Isn't It Ironic..

that you can get pretty much any pill via the internet delivered to your door...but not sub (as far as I know)

Wouldn't that make treatment much easier??
Anyone out there still ordering drugs from the internet, be careful.... I just saw on the news that the feds are beginning to crack down on those sites big time.

But, yeah, it is amazing the amount of narcotics you can order online....but when you try to get off of them, the only thing you can get online is access to THIS website (hahaha, just kidding).

I always thought it was amazing that Fed Ex would deliver Norco to my door, just like that. I filled out a questionaire one day, placed my order, paid a ridiculous amount of money, and then they delivered whatever you wanted (though this was 3 years ago... back then, they would only allow you to get 60 pills a month, just enough for 2 a day).

I personally don't think anything should be allowed over the net, sub included. There are just too many addicts that would think, Ok, all I have to do is take this little miracle pill and be on my merry way. I know for fact, if my doctor had not shoved therapy and meetings and so on down my throat, thats what my attitude would have been. I would have finished my sub and proclaimed myself cured.

And went right back to abusing pills.

I do however wish there were more experience in this field and more knowledgeable doctors for sub. I wish I could clone my doctor a million times over.

If anyone knows of a sympathetic doc in MA willing to prescribe Sub will they please share his name with email address is
I'm with Redd on this one. Internet meds are T-ROUBLE!!! I have realized a lot today aabout me thinking I know so much about meds just because I'm an addict. The first time I got my hands on Sub was not the right way. I guessed at doses etc. to detox. After three weeks of thikig I was cured I sure enough stopped the sub and within a week was back on hydro. Within two weeks up to 20 a day. So, NOW......... am VERY plugged in to my AA/NA groups. My sponsor is a miracle. This is day 2 for me. Trying sub again. I learned a lot today. I think I know what you are talking about Redd when you see the disease in action. I'm flat in it. But hopeful. God is amazing eh?
I agree as well, I mean really, it just had to be a matter of time before they would crack down on this stuff. I hope no one here gets caught up in it when they actually do..

But of course, there will be those that will Tom, if it comes to that. Its in the nature of the beast. It takes a beast to know one.

recovering beast
The thing that gets me is how do they allow it without giving your physicians name I mean I would fill the entire form out but get to that part and think no way am I putting down my physicians name he will know I'm addicted for sure, so I always ended up deleting . I did get introduced to Soma that way though since they don't require a doctors info. But for the grace of God, I couldn't get my hydros that way or I would be in serious trouble
Tapering off today on 7 222's and three somas was on medications of some sort for over 17 years. Wishing everyone HOPE.