It sure feels wonderful to come to this board without being in withdrawal,or under the influence,or full of anger,hate or jealousy.I feel very grateful because there was a time when I had come to these recovery sites those very ways.
I truly hope that each and every one of you will experience the joy of being freed from the bondage of addiction.I also hope that you all will experience the great joy of having a loving relationship with Jesus Christ.
Some of you know my story and know what extreme measures I went through while abusing Oxycontin and trying to find sanity once again.I just thank God so much for loving me enough to let me experience all that pain and anguish,because if I hadn't..I don't think I would have found the Love,peace and contentment that I have now.
We have a few varying views here on what recovery is and how to achieve it.We have those who use suboxone,methadone, Klonopin,Ativan,Clonodine and cold turkey.Those who use anti-depressants and those who don't. One thing I found is that we are all different. As some of you know...I was not given an option and was forced to go cold turkey withdrawal from a couple thousand milligram a day habit in a not so desirable place.
I believe we as individual human beings should be given an opportunity to choose how we want to proceed with our recovery program.I also think that we as fellow addicts should support one another no matter what method we may choose.
The saying goes..."We learn from our mistakes"...Just like anything else in life the road to recovery is learning from our mistakes.What works for one may not work for another.Doesn't mean it won't work at all. We all need to feel we are worth the effort and need support from as many people possible.
I could really care less on what method anyone uses as long as the result is positive.If some said that rubbing tree bark on their butt helped them recover...I'd find them as much tree bark as I could...LOL.
All I know is that I am so grateful for what I have today and I hope and pray that I can help someone else to feel the same.
what a beautiful post..........
so nice to "see " ya.........
God bless you.
what a wonderful post to read and especially about the Lord helping you and your love for HIM.............
love you kevin.....
what a beautiful post..........
so nice to "see " ya.........
God bless you.
what a wonderful post to read and especially about the Lord helping you and your love for HIM.............
love you kevin.....
thumper'd yanno about the tree bark ???...I swear I never told a soul....<smile>
Nice to see you Bish, I have read all your old posts...what an inspiration !
Love and light,
Nice to see you Bish, I have read all your old posts...what an inspiration !
Love and light,
Hey Thumper...SO NICE TO HEAR FROM YOU!! You and I know that the Lord is the reason I am doing as well as I am.Trying to take the credit for my success would be foolish.
I've been doing some spot reading here and there,but tell me how your doing?
My daughter Tina and I have been talking much more these days.Now that she is 25 she is more open with her old man..LOL.It's been a real blessing!!! When I hear the excitement in her voice when she talks about how God is working in her life reminds me of you! I can just sense the joy in your heart when you talk about spiritual things.
I'm going down to visit her in October.She wants me to move down there so badly.I told her it may happen..who knows? I still have my Son who lives here in Minnesota.Though warmer weather in the winter sounds so inviting...LOL...especially when it's 40 below zero...LOL.
She does however speak about how wondeful her church is.She attends a Christian non-denominational church.Doesn't matter to me as long as they teach from the Bible.She also goes on and and on about how beautiful Tennesee is.She has me all excited about coming down..LOL.
Thumper...thank you so much for all your kind and inspirational posts.They have been a great help to me,not only in my recovery,but my walk with Chrst also.
If I don't see ya here...I'll look for you in Heaven.
Your brother in Christ,
I've been doing some spot reading here and there,but tell me how your doing?
My daughter Tina and I have been talking much more these days.Now that she is 25 she is more open with her old man..LOL.It's been a real blessing!!! When I hear the excitement in her voice when she talks about how God is working in her life reminds me of you! I can just sense the joy in your heart when you talk about spiritual things.
I'm going down to visit her in October.She wants me to move down there so badly.I told her it may happen..who knows? I still have my Son who lives here in Minnesota.Though warmer weather in the winter sounds so inviting...LOL...especially when it's 40 below zero...LOL.
She does however speak about how wondeful her church is.She attends a Christian non-denominational church.Doesn't matter to me as long as they teach from the Bible.She also goes on and and on about how beautiful Tennesee is.She has me all excited about coming down..LOL.
Thumper...thank you so much for all your kind and inspirational posts.They have been a great help to me,not only in my recovery,but my walk with Chrst also.
If I don't see ya here...I'll look for you in Heaven.
Your brother in Christ,
LOL....hey Diana...where do I send the bark!!!!!! I truly am happy that some of my posts have inspired you. I too have been inspired by so many here.I've learned to block out the negative stuff and focus on the good stuff,and believe me,there is alot of people with great insight here.You'd think it would all come from old timers,but more of it seems to come from those freshly new to recovery. I guess that's why we can't judge a person on how long they have been clean,but rather the qaulity of clean time.
So...if you have the time please tell me more about you and your recovery.I really would like to hear it.It's your turn to inspire me(and the others who read this post) I never get tired of hearing peoples stories. I'm here until Monday morning,and then who knows when I will be back...LOL.I don't have my own computer any-longer,but I still come back and check in when I can.
So...if you have the time please tell me more about you and your recovery.I really would like to hear it.It's your turn to inspire me(and the others who read this post) I never get tired of hearing peoples stories. I'm here until Monday morning,and then who knows when I will be back...LOL.I don't have my own computer any-longer,but I still come back and check in when I can.
Hello again Kevin, monday....ok well we only have a couple of hours then, since tomorrow I plan to spend the day shopping for my brand new bike and bike riding with my 11 year old son and my husband.....and I've been up since 6:30 am so this post is going to be craaaazy.....I warned ya....
Well let's see...the biggest part of my recovery program was spending 26 days in India and discovering there is a higher power !! I had to go to the Southern Hemisphere to believe.....
....and the grids are wide open and not so cluttered there. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. The rest of it is on the pot board. I went to Sunday school as a child but I just didn't get it....:-)
I also see a counsellor once every couple of weeks because I need to get to the root of all the alcohol and drug abuse that began at age 14, I have been in and out of therapy since the early nineties, with huge bits of sobriety sprinkled throughout. I have a diet regime with weight watchers because I am "overweight", I meditate (and I am thinking there's channelling going on too, but I'm not quite sure because I was taught as a child that that's whacked)...but whatever.... I do yoga with Rodney Yee, I LOVE LOVE LOVE to garden, I connect with animals, I research Buddhism, crystals, Reiki, the zen of Mary Poppins and how the rubber tree plant is the symbol of natural obstacles to be overcome by confidence and hard work ~ hence the ant has hiiiiiigh hopes...:-) and I'm beginning a course soon on Huna philosophy ! I also spend some time talking with my grandmothers whom both passed in 2002 and when my dad calls we talk about Jesus and it's cool because Jesus and Buddha are good friends. :-) Oh and sometimes when I have pictures taken of me there's an orb in the picture and I'm not really sure how I feel about that anymore. The last photo was taken in India and then my camera disappeared in Rishikesh.
Was that too much information ?
This following link excites me too and I'm so curious about so many things that "patience" is being whispered in my ears...daily....
Isn't that cool !!!!!???
and this afternoon I watched an awesome program by Deepak Chopra and yesterday I asked my 16 year old daughter if I was too whoo whoo with the spirituality I am expressing around the house lately and she said she loves that I am not angry anymore ??? HA ! Pot does not make one angry...could it be !!!! ???? So I made amends to her because I went to a couple of NA meetings and it just made sense. I was supposed to go to a meeting tonight but instead I found myself invited to talking/visiting with this lonely mother of my son's new friend and she had a beautiful aura and kindness about her so that just made my whole sober evening very NA-like so I think it counts. :-)
Thanks for asking. I like to visit this board, because if I have positive thoughts for all here, wonderful things can manifest for those who suffer from this obviously HUGE pp addiction issue which I had no idea existed. Millions of thoughts are being tossed around through these computer thingees LOL which have crystals in them and YES it does matter. I pretend that I'm sitting in a room with everyone, so I remember my manners as much as possible and try try try to be assertive and think before I speak.
Sometimes I'm just avoiding housework. <smile>
That's my truth.
.... and I think what's really lovely about recovery is the PASSION that people have for their HP, whatever/whomever that may be.....
Love and Light,
Well let's see...the biggest part of my recovery program was spending 26 days in India and discovering there is a higher power !! I had to go to the Southern Hemisphere to believe.....
....and the grids are wide open and not so cluttered there. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. The rest of it is on the pot board. I went to Sunday school as a child but I just didn't get it....:-)
I also see a counsellor once every couple of weeks because I need to get to the root of all the alcohol and drug abuse that began at age 14, I have been in and out of therapy since the early nineties, with huge bits of sobriety sprinkled throughout. I have a diet regime with weight watchers because I am "overweight", I meditate (and I am thinking there's channelling going on too, but I'm not quite sure because I was taught as a child that that's whacked)...but whatever.... I do yoga with Rodney Yee, I LOVE LOVE LOVE to garden, I connect with animals, I research Buddhism, crystals, Reiki, the zen of Mary Poppins and how the rubber tree plant is the symbol of natural obstacles to be overcome by confidence and hard work ~ hence the ant has hiiiiiigh hopes...:-) and I'm beginning a course soon on Huna philosophy ! I also spend some time talking with my grandmothers whom both passed in 2002 and when my dad calls we talk about Jesus and it's cool because Jesus and Buddha are good friends. :-) Oh and sometimes when I have pictures taken of me there's an orb in the picture and I'm not really sure how I feel about that anymore. The last photo was taken in India and then my camera disappeared in Rishikesh.
Was that too much information ?
This following link excites me too and I'm so curious about so many things that "patience" is being whispered in my ears...daily....
Isn't that cool !!!!!???
and this afternoon I watched an awesome program by Deepak Chopra and yesterday I asked my 16 year old daughter if I was too whoo whoo with the spirituality I am expressing around the house lately and she said she loves that I am not angry anymore ??? HA ! Pot does not make one angry...could it be !!!! ???? So I made amends to her because I went to a couple of NA meetings and it just made sense. I was supposed to go to a meeting tonight but instead I found myself invited to talking/visiting with this lonely mother of my son's new friend and she had a beautiful aura and kindness about her so that just made my whole sober evening very NA-like so I think it counts. :-)
Thanks for asking. I like to visit this board, because if I have positive thoughts for all here, wonderful things can manifest for those who suffer from this obviously HUGE pp addiction issue which I had no idea existed. Millions of thoughts are being tossed around through these computer thingees LOL which have crystals in them and YES it does matter. I pretend that I'm sitting in a room with everyone, so I remember my manners as much as possible and try try try to be assertive and think before I speak.
Sometimes I'm just avoiding housework. <smile>
That's my truth.
.... and I think what's really lovely about recovery is the PASSION that people have for their HP, whatever/whomever that may be.....
Love and Light,
Thanks my memory is not what it use to be but were you the one I was talking with about Buddhism awhile back??? I remember some books I was suppose to look for and I couldn't find any(Very Christian community ya
That must of been some experience those 26 days in your husband as passionate as you are about Buddhism? I would sure like to know more about others beliefs.It would be nice to know more about others cultures. I would like to know more about islam,hinduism and more about the Torah and Judaism.I find it all intersting.
Us Christians want everyone to know about Christ and Christianity,but yet I think most of us are very ignorant about other faiths.My daughter has been over seas and many cities here in the states on missions trips.She too has a passion for learning about other cultures besides our own.
Now is India more of a muslim country or is Buddhism or Hinduism? See how ignorant I am?
Anyway...That was not too much information...LOL.I never did talk with my Grandmas much when they were alive...don't know what we would talk about now...LOL. So we don't have that much in common as far as HP's doesn't mean we can't learn something from each other now does it?
Have fun with your family tommorow...sounds like fun!!!
That must of been some experience those 26 days in your husband as passionate as you are about Buddhism? I would sure like to know more about others beliefs.It would be nice to know more about others cultures. I would like to know more about islam,hinduism and more about the Torah and Judaism.I find it all intersting.
Us Christians want everyone to know about Christ and Christianity,but yet I think most of us are very ignorant about other faiths.My daughter has been over seas and many cities here in the states on missions trips.She too has a passion for learning about other cultures besides our own.
Now is India more of a muslim country or is Buddhism or Hinduism? See how ignorant I am?
Anyway...That was not too much information...LOL.I never did talk with my Grandmas much when they were alive...don't know what we would talk about now...LOL. So we don't have that much in common as far as HP's doesn't mean we can't learn something from each other now does it?
Have fun with your family tommorow...sounds like fun!!!
Hey Bish:
You were one of the people I "talked" with my first night on this board! I'm glad you are doing so well. May I ask :what were you addicted to (you mentioned a 1,000+ mg.'s) and for how long? How did you quit? Do you go to 12 step meetings? I just want some of what you have! What you and some of the others - thats what I want!!!!!! You seem so happy, at peace and content. I know it took a lot of hard work to get there.
Do you live in Minnisota (sp) now? I'd love to live there! I heard it's very pretty and clean. And cold, I love the cold! Where in Tennessee does your son live? I'm in a suburb north of Atlanta, so I've been to Tennessee many times, its beautiful. My ex worked in Nashville so we were back and forth a lot.
I'd write more but I've got to go to work, hopefully we'll talk again soon!
You were one of the people I "talked" with my first night on this board! I'm glad you are doing so well. May I ask :what were you addicted to (you mentioned a 1,000+ mg.'s) and for how long? How did you quit? Do you go to 12 step meetings? I just want some of what you have! What you and some of the others - thats what I want!!!!!! You seem so happy, at peace and content. I know it took a lot of hard work to get there.
Do you live in Minnisota (sp) now? I'd love to live there! I heard it's very pretty and clean. And cold, I love the cold! Where in Tennessee does your son live? I'm in a suburb north of Atlanta, so I've been to Tennessee many times, its beautiful. My ex worked in Nashville so we were back and forth a lot.
I'd write more but I've got to go to work, hopefully we'll talk again soon!
Hi Lola... if you would read my post on Recovery what does it mean? I explain what I was on and what I went through.
Yes...I'm a Minnesotan....if you like cold weather we have plenty up here...LOL.I don't think you'll find too many people here that will say they enjoy when it gets to 40 or 50 below...LOL.Especially when you try and start your car and the battery is dead!!!..LOL.
It's my daughter who lives in Tennesse...she lives in Nashville...she is a youth pastor and runs a program for innercity kids there.She's been down there about 4 years now and I have not been able to get down to visit her.This October will be my first visit.
I've done it all from rehab,NA,AA,therapist,psychiatrist,dual diagnosis groups,and church.Basically I found that when I took the focus off of me and turned it to Christ is when I started to heal.
I learned what started my anxiety and depression and was able to learn how to deal with it without medicating.Just remember that recovery is a constant learning process.I use to beat myself up when I made mistakes,now I learn from them and move on.
I ,learned as much as I could about addiction and related it to my own situation.I found there was no sure method that fit everyone.Try not to be so hard on yourself and keep asking questions and getting answers Lola.
Oxycontin was my DOC,but you will find that it's not the drug but rather your attitude that needs to be worked on.Don't be afraid to get information.I learned plenty from rehab,Na and AA.Though I don't attend meetings anymore I sure gained alot of knowledge from them that I would not have gotten anywhere else.You may be suprised at some of the wonderful people you can meet there also. I realize those first few meetings seemed a bit odd to me,but what did I have to lose from going?
I sure wish you the best Lola...I think you have a great attitude so far.I'm not around much anymore,but will stop by from time to time and I will see how your doing.
Yes...I'm a Minnesotan....if you like cold weather we have plenty up here...LOL.I don't think you'll find too many people here that will say they enjoy when it gets to 40 or 50 below...LOL.Especially when you try and start your car and the battery is dead!!!..LOL.
It's my daughter who lives in Tennesse...she lives in Nashville...she is a youth pastor and runs a program for innercity kids there.She's been down there about 4 years now and I have not been able to get down to visit her.This October will be my first visit.
I've done it all from rehab,NA,AA,therapist,psychiatrist,dual diagnosis groups,and church.Basically I found that when I took the focus off of me and turned it to Christ is when I started to heal.
I learned what started my anxiety and depression and was able to learn how to deal with it without medicating.Just remember that recovery is a constant learning process.I use to beat myself up when I made mistakes,now I learn from them and move on.
I ,learned as much as I could about addiction and related it to my own situation.I found there was no sure method that fit everyone.Try not to be so hard on yourself and keep asking questions and getting answers Lola.
Oxycontin was my DOC,but you will find that it's not the drug but rather your attitude that needs to be worked on.Don't be afraid to get information.I learned plenty from rehab,Na and AA.Though I don't attend meetings anymore I sure gained alot of knowledge from them that I would not have gotten anywhere else.You may be suprised at some of the wonderful people you can meet there also. I realize those first few meetings seemed a bit odd to me,but what did I have to lose from going?
I sure wish you the best Lola...I think you have a great attitude so far.I'm not around much anymore,but will stop by from time to time and I will see how your doing.