Hi Everyone,
It's been so long since I've posted or checked this site that gave me back my sanity and life.
Well I won't go into my whole history but if anyone remembers it's pretty much the same as every addicts story.
I was on sub for a year and a 1/2 in in April of this year I said enough is enough.I am tired of paying for more medication. So I tappered and probably not the right way but I did it.. It was not easy and there were moments when I wondered if I made the right decision but I knew in my heart I was putting off the invevitable. I am thankful for Sub because I don't think I could have gotten off the merry go round without it. Now I try and look at life and everyone in it.. we all have our own s*** whether we use or don't use or have used and stopped using. A pill or drink or whatever your drug of choice is or may have been it is only a temporary fix and it actually makes things worse when I look back at my past at least... So I just do what I can to get by and ask forgiveness for everyone I hurt while I used and I also am now able to forgive myself. (well somewhat, still working on that)
I hope you are all doing well and just wanted to check in and let you know I didn't get caught up in using again and that was the reason for my abscence from this board....
Thanks to all of you for all your advice over the two years I've been posting here.
I wish you all health, happiness, and most of all peace within yourselves.
Love to all
Oh, my God!
I didn't think I'd ever find out what happened to you! I'm so glad you've popped in. I phased out of the forum for a long while too but I've found my way back in the last couple months. How are you?
I didn't think I'd ever find out what happened to you! I'm so glad you've popped in. I phased out of the forum for a long while too but I've found my way back in the last couple months. How are you?
Hi Beebah~!
It's good to see you and to see that recovery looks awesome on you!
Thanks for popping in and sharing your update. I do think of you and miss you, you so reminded me of myself and it's really great to read that your living life on life's terms.....
Keep coming back,
It's good to see you and to see that recovery looks awesome on you!
Thanks for popping in and sharing your update. I do think of you and miss you, you so reminded me of myself and it's really great to read that your living life on life's terms.....
Keep coming back,
Thanks Stacey and Callie,
I hope you are doing well too. I miss this forum and all the great people that opened up and shared and help each other.
God Bless
I hope you are doing well too. I miss this forum and all the great people that opened up and shared and help each other.
God Bless