Its A Sign

I took my son to see the house yesterday. Everything is cleaned out except on cabinet and a medicine cabinet. Guess what was in the med cabinet? Yes. A bottle of xanax. Obviously the people that lived there before were not addicts because they wouldn't have left them behind if they were. I figure it is a sign that I was meant to live in that house.

BTW The xans got thrown in the pool in case anyone was wondering. A good half bottle. Sigh.
I wonder what you will find when you start digging??????
Remember,you can't bury things deep in South Florida.
That is so strange...out of all the things to leave behind....
Wow...just gave me chills! Thanks for sharing that.
Cowgirl...I've been meaning to tell you...although I am an alcoholic and primarily on that board, I come on this board, too. You sure seem to have what I want. I don't know your story, you seem to be walking the walk. Thank you for sharing your ESH.
Kind of gives a new meaning to a pool party! <beg>

Congratulations on your new digs, Miss Bird. I'm probably one of the few here who knows how it was when you first moved to the sunshine state. You trusted God, cleaned house, and continue to give back, and baby when we do that the sky's not even a limit as to the joy that blesses our lives.

You my old friend, are a miracle! I'm so happy for you.

I love ya ~

Thanks, Miz D. Hey! I'll actually have a guest room when we get settled. (hint hint)