It's Getting Worse...

The other day I posted about my family and how screwed up we are. My oldest sister, who is an addict and lives in another state just got in BIG trouble. Today she had her 4 year old grand-daughter with her at the store. She was walking back out to her car and the police showed up. Turned out the store spotted her shop-lifting. I don't know what she took, doesn't matter. She got combative and they searched her and found several pills in her pocket. She says they're methadone pills but she doesn't have a script and she doesn't go to a clinic. All of this went down in front of the baby. My mom who was just diagnosed with alzeimhers had to go to the site of the arrest and get the baby. My sister wouldn't even talk to my mom. Apparerently she was mad and just kept cussing. I just don't know what is going to happen to my sister. Not only is she an addict but is also bipolar. I'm so mad and sad at the same time. Please keep her and her family in your prayers. She needs it badly. Peace.

Hi my heart is with you hun. For some reason each time my sister causes some disruption with in the family (wich is at least once a year sometimes more) It has a tendency to infringe in my world. Its in the HP's hands now. Maybe she will get the help she needs.
In the meantime. Is she in jail? Are you close to her or your mom georgraphically (sp)?
hello,shelly I had to answer you here,my spouse,is bipolar to,,its so hard if you are not on the rite meds,,most of them ,,biplar people self medicate.very sad,,,so she needs to learn how to deal with the disease,,which they love the manic part of the disease,sad ,,and most of them don't want to lose that part ,,so they dont want meds ,turns them into zom bies in some cases,,,so I FEEL for you and your sister,,,be safe sweety love poopie
Thanks Jane and Poopie. No, I don't live anywhere near my mom and sister. They both live in a small town in Wisconsin and I'm in southern West Virginia. Actually I'm glad I don't live close to them. I know it sounds awful but I just don't think I could handle it. Poopie you're right. My sister never wants to take her anti-depressants or anti-psychotic meds. They don't get her high. She's only interested in things that can get her stoned. I hope my sister gets the help she needs but this has been going on for years and even if she does get help I'll never be able to trust her again.

I no,my spouse said when on a manic,,its like being on,,whats that drug,cocaine,so he didn't want to take it,,,meds,,,so finally he said yes to the meds,,,so hes in a very zombie state,well not that bad,,but alot more pleasant,dear,,,its very hard for bipolar people,,I FEEL SO SAD FOR THEM,meds make them very low mood,and no meds make them crazy,,danged if they do and danged if they dont,,,please understand that your sister came in to this world in a very bad state of mind,,please help her,,she cant help it,,can you just see your self being in a normal sate of mind,,and thats crazy,,,and living like that,,I think manic depression people should not be accountable for there actions,,they cant help,,that there mind is wired wrong,,self medication,they just to be normal ,,without the zombie state of mind,,poor sister,bless her ,,,,,and believe me,those meds they have to take makes them,low,but level,soooooooooo sad,I would not wish anyone to be bipolar,,its so bad,,poor poor humans that have it,,,love poopie,,,one I find out someone has bipolar..I JUST WANT TO HOLD THEM AND TELL THEM i LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT,,please forgive her,please,shes helpless to this bad bad mind diseise,poopie