Its Monday And I Am Up

First let me apologize for not responding actively to your posts. I don't know how to do it so my response is at the top and not buried in the thread. I think I have seen people do that where their response is at the top but maybe I am dreaming.

Okay so it's been since Thursday since I have had any Norco and I will say those first 2 days were HELL but that being said I think it's getting better. You know I have absolutely NO energy. For example I have one basket of laundry to do and you would think it was the size of Mount Rushmore. Oh and then there is the grocery which if I don't go today my family will string me up. I hate this part.

I am feeling better than I was but my head feels really weird a cross between dizzy and foggy. It's the weirdest thing and I honestly don't remember this from last time but who knows.

On top of all that I have a sore throat which I know wouldn't bug me at all with the Norcos so I miss that feeling of being undestructable.

Anyway just wanted to check in and let you all know that I have been sticking it out........
Good morning Irisheyes,
I read your post and instantly was reminded of my own mind bending fatigue during this last detox!!! It really is awful, almost as bad as the intense nausea, vomiting and the creepy crawleys. I detoxed off of vicodin 20 pills a day 5/500 and I know your pain! Just keep thinking, with every passing hour it will get better, this to shall pass. I will think about you all day.

p.s. Roe, are you out there, wanted to say hi and thanks for the kind thoughts yesterday.
Oh it's morning all right the good part is questionable at best right now
I totally understand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The sore throat is probably from w/d. I remember having one. Take some aspirin or advil.
Hi Im,
Just wanted to say hi, hope your doing well. I'm glad you're here, your really an assett!
I have to take my kid to school, just want you to know I'm thinking of you.
We'll make it today girl!