Is This Possible....

This may be a stupid question, but is it possible to go through $900.00 of drugs in one day? My ex took my bank card. I had just gotten paid. He took everything out yesterday. This morning I went to his house where he lives with his grandmother. He was knocked out. I had to get my son's bike before he sells that. I went inside and went through his clothes that he had on the day before and there was nothing but the receipts. He took it at 9:00 am and was done and home by 5:30. Is it possible to do that much in that amount of time?
I saw him at 5:30 and he looked horrible. Bags under his eyes. Droopy eyes. But he told me he's using cocaine. Not herion. He used to use heroin. But I don't understand. If he was using coke all day wouldn't he have been wide awake when I saw him? But he wasn't he was falling asleep. Doesn't heroin do that to you? I'm about to just break down. Breathing is all I can seem to do at this point. See when I saw him at 5:30 I didn't know he had taken my bank card and I was with him the whole day and night before so I know he didn't do this until I went to work. We had such a good day the day before. He talked about how he wouldn't do it anymore and that he would be strong. Not that I believed him. After his binge he kept telling me he was calling somewhere for rehab. That I am a good person and that he can't put me through this. And what would our son do if he goes back to jail. He seemed depressed. Afraid to go in and walk past his grandmother and aunts. He begged me to come back later and lay down with him. I didn't cuz I went searching for my card and called that bank. I have $0.
Yes it is possible to spend $900.00 on drugs in one day.

Now you realise that he STOLE the money from you. You must press charges in order to get back a portion of the mney through your home insurance.

If you want to help him, don't let him get away with what he did to you.

Call the police NOW!
If your child is not with him then I suggest you break free. Think of your baby. I am having the same problem but I have children with this man. Don't start a life of no trust. It will be hard but all I can say is you and your child deserve a beautiful life. I agree with the other response as well. PRESS CHARGES. I did. The bank should give a portion or all of your money back.
Thank you for your response. I am done with him. He is my son's father my son is 6 and I have been with him for 12 years. So, yes this is hard but just because we have a child together does not mean that I can't break away from him. My son doesn't deserve a father like this. My heart breaks and I will miss him with all my heart. I have to take care of my child. I punish myself every day because I knew he had problems years ago and I allowed myself to get pregnant and bring a beautiful little boy into this world that will not have a father. I am seeking counseling because of this guilt.
You do not have to stay for the children. They deserve a better life. And we deserve to find happiness. The only happiness I know is when I look at my son. He is the only thing that makes me smile. I can now only pray for his father. I have to stop obsessing about it. I have lost so much weight due to not being able to eat when I'm upset and that is always.
Lena, not only is $900 very, very possible with coke, but he is a amateur compared to my ex-crackhead and crack is cheap. How about $1700 in one day when he stole my ATM card. Or $4500 in three days when he broke into my home and stole my check book. Or $17,500 in a week when he stole my Credit Card as he was dropping me off at the airport for a business trip. I pressed charges, got some of my money back, but will be paying the rest off over the next 5 years or so. Yes, he went to prison, was clean for a year. Within an hour of getting out he was using again. Only you know when you can't take it anymore, when being with him hurts more than being without him.
I am happy you are seeking counselimg for yourself. I suggest doing the same for your son. He may not appear to need it now, but it could make a difference. I got my 2 oldest into counseling and my youngest when she is older. Don't get down over who you had a child with. Now is the time to see what good you can give him. My 7 year old son tells me everyday that I am his best friend and he is happy that we can finally talk. To him, you will always be his angel.