Its A Tooth Abscess!!!!

i am in so much pain, i have an abscessed tooth, the dentist cleaned out the pus ( the odor in the room was awful) and until i get the root canal tomorrow at my endodontists office, i will still have this horrendous pain, i am on an antibiotic too.
i cant believe i endured this with no narcotics! jewels
Dear Jewels:

I hope and pray that tomorrow will come fast for you.
Also, I wish for you an early, early appt.

You have really hung in there, girl. Be proud of yourself.
Love, Becky
Julie, Good to read after today you will finally have some relief from all the pain you have been in. Keep hanging in there it's almost over. Good luck today. Shantel
Jewels Huny I KNOW tooth pain very well.To help clean the infection out try rinsing your mouth with SEA SALT & warm water.It helps draw it out & may help the pain.
When my teetn act up I guess Im lucky because I still have lidocaine from my throat issues & that tends to numb it up real well.

i am just now getting ready to leave for my 1 oclock appt with an endodontist, he will finish the procedure by doing a root canal.
last night a few hours after the novacaine wore off from the dental procedure i had done yesterday, the pain came back with a vengenance! the pain radiated down my neck and throat, felt like strep, but i took some ibuprophen and a ice pack and went to sleep, today it is sore and very painful when i bite down, its hard to chew! the dentist said a few more days of soreness, then it should subside.
in the old days, i would of viked it up for sure, i cant believe i endured this with ibuprophen! gotta go, yeah! relief! love jewels

OMG I know the agony of tooth pain! I have had 2 root canals and both times it wasn't that bad at all. I hope you feel the same when this is over. Let us know how it went. Praying for you.

Jewels, I hope that you will be feeling better real soon!
Jewels.......Good for you enduring such pain. You are strong willed! I hope today went better for you and the pain subsides soon!

God Bless ya honey............

i pray your pain quickly ends.......

yes you right !

motrin works so good for me.......
right now i have an ear infection ( another one)...*sigh* they hurt....

but motrin takes all the pain away.............

love you Jewels...........


I'm so sorry that you have to wait even longer God is really testing you. I know you can make it. I am pulling and praying for you.The waiting has to be horrible. I can't imagine.
You're hanging in there - I have to say - I think I would be screaming "DRUGS!!!"

No, I am SO proud of you.

Love, Becky

I hope the antibiotics kick in soon. Hang in there.

Julie, Just checking in to see how it went at the dentist yesterday. Hopefully, it went well and your pain has subsided some and you got a good nights rest. By the way wasn't last night your consult with the lawyer? How did that go? Take Care, Shantel
Let us know. We're all thinking of you.
Very concerned.

Love, Becky
in answer to your question shantell about the consult with the divorce lawyer, i had to call and reschedule it because i was in so much pain with the abscessed tooth, she didnt call me back to reschedule, it was advised to me that i not have a women lawyer as two women ganging up on a man does not hold well in court. so after realizing that, i need to call a man lawyer. i have been not able to think about anything but this pain, the crown that supported the infected tooth broke twice after both dentists drilled on it, this is a brand new crown i had to pay for out of pocket $600 as i have used all my dental benefits for this year, the root canal cost $900!
another piece chipped off the crown and was cutting the underside of my tongue like a razor! omg! here we go again, i had to go back to the dentist, have him file down the broken crown, i could barely talk because it would make my tongue rub on the sharp piece and it had become so swollen and painful, i was upset that this brand new crown was messed up, fortunately my dentist is going to replace it free! thank you Jesus! i hope this tooth problem is over.

Dear Jewels:

I hope you're better today. You have had a time.

I think that makes sense having a man lawyer. I have always dealt better w/men in situatiions- like work, etc. I know I'm a woman but I had rather work for a man anyday. The last (ony) woman I worked for would just slam doors and leave if we came in 15 minutes late. Most men I've worked for would just say - "You think you can try getting here on time? They just tell it like it is more so.
Not all, but I think most.

You are so brave going though with your appt. We are going to use a mediator - we don't want to use all of house equity on lawyers. That's one thing we both agree on.
I have to live in this tension filled house 'til it sells. If we start the proceedings before it sells and we split the equity, then we won't have to wait til divorce is over or legal sparation is in place, not sure - just know we have to sell house 1st.
We are being civil to each other. That surprises me.
Let you go. Let e know how you are.

Love, Becky
good morning becky jean
thank you so much for thinking and asking about me! you are a sweetheart!
i think i can say that the tooth has finally tamed down. the antibiotic kicked in and i will get a new crown in 6 weeks after the tooth has had a chance to settle down.
i am so confused and distressed concerning my failing marriage, i want out of his life so bad, yet on the other hand i stand to gain if i stay and wait it out to receive the benefits that i deserve.
he has such a keen talent in making one second guess themselves, the clues are there in black and white, yet he can lie to me and then i end up doubting myself???????????
yet another incident will occur and then i am able to confirm it is true, but those feelings fade as time goes on and then i think, oh, maybe its not so bad, until a new incident arises and then, i want him out NOW!
like last night, he must of been tired from all his nightly partying, mind you he is 15 years older than i (he is 65) or his woman must of not been available because he decided to come home to sleep here, he unloads the dishwasher!!!! (must have to justify his guilt) he has also left me here with all the responsibilities of the entire household inside and out and he has never been one to help at all in a marriage that is supposed to be 50/50 concerning housework and such.and if you are sick or just had surgery, you can forget ever getting any help from him at all,
anyway, i worked yesterday and when i got home, he had brought home fast food from wendy's and did his porn thing in the basement and then passes out on the couch, i heard his cell phone ring and he wakes up and i can hear him mumbling to someone who i am sure is the other woman, then i didnt hear it clearly but when he ended the conversation, it sounded like," love you too"
ok, i try not to get upset and all i said as i walked by the couch was "love you too" well that escalated as he blatantly lied to me, because as i was walking past the couch ( he didnt know i had gotton home from work yet) he was starting to dial his cell phone and as soon as he saw me he quickly hid the phone under his pillow! and he says, i dont have a girl friend. i reminded him of how much he hurt when his first wife cheated on him and tried to get him to understand what his behavior has done to me.
i walked away after getting into a fight i knew i should have avoided, went outside in the back yard to spend sometime with my dogs while they were doing their business and i broke down and cried.
came inside and got on the computer which is right by the couch he is sleeping on. some time has passed now and here we go again his cell phone rings at 10:53 pm, i am certain its her, he didnt wake up, it went to voicemail and i had to listen to all the beeps from his phone reminding him he had a voicemail as he continued to sleep and with every beep it reminded me of how my husband is cheating.
so he is now well rested, did his own laundry and is off to work and he will come back today as his check is mailed on wed. and then we wont see him for days.
so that is the update, pretty damn sick i have to put up with this bs simply for the fact that i cant support myself despite my working at 3 different jobs.
i trust that God is going to see that i and my sons and animals are provided for as it states in the bible: if God so takes care of the birds of the air and the lilies of the field......... He will surely take care of you. thats what keeps me sane. love jewels

I hope you're doing better! I've not read this thread til today because I figured you had it under control (and, not surprisingly you do) but I'm dealing with the same thing! Never had any trouble with my teeth. Not even any cavities for YEARS. All the sudden, 2 days ago, my tooth is roaring. I know it's bad. I tried calling dentists yesterday after work but I was too late. They were all closed. I'm in agony this morning and I'm due to start my Sub again today. I'm all over the board trying to keep my mind off the pain and wait til the offices open so I can figure out what to do. Anyway, I'm sorry to hear you've had such a time but I'm glad you're getting it fixed. I don't have insurance any more (ran out on the first of the month) so I'm fretting already about how I'm going to pay for my tooth and my Sub treatment. I'll probably have to go to selling my body. Naw....I'd end up owing on that account too!

I'm done rambling now. Have a good day!

Dear Callie and Jewels:

Callie: I think if I tried to sell my body - they would give me a $10 bill and ask for change.
haha - I hope

No, I hope your tooth gets better and you can continue with your Sub - that's s'thing you need.

Love, Becky Jean

Jewels: I hate to say it but you are not in a marriage - With all that he is doing, I don't see how you couldn't get more than half and at least half. Your sons look older - they are very handsome, by the way, I'm partial, I have sons.
Anyway, looks like you would be getting child support for at least one. Don't stay b/c of money. Please. He is destroying you. Your sons don't want to see you like this. I was teasing on the 4th of July (I may have already told you this - getting senile) and I told my sons that if I ever married again - it would be to a rich man. My youngest - 25 yr old - said - I don't care who you marry, just don't re-marry my Daddy. I was shocked that they had picked up on so much. My 33 yr old says we have a toxic relationship. We do.

He's pulling the same things - I think he just wants to stay in this house b/c neither of us can afford the type of house that he would want on one income. He has to have the best. This is no huge house but it's too big for 2 peopple.
Anyway, yesterday he said, "I think I need to go somewhere"
I said - do you mean somewhere like Marshall Pickens? That's the local rehab/mental health hospital - it's a really good place - I got so much info in those 5 I was there.
He said no, he didn't need that, and I told him that there was no stigma attached to needing to go and get (well, you just feel refreshed) There's group meetings, activity time, the food is wonderful, e'one in there gains weight during their stay. He knows this b/c your family can eat w/you on the w'ends and I was in there on a w'end. You have fun - Kareoke - going outside for breaks - therapist, very smart ones - some who have "been there" - I like them the best. The staff is wonderful. It has to help as much as those posh rehabs there showing where "Lindsey" and the other celebs are going. This staff doesn't talk down to the people there - they act like they are one of us .

I'll get off my soapbox, didn't mean to write a book.

I questioned him more and he said s'thing like I'm 49 and is this all there is to life? That sounds like a mid-life crisis - If he would go to that hospital and see those people who are still happy who may not even have a home to go home to - have to go to a shelter - he may appreciate his life.

I was telling my 25 yr old some of this yesterday and he said very strictly "Mom,
you are to be concerned with yourself, you can't fix Dad" That is so true.

So, please do what you need to do for you, for your sons. I think with an underage child - you would still get to stay in the house.

Talk with a lawyer - document all of this - see if you can get copy of cell phone bills or are they only in his name? Attorney can probably get them anyay. He is cheating and he's acting like you're the crazy one - I'm sorry - I think you are beautiful and compassionate and too sweet for your own good.

I hope the lawyer will tear into him.

Love, take care. Glad your'e tooth is better.
Becky Jean

Hi Jewels....I am happy that your tooth is better and you fought and made it through hooray! See...see what we can get through without meds!!!

I am sorry that you are struggling in your relationship and to find the right solution. It will happen when it is suppose to happen. You will make the right decision sweetheart.....stay close and deep in your faith and all will work out the way it should.

Big hugs!!!!
