wait to get to know everyone and to anyone leaving..... you might be the one I need to hear from.
Butterfly said "you might be the one I need to hear from"...
She is so right.
Butter, do you want to quit? Are you ready?
We can tell you how. But you have to want it and you have to want to do anything to achieve it. How bad do you want it?
Glad you're here.
She is so right.
Butter, do you want to quit? Are you ready?
We can tell you how. But you have to want it and you have to want to do anything to achieve it. How bad do you want it?
Glad you're here.
I'am so ready.I atempted to brake ties today, but hell they want my money .& I let my other half know where I'm at and what I'm going to happen with me w/d. I tried doing it one other time on my own, which lasted 3 mos. thought i could control wean down. As you can tell I have to find everything out on my own. could be real bad ,sometimes good.answering your ? yes,I took 1 1/2 today It'sbad can't sleep
I, personally, don't know anyone that has been able to quit the first go around. I certainly couldn't and can't even say for sure that this time is the last. All I can do is keep working hard at what I'm doing because for the first time it's working.
Have you tried NA or AA? Counselling? Rehab?
We have to go to ANY lengths to quit using. We went to any lengths to use. Don't we owe ourselves that much at least?
It will be the hardest think you'll ever do.
Have you tried NA or AA? Counselling? Rehab?
We have to go to ANY lengths to quit using. We went to any lengths to use. Don't we owe ourselves that much at least?
It will be the hardest think you'll ever do.
I know it sounds silly to you. I'm tring to do this on my own. I want to enjoy the blessings God has already put into my life. I want that to be enough. I can't go into a rehab. I'm also a child of alcoholics and addicts. my mother went though treatment. I grew up going to meetings aalon. not a drinker hate that. vics always have made me feel really in control.lol I 'm just needing a little support.
Doesn't sound silly at all! Everyone finds thier own way in thier own time. You will too. One thing I did learn though is that my way doesn't work. But, hey, that's just me.
Good luck to you and yes, you'll always find support here.
Good luck to you and yes, you'll always find support here.
Danny, that was a real good post,